Maria: ~Shuffle shuffle..... in jammies...... eye rubbing all puffy from sleep..... damn nightmares~

Leon Trass: When she comes out he's already there, though noticing him straight away is another thing, as he's sitting in the dark alone and still in one of the chairs.

Maria: ~And notice him, she does not. Not yet anyways.... being only partially awake. She shuffles with a tangled mass of hair over to one of the chairs and climbs into it, curling up into a little ball~

Leon Trass: Leon makes no action, he's been sitting in the dark long enough his eyes have ajusted, he does look at her, piercing eyes through the dark, but otherwise he does nothing ((not gonna do the nightmares any good))

Maria: ~It takes a few minutes, but then that odd, unsettling feeling of being watched starts to tingle at her. The goosebumps across her skin. She lifts her head, squinting a bit through the darkness, looking around for a long moment, before deciding it's just her nightmares getting the better of her and sighs. She stands back up, and moves over towards the light switch~

Leon Trass: He sits back in his chair, pressuming she's just leaving again, continuing to sit there, silent and unmoving.

Laurel Hensley: She slips in through a window, having come down from the roof via a fire escape. The woman is wearing a simple black tank-top, somewhat low-cut, and a jean skirt. She takes a drag off of her smoke as she slips in, shutting the window before she looks around the room.

Laurel Hensley: ((Color! Gah!))

Maria: ~She hits the lights, then turns to go back to the chair, until her eyes find Leon. Which, naturally, makes her jump damn near out of her skin, with someone else being in the room. The fact that it's Leon makes it that much worse, which gets the startled shriek ripping from her throat~

Jay Lambert: (lol. I hadn't even logged in yet and she's already screaming. Proof that I have a fantabulous AST. *hugs blind*)

Maria: ((~LMAO~))

Leon Trass: Le doesn't react to the shriek, though he does wince at the light untill his eyes adapt, which takes a while after so long in the dark.

Leon Trass: ((I did nothing... no literally so far I've done nothing, but thanks for the hugs anywho *G*))

Jay Lambert: Jay strolls into the club and through the red door, the scream being drowned out by the thump of the club below. He makes a quiet pace.

Laurel Hensley: She tenses as Maria shrieks, moving in that direction without even thinking about it. Instant defense-mode. She looks over, seeing Leon, and the glare she gives is positively withering as she moves to Maria.

Leon Trass: He doesn't react to the glare at all, and sits back in the chair again once his eyes have ajuseted after a cusory glance.

Maria: ~Her hands come up to cover her face, her whole body trembling, all the sleepiness vanished in that one startling moment~ *sp* It's just a dream..... It's just a dream..... It's just a dream..... It's just a dream..... It's just a dream..... Nightmares.... that's all..... just nightmares..... Satan's not here to get me......

Laurel Hensley: By the time she looks back to Maria, the glare is gone. She moves up to her, arms coming out to wrap around Maria's shoulder and draw her intop a comforting embrace.

Jay Lambert: Jay slips through the doorway to the upstairs lounge, looking between the three. He quirks a brow, mumbling. "Uhh.. bad time?"

Leon Trass: Leon Shrugs to Jay's question.

Maria: ~She relflexively jumps, with another little squeak, until she peeks and sees it's not Leon, but Laurel there holding her. She buries her face into the woman and curls right in~ *sp* Make the dreams stop.....

Jay Lambert: He looks between them again, then speak so to Leon. "Spooked her again, eh?" He shrugs, moving further into the room. He's carring a plastic shopping bag of groceries.

Laurel Hensley: d10: Translate: 10,6,6,8,9,9,

Leon Trass: Leon makes a dissmisive movement to the comment but smirks aswell shaking his head settling back into his chair again as if nothing had happened at all.

Maria: d10: tinglies: 3,6,1,8,9,

Laurel Hensley: "It's okay, Maria," she murmurs to Maria. She smooths her hand over the girl's hair. "You're fine, I promise. I'm here." She looks over at Jay and frowns at the blase reaction. "A little sympathy would be nice, you know. And you...leave the lights on, next time. Don't you have somewhere to be?"

