ScarletIris: Brigitte is curled up on the bed, dozing halfheartedly. Falling in and out of consciousness.

Laurel Hensley: She's there, dressed in the same clothes as the other night. She hasn't changed. She's sitting on the edge of the bed, cigarette-free and running her hands through her hair. She looks tired...which makes sense. She's been awake as much as she can physically be for the last 48 hours. Next to Brigette the whole time, waiting for this to pass, or for the worst to happen.

Victor Mendez: *Victor moves up the stairs and opens up the red door and lets himself in and wanders into the main room his guitar case hanging over his shoulder*

ScarletIris: Urian follows behind Victor, a comfortable smile about him. Content.

Laurel Hensley: She looks over as Victor comes in, offering him a weak smile. It's gone quickly, though, as Urian gets a narrowing of the eyes and a frown. "Hey."

Victor Mendez: *He nods to Laurel* "Hey Melioth, dont exactly know what youe new name is" *he says as he moves to sit down*

ScarletIris: Urian looks over to Laurel and Brigitte, a frown creasing his lips. "Brigitte.. what happened?" He says quietly, moving in that direction. Brigitte doesn't answer, but she does squirm a bit from her curled position.

Laurel Hensley: "Laurel."

Victor Mendez: *he nods* "Allright Laurel, I guess you have felt the trouble from the north" *he says as he sits down*

Laurel Hensley: She stands up immediately, interposing herself between Urian and Brigette. Her posture straightens, drawing herself up to her full height and taking a tone of authority. She was Tyrant still, and at this moment, she was looking it. "Have a seat, Urian."

ScarletIris: He narrows his eyes on Laurel, standing his ground for the time being. "Look.. Laurel.. I asked what happened to Ouestucati. You might be the tyrant, but I'll not be bullied for no good reason. Not by someone who NEEDS my help."

Victor Mendez: *Victor just sits there* "Laurel please calm down" *he says calmly* "If he makes a move to harm her he will die" *he says as he leans back in the couch*

Laurel Hensley: "I'm not..." She meets his gaze, jaw tightening, before she takes a breath. "I appreciate any help you can offer. Very much so. And I apologize. But she may be suffering...the same thing all expectant mothers are. There's little that can be done right now."

ScarletIris: He winces, looking down to brigitte for a brief moment before going to take a seat near Victor. Quiet for the time being.

Victor Mendez: *He looks to Laurel* "What do we currently know of this situation Laurel?"

Keiko Moroboshi: *She heads into Sanctuary and doesn't hesitate a moment before heading right up behind the red door. There are a few things abnormal about her today. The first one that can be noticed is that she's wearing pants rather than a fact, nothing loose whatsoever, and nothing that would hinder her freedom of movement. The second is the look in her eyes. A combination of anger and determination rather uncharacteristic of Keiko...though those who had met her during the War might recognize that the part of her that is Keiko is being completely and utterly dominated by Mahzian...she carries herself as a warrior, not a doctor*

Laurel Hensley: She relaxes a little when Urian backs off, shoulders slumping a bit, and moves to retake her spot on the bed. A wan smile is offered to Victor, and she takes her glasses off to rub at her eyes. "To answer, yes, I've felt the trouble up North. And spoken to Baby. She knows where it is, and was willing to direct us to the spot. Gave the hint it wasn't such a wise idea, though."

ScarletIris: Urian crosses one leg over the other, listening respectfully to the tyrant speak. He turns when Keiko enters the room.

Laurel Hensley: "I know enough to know that it's a Slayer. High-ranking, being summoned up from Hell. I'm thinking that all of the..." She licks at her lips. "The miscarriages may be a result of it happening, or possibly some kind of sacrifice as part of the ritual."

Laurel Hensley: She looks up when Keiko comes in, offering her a tired smile. "Hey."

Victor Mendez: *He nods* "Allright then I have a suggestion, lets allow Toms circle since he seems to be head strong into diveing straight into this to do just that while we put our efforts to gathering information and boosting our defenses incase they fail" *he says looking at Laurel* "Do you have any idea from speaking with baby who could be behind this?"

ScarletIris: Brigitte gives a weak wimper and squirms a bit on the bed.

ScarletIris: Urian quirks a brow at Victor's proposal. Biting his tongue for the time being.

Victor Mendez: *Victor looks over at Keiko and nods to her as she comes in before returning his attention to Laurel*

Keiko Moroboshi: *she skips greetings, though notes much for meeting him when Tom is present. More important things: FOCUS* "If any planning is to be done, it must be done quickly. The Ritual cannot be allowed to conclude. This City has enough issues now, we cannot allow another one to appear."

Laurel Hensley: She winces when Victor suggests his plan, then shakes his head. "No. Baby wasn't...too happy. Feeling...ignored, understandably. And I'm not too keen on just sending Thomas and company up there...we'll need more then that to do this. Otherwise, it'll just be turning them into cannon fodder, and I don't want that."

ScarletIris: Urian cracks a cryptic smile to Keiko, absently kicking his foot up and down. Waiting for all views to be out on the floor before presenting his it seems.

