Keith Newcomb: "I'm dying now because I'm
pining away for you." Clutching his heart for dramatic effect.
Stevie Marie Grayson (PM if Fae/Etc): *She
giggles some more and ducks her head a bit* Awww, you're just sayin' that. *She
looks over at Gabe* Hi! I'm Stevie!
Erica Delmater: mmhmm*nodding and keeping
the warm smile, twirling about with a chuckle looking up to the sky* cant help walking barefoot....especially in grass..*and she chuckles as she
hops up onto where the grass is, slinking and squishing her toes in it*
Keith Newcomb: "This is Gabriel, he's a
hero." Smirks.
Stevie Marie Grayson (PM if Fae/Etc): *Her
eyes widen* Really? What'd he do? *She looks between the guys*
Gabriel Marsh: Gabriel offrs the girl a
bright smile, and starts to introduce himself, then blinks at Keith and promply
Keith Newcomb: "He saved a wee little baby
from a terrible death." He grins, elbowing Gabriel. "He climbed ten stories on a
rickety fire escape to do it."
Keith Newcomb: Now that the other two women
are closer, he takes a gander at the one who's barefoot in the grass.
Anjou: ((apologies--storming here. need to
get offline for the night. *hugs all around and skotc*)) *with a soft chuckle,
she moves to Erica's side to murmur in her ear, then drifts off after touching
the woman's cheek ever so softly*
Gabriel Marsh: Gabriel Honestly looks
embarrassed, "it's not that bi g of a deal.. I jus' did what was right..." he
scuffs toes in the dirt. he doesn't get why he and Christian were the ONLY ones
who rushed to help, "b'sides.. Christian did most of the talking anyway..."
Gabriel Marsh: ((take care~~ *hug* enjoy
the rain, if that's your thing ^^ ))
Stevie Marie Grayson (PM if Fae/Etc): *She
blinks* Oh wow! That's totally awesome!
Keith Newcomb: ((Ack! *hugs*))
Erica Delmater: *she looks joyous, up
until anjou whispers in her ear, looking after her with a soft sigh and chew of
her lip, she nods, eyes lowered, and by the time she looks back up anjous gone,
finally her eyes flick about, almost shyly, to the others there..not 'as' bubbly
Stevie Marie Grayson (PM if Fae/Etc): *She
looks between them again* Who's Christian?
Erica Delmater:
d10: per/alert: 8,9,3,5,3,1,4,
Keith Newcomb: He gives Erica a thorough
Gabriel Marsh: Gbae blushes more. "It was
jus' the right thng to do.. An' Christian was the guy who went up inside and
talked the guy into coming inside." a smile.
Keith Newcomb: Stevie: "Christian is a bud.
He DJs at Limelight."
Stevie Marie Grayson (PM if Fae/Etc): Oh!
Hey he's good! *She looks to see who Keith's looking at*
Gabriel Marsh: ((no worries! I"m not that
concerned about it now.. just figured I'd ask if ya knew. no worries :p ))
Gabriel Marsh: ((whoops.. *picks up PM* ))
Keith Newcomb: He grins and lifts his hand,
waving over Erica.
Erica Delmater: *she chews her lip more
noticing keith looking at her, fingers playing a bit with the edges of the
sandals...when stevie looks at her too she blinks a bit more, fidgets the
glasses, clears her throat softly, and takes a deep bracing breath, walking that
general direction now along the grass*
Gabriel Marsh: Gabriel glances that way as
Stevie Marie Grayson (PM if Fae/Etc):
*She waves smiling brightly at the girl as Erica starts heading their way.*
Who's that?
Keith's Phone:
*Ring/Jingle/Chirps/Beethoven's Fifth/I'm Too Sexy....*
Keith Newcomb: Actually, it plays
Stormtroopers of Death's March of the S.O.D.. He gets out his phone, in a
black leather case with the Anarchy symbol leather-burned crimson into it. "No
idea," he says to Stevie, "But I'm gonna find out." He answers. "'Lo?"
Erica Delmater: *when the phone starts
ringing she pauses, only part way there, looking to keith, then to the other
two, giving an unsure sheepish quiet grin*
Keith's Phone -> Keith Newcomb: "Is this
Keith?" Sound of music in the backjground, club music. Kind of distant, though.
"This is Jarod. I think we met once, a while back, at a Karaoke bar."
Keith Newcomb: He winks at Erica and waves
her over again.
Freemage OOC: ((Kittie/Stevie just lost
her connection...))
Keith Newcomb: "Yeah, this is Keith. Hey,
Jarod! Yeah, I remember. You're the guy with the killer pipes, man."
Keith Newcomb: ((Ok, thanks FM))
Elias: *The too skinny
creeps out, but only after dark. His eyes are sunken, and he walks with a slight
slouch, one hand tucked into the pocket of his black jeans. Goth kid, maybe. He
brushes a strand of oily black hair, shoulder-length, behind one ear. Ungodly
pale. Has he seen the sun lately?*
Freemage OOC: ((And if someone could PM
Ravyn with that info, it'd be appreciated. Thanks!))
Freemage OOC: ((Er, IM.))
Keith Newcomb: ((i will))
Keith's Phone -> Keith Newcomb: He
chuckles a little. "Thanks. Listen...I know it's been a while, but...are you
still looking for a singer for your band?"
Erica Delmater: *at the gesture to come
closer again she starts moving closer once more, the tattoo on her ankle
becoming visable now but hard to see what it is because of the hem of the
jeans...the tatt peeking from her waistline looks celtic in nature....soft blue
eyes more of a deep true blue at closer inspection, and some small notepad type
thing hangs from one pocket with a pencil right next to it*
Keith Newcomb: "Hell, yeah," he says into the
phone. "We got a storage unit out in Brooklyn where we jam. When you interested
in seeing if we mesh?"