Laurel Hensley: ((The second part of that directed to Leon, of course.))

Jay Lambert: He quirks a brow to Laurel, putting the food away. "You think coddling is going to help her? Honestly.. that's messed up."

Maria: ~She slips her arms around Laurel and hugs on her, trembling like a leaf, peeking out at the sound of Jay's voice, then her eyes dart over to Leon, and she quickly buries her face back into Laurel~ *sp* He was.... I..... I thought it was the bad dreams.

Laurel Hensley: "What, think that scaring the shit out of her every other day is so much better? Coddling and sensativity are two separate things." She shakes her head and looks away from the man, back to Maria.

Maria: ((Hey now))

Jay Lambert: He continues to speak, quietly and casually. "She's scared entirely based on the way he looks. If she's that shallow.. let her be scared. If she wanted to get to know him.. she wouldn't have anything to be afraid of."

Leon Trass: He holds his hands up and parts them in a way that says something along the lines of 'what can you do' looking to jay. shaking his head just a little

Maria: ~She frowns some, only hearing about half the conversation, her eyes peeking up through the mass of bed head at Laurel~

Laurel Hensley: "Sure she wouldn't." She sounds rather skeptical of Jay's words about Leon, to say the least, and looks to Maria. "It's all right. You're awake, here and now. And you're safe."

Maria: ~She nods a little bit, still frowning, and lays her head on Laurel, eyes going over to Jay for a moment, then looking back to Laurel~ *sp* I'm sorry.... He just.... it was dark, and I woke up from the dreams....

Jay Lambert: He frowns, still stacking the food where it lives. Stocking up for the girls. "Right." He mumbles. "Look.. if you're going to be a bitch.. I'll just scamper back and tell Urian that you're on the rag.. and can't be bothered until next week. It's up to you."

Laurel Hensley: "And she's hardly shallow, Jay. She's been through a lot. There's a huge difference. Not that I'd expect you to care."

Jay Lambert: Jay looks up with narrowed eyes on Laurel. Clenching his fists at the side. "You're crossing the line.. tyrant. You don't know shit about me. Take it back."

Laurel Hensley: A little frown at Jay's benign threat, but he's got her attention for the moment. "What does Urian want?"

Maria: ~She starts tensing up, burrowing her face down into Laurel, but staying quiet~

Jay Lambert: He maintains a hard glare on Laurel. Taking a step in her direction. "Take.. it back."

Leon Trass: He casts a glance to Jay and gets to his feet slowly, he shakes his head and digs in his pocket.

Laurel Hensley: She watches him calmly. So absolutely tempted to say 'Or what?' It's plain on her face, as she keeps her arms gently around Maria. "If I'm mistaken, and your reaction tonight to her is not indicitive of your true feelings, then I apologize. And I'll thank you to keep in mind that if you want to make threats, whether by words or actions, you can go elsewhere. I've tolerated far worse comments and insinuarions directed my way by those you've come here with and call yourself a part of."

Laurel Hensley: ((by words, actions, or insinuations))

Jay Lambert: He drops his hands, but remains tense. Staring at Laurel. "Close enough." He mumbles. "He sent me to see if you needed any help investigating the home." He ventures a look to Maria. "And.. I had some things to drop off.. anyway. So I stopped by." his last comment spoken quietly. Almost embarassed.

Laurel Hensley: d10: Per+Emp(Jay vs five): 3,4,3,7,7,10,

Maria: ~Her shoulders draw up, leaning more into Laurel, her voice almost too soft~ *sp* He is angry, isn't he. Why does he say mean things to everyone else but tell me different things completely?

Jay Lambert -> Laurel Hensley: It's obvious that he cares about Maria and is insanely protective of her. Mild irritation at having to explain himself. And embarassment that he's being called out.

Leon Trass: He pulls his gloves out of the pocket and pulls them on. looking to jay and raising his eyebrows slightly.

Jay Lambert: He shrugs defensively to Leon, looking away. Toward the window. "Anyway.. if you're busy.. I can come back later. He just thought you'd want to get the ball rolling on this thing.."

Laurel Hensley: He murmurs something quietly to Maria, and then looks to Jay with a nod. Something in her gaze softens, just a bit. "Actually, some help with the home would be good. Since it seems to have fallen through the cracks." Like everything else. She smiles faintly to Jay. "We need to get some recon done. I figure you, myself, and one, maybe two others. Since I know you can sneak, and I've got some skill there, at least. We need subtlety."

Laurel Hensley -> Maria: "Because he cares more about you, I think."

Jay Lambert: d10: try to hear: 7,3,5,3,7,2,2,

Laurel Hensley -> Jay Lambert: ((I'll leave it up to you to interpret how much he heard. *S* "Because he cares more about you, I think."))

Laurel Hensley: ((Gaah. SHE murmurs. SHE. Not a he anymore.))

Jay Lambert: Jay's cheeks redden subtly. He clears his throat and turns toward the hall leading to the exit. "Uhh.. good. Yeah. Subtlety. When you get things planned.. call me. I'm easy to find."

Maria: ~She seems to relax a little bit at the murmer, peeking out once more towards the two men in the lounge, then quickly looking away again, whispering to Laurel~

Leon Trass: He looks back to Laurel and Maria and motions to the side tilting his head slightly and locking eyes with laurel.

Maria -> Laurel Hensley: *sp* If he cares then why does he act like that? He was so different when he took me to the garden, telling me he never wanted to see me sad, but then he runs away when I'm upset. I don't understand. He is a good friend when no one else is around but when other people are around he seems to think he has to be some big tough guy.

Laurel Hensley: She listens to Maria's whisper, then raises a finger, as if to ask for a moment before she nods to Jay. "I will. Soon...thank you for the offer of help." She pauses, her next words seeming as if they have to be self-drug out, though they do have some little sincerity to them. "And tell Urian I appreciate the offer, as well." She looks at Leon and gets a questioning expression, not sure what his meaning is.

Jay Lambert: He nods slowly. Mumbling over his shoulder. "Bye.. Maria. Be careful."

Maria: ~She falls quiet so Laurel can talk, but her head comes up and she looks over to Jay when she hears her name, watching him leave~

Laurel Hensley: "He said goodbye, and to be careful." Simple translation for her.

Maria: ~She nods some, and gives one of those partial smiles, still unnerved at the whole Leon sitting in the dark thing~ *sp* You too Jay.

Leon Trass: When she looks puzzled he just walks past the two to leave. pressuming the terrified girl wouldn't even look his way to have gotten the action. headed for the exit. he doesn't look to laurel or Maria once he starts moving.

Maria: ~She flinches a bit when Leon walks by, then bites her lip and frowns~ *sp* Bye satan.... I'm sorry I screamed at you......

Laurel Hensley: She frowns a bit when he starts to leave. "Leon."

Jay Lambert: Jay moves down the hall and out of the upstairs quarters. (because I.. need sleep. *G* thanks guys.)

Maria: ((~LIX a flower~ Sweet dreams hun! ~G~))

Leon Trass: He turns his head to look back looking to laurel when she says his name.

Leon Trass: ((sleep well Scar))

Laurel Hensley: ((*Hugs the Scar* Bye!))

Laurel Hensley: "Did you have a question, or something you wanted to talk to me about?"

Leon Trass: He taps his throat twice and shakes his head. turning and continuing to walk out.

Laurel Hensley: She looks exasperated. "Can you...I don't know, write it out? I mean...what?"

Maria: ~She burrows her face back into Laurel, falling quiet again and letting them... attempt to communicate~

Leon Trass: He turns back, points to the floor himself and then her and shakes his head, tilts his head and raises an eyebrow as if to ask if she understands.