Gabriel Marsh: (Hmm the new player faq
says 2 weeks.... ....will you pout at/smite me if I ask snow about shifting
stuff, even though I've mentioned to you? *cute eyes* ))
Gabriel Marsh: ((*beats head against a
wall, and picks up another PM>*))
Gabriel Marsh: Gabe offers people
approaching warm smiles. such a sweet ooking boy. ((PM for DD.. if you trust me
to to drop it. c_c)
Keith's Phone: ((*Hugs Gabe-P* Not the
worst PM in history dropped. Not even close...promise. *Coughs*))
Keith's Phone -> Keith Newcomb: "Whenever's
good, really. I have a fair amount of free time on my hands, so I'm good for
whenever fits you guys best."
Erica Delmater: *hearing the talk of
music her eyes almost seem to light up, more curious now, not looking as prone
to heading off, but she fidgets with the sandals in her hand again, the flat
soles tapping against her knees, bare toes squishing about on the ground*
Gabriel Marsh: ((*hugs, uh.. Keith's
Phone-p back.* Oh, I"d belie it.. but it's, like, the 2nd one in 15 minutes ;)
Elias: *His sharp eyes
gaze around. A look to the man on the phone, and the warm one with him. He
sneers slightly.*
Keith Newcomb: "Sweet!" ANother wink at Erica
though he's still on the phone. "I don't know if I can get the guys together
tonight on short notice, but I'm sure we can over the weekend."
Keith's Phone: ((Just wait until your
Garou drops a PM about loving a Wyrmspawn in the middle of a room full of Garou,
Gabe. Then you can compete. *S*))
Keith Newcomb: He looks over at Elias.
Hazel gaze narrowing slightly with speculation.
Erica Delmater: *licking her lips, chew
chew on the lower one slightly before she dares to try and speak towards gabe
even since keiths on the phone, fingers fidgeting more with the sandals now,
voice soft* um....hey.....*no real intelligeable accent to be heard right off*
Gabriel Marsh: ((*rotflmao* okay. You win.
:D ))
Keith's Phone -> Keith Newcomb: "This
weekend would be awesome. Just give me a call and let me know when, man. I'll be
good to go. I also can play guitar, lead and bass, so if we find ourselves short
a guitarist for whatever reason, I can do that, too. Just in case."
Gabriel Marsh: Gabriel offers her a
smile. "Hi." Tone soft. Someone's on the phone--no need ta be rude. ^-^ "I"m
Gabriel" he offers a hand.
Elias: ((I think the
one where I posted to the ST exactly what my character was doing to plot the
demise of another PC at that moment, the player being unawares...))
Keith Newcomb: "Yeah, cool, what's your
number? I'll program it in. We're good with instruments, but no one has your
Keith Newcomb: ((I need to plot some demises.
Ahem.)) He runs a hand through his cream-blond hair, eyes still narrowed.
Today's t-shirt is Venom.
Erica Delmater:
d10: per/alert: 4,5,7,9,10,8,4,
Keith's Phone -> Keith Newcomb: He gives
Keith the number. "And cool with the instruments. Can't wait to get going. I've
been a bit out of practice, but I should be back up to speed in no time."
Keith Newcomb: He grins suddenly. "We're
looking forward to it, man."
Elias: *He doesn't look
afraid of Keith. A challenge? Sunken eyes dully watch the man.*
Erica Delmater: *eyes flick about when
keith narrows his, looking to where he does briefly, blinkblinking those deep
blue eyes behind the black rimmed glasses, chewing her lip again, then looking
back to gabe, clearing her throat softly and speaking quietly again*
Erica....*awkwardish feeling for sure, she definately doesnt seem used to social takes her a few moments to realize a hand is extended before hers
goes out to him, the hoodies sleeve almost hiding her hand up to the first
knuckle of her fingers which are worn and stained with what looks like paint(at
least its different colors), an obvious callous on the fingers that look like
where a pencil rests*
Keith Newcomb: His lips twitch with
amusement at Elias' non-reaction.
Keith's Phone -> Keith Newcomb: "Beaut.
Well, hey...I've gotta go check with my bartender, make sure everything's going
fine. I'll talk to you later, okay?"
Gabriel Marsh: Gabriel offers her a
warm smile. His own fingers have a similar callus, and the fingertips a touch
rough as well, He has a few smudges of charcoal on his fingers. Boy.. hands sure
do speak alot.. "A pleasure." his eyes glance towards the other, skulking
Keith Newcomb: He slides his phone away.
Erica: "I'm Keith."
Keith Newcomb -> Keith's Phone: After he
simply says, "Cool," and *then* hangs up. ((*G*))
Keith's Phone -> Keith Newcomb: ((Woot!
Elias: *He curiously
watches the small group. He nods to the girl when she looks his way.*
Keith Newcomb -> Keith's Phone: ((*L* GG
isn't available Friday, but Saturday will probably be good.))
Erica Delmater: *her cheeks pink when
keith speaks to her, chewing the inside of her lip she blinks a bit, adjusts her
glases, and nods* he...hey, keith.....Erica...*blinkblinking, she keeps glancing
curiously back to elias a few times before looking to gabe again , a soft grin
looking to his hand* you uh...*clearing her throat softly* you draw?
Keith Newcomb: He lets his eyes rove lazily
over Erica's body. "Looking good, Erica. Feel like hanging?"
Gabriel Marsh: Gabriel blushes slightly,
"id say I was born with a pencil in m'hand.. but I use charcoal, and I only
started a couple years back." a smile, and his head tilts, silently asking the
Keith's Phone -> Keith Newcomb: ((Works
for me. *Nods* Killing nick now.))