Laurel Hensley: d10: Per+Emp vs. five: 1,4,4,9,3,2,

Laurel Hensley: "You want to go downstairs?" It's her best guess, grapsing at straws as it is. "Or you don' want to be elsewhere to talk? No going back home?"

Leon Trass: His brow furrows, he waves a hand back in annoyance and exasperation before he turns and leaves, whether or not she continues with guesses or questions.

Laurel Hensley: "Sorry. I don't speak vague-ese very well." She snorts and looks back to Maria, letting Leon go.

Maria: ~She starts to say something, then closes her mouth again quickly, scowling some at almost letting the unpleasant guess slip, without looking up~

Leon Trass: ((thanks for the RP guys, sleep for me too now *nods*. have a good time.))

Maria: ((~Lurvs on a Blind N LIX~ Sweet dreams hun ~G~))

Maria: ~Once she hears the club door open and close again, she lifts her head, peeking over at the hallway, then over to Laurel~

Laurel Hensley: ((Night!))

Laurel Hensley: She watches Leon go and then looks back to Maria. "I'm sorry about that, Maria."

Maria: ~She shakes her head quickly~ *sp* Nothing to be sorry about Laurel.... ~She sighs, frowning~ I over reacted.... again..... didn't I?

Laurel Hensley: "A little," she says with a soft smile. "But I understand. You look like you just woke up...another nightmare?"

Maria: ~She nods, biting her lip~ *sp* I came out here.... hoping either you, or Jay, or Brigitte would be here.... But no one was, so I sat down in the chair to wait. I felt like someone was watching me, and I left the nightlight in my room.... so I turned on the light and he was just.... there.....

Laurel Hensley: "I'm sorry. I was up on the roof...just thinking about some things." She smiles that Brigette was in that list. "I know he's frightening. And I...don't blame you for being wary of him. But..." She sighs, and looks to where he left. "I think he may...mean well. Sometimes, at least."

Maria: *sp* I.... I know.... And I feel really bad for reacting like I did. I want to give him a chance, but he's just so..... big. And scary. ~She leans into Laurel again, laying her head back down~ Are you ok?

Laurel Hensley: She shrugs a little bit, the smiling weakening some. "I guess so. Just...made some bad judgment calls lately."

Maria: ~She gives Laurel a squeeze~ *sp* Everyone makes mistakes, right?

Laurel Hensley: "Yeah." She nods a little bit, and smiles. "But when I make mistakes...I don't exactly do it halfway. And often, there's a lot of people depending on me, so..." She shrugs. "If I do make a mistake, it hurts a lot of people."

Maria: *sp* I think I'd have to be disappointed if you did anything halfway. Even if it's not always good things.

Laurel Hensley: She smiles, looking to the floor. "Well, thank you...I appreciate hearing that, Maria."

Maria: ~She plants a little kiss on Laurel's cheek, giving her a soft smile, now that big and scary is gone, and the security of Laurel being there, she's relaxing more and more, little by little~ *sp* You are a wonderful person. Very good, even when you're hard on yourself. Hurting people.... I can't say I see you doing on purpose. Mistakes are made, and people carry on. It's not like you're running around telling everyone they're bad people and hurting their feelings or something. You try, you put effort in because you care. That makes more of a difference than you might think.

Laurel Hensley: SHe takes a breath and nods. "I hope so. It's...nice to think that, for sure."

Maria: Alot of good deeds go unseen. That's the way things work. People by nature see the bad before the good. Just remember who and what you are, and it makes it worth it in the end because you know you're doing right in your heart.

Maria: ((meep!))

Maria: ((STAY! ~Staples~))

Maria: ((grrrrrrrrr))

Laurel Hensley: Her smile quirks some. "It's hard to forget who and what I am. But thank you." She looks up at Maria and smiles. "You're a wonderful person, you know?"

Maria: ((~double staples~))

Maria: ~She blushes, burrowing her face into Laurel again and giving another squeeze~ *sp* I'm just honest.... and ramble.... and probably ramble too much about things.