Keiko Moroboshi: *she glares daggers at Victor for his suggestion*

Victor Mendez: "Well besides Toms idea of just chargeing up there and throwing everyone against unknown odds do we have an actual plan?" *he says looking around at the gathered group* "because personally I dont think its a smart idea to just charge up there, because I trust in what Baby says"

Laurel Hensley: "Whoever's summoning a Slayer has to have reason to...and may likely be a Slayer themselves. Which means we'll need help. Like with like." She looks between the other three as she reaches back to run a soothing hand over Brigette's leg. "We'll need Phillip for this."

Victor Mendez: *He looks at Keiko* "What personally I wouldnt want Tom to be chargeing up their either but from his invocation it seemed he was going to do it weather anyone liked it or not"

ScarletIris: Urian looks between them and their bickering. He takes time to inspect his fingernails.

Laurel Hensley: "I'm getting there," she says to Victor with a touch of an edge in her voice.

Laurel Hensley: She looks to Urian. "What kind of resources can you commit to this? I'm afraid I haven't met all of your allies. I need scouts primarily...Slayers, if you have any that have come with you."

Keiko Moroboshi: "And you prefer to merely sit here and defend your own existence? You refer to the Fallen as 'problems', but yet you yourself seem unwilling to stand up for Humanity." *she continues to glare at Victor a moment, before looking to Laurel* "If you have more information than we do, please share it. We do not intend to merely allow a Lord to come to Earth unopposed."

ScarletIris: He pauses for a second. "I have a single slayer among my ranks. And.. I can't guarantee he'd be willing to participate.." he trails off with a thoughtful look up to Keiko. "Woman.. have you ever ~been~ to the site of a summoning ritual?"

Laurel Hensley: "Keiko. Victor. Stop." She looks between them. "We're not sending just your circle up, Keiko. This effects all of us, and we're all getting involved in stopping it."

Victor Mendez: "I am not an idiot, who goes off on half baked ideas, I prefer to know what I am doing so that the people who wish to defend humanity are not dead and gone so that what is evil can wash over it" *he says calmly looking at Keiko* "And I am sorry if I have little faith in any plan of Toms"

Keiko Moroboshi: *her head snaps to Urian* "No, I have not. And I am no fool. I came here with a purpose: to find reinforcements and gather information."

Laurel Hensley: "Why wouldn't he be willing to participate?"

Victor Mendez: *Victor looks at Urian when Laurel questions him*

ScarletIris: He nods calmly. "You want information?" He points off in the loose vacinity of upstate. "What you feel.. is a very large.. very potent congregation of faith. This matter HAS to be handled with intricate delicacy.. otherwise said faith will go off like a fucking atomic bomb. Do you understand me? It will become a very real, very tangible danger to anyone within miles if the ritual is thrown off balance. I've seen it happen."

Laurel Hensley: She puts her glasses back on and looks to Urian, watching him closely.

Laurel Hensley: d10: Per+Emp vs. five: 8,9,4,2,1,1,

Victor Mendez: *Victor sits there and listens to Urian as he speaks biteing his tounge as he listens*

Keiko Moroboshi: *She completely ignores Victor's response, and focuses on Urian* "Then tell me: what must we do to stop the ritual without causing this explosion?"

Laurel Hensley: ((*kicks the damn die roller*))

ScarletIris: (mwaha!) Urian maintains his calm expression. "Now. That said, I'm not pulling my offer to supply aid. I have three of my ranks who's agreed to accompany you should you venture that way. Why.. am I doing this? Because I want to see the lot of you come back in one piece."

ScarletIris: He kicks his leg casually, looking to Keiko with the same calm expression. "Honestly? I have no fucking clue. If I knew that, I would have spoke up ages ago."

Victor Mendez: *Victor looks at Urian* "You still didnt answer us on how to disrupt the ritual without setting off the explosion?"

Victor Mendez: ((DLP))

Keiko Moroboshi: "Who might know? We haven't got the time to do in-depth research."

Laurel Hensley: "All right." She nods slowly to Urian, then looks between all three. "Then we need to marshall our forces. All of them. Aleister, Thaddeus, Phillip, Baby...Keiko, everyone within your circle, Thomas included. Delaney. Burnham. Everyone we've got here in the city."

ScarletIris: He slowly rotates his gaze to Laurel, an almost amused look about him. "Well.. tyrant.. have you a plan or would you like to hear my suggestion on the matter?"

Laurel Hensley -> ScarletIris: ((Could I maybe get an Int+Demon Lore to figure out what may need to be done?))

ScarletIris -> Laurel Hensley: actually it would be int+occult or int+ritual knowledge, i'd imagine.

Laurel Hensley -> ScarletIris: d10: Int+Occult (WP): 10,2,6,

Victor Mendez: "Does anyone know how much time we do have?" *he says looking between them*

ScarletIris -> Laurel Hensley: rituals rely on intricately laid details. disrupting a specific condition would be the safest way to cause the ritual to fail.

ScarletIris: Urian shrugs. "We don't know how many they have in their ranks.. how faithful they are.. how long they were going before we felt them. There are too many variables to tell."

Laurel Hensley: "We need to find out more about the ritual itself, and immediately. Find out the conditions that the rituals are set upon" She fixes her gaze upon Urian. "And we need to find the simplest way possible to disrupt one of those conditions."

ScarletIris: He quirks a tiny smile to Laurel. "Point to you. Cherish it. I don't give them out often."

Victor Mendez: *Victor nods* "Good now that we have a plan that isnt just run in swinging, who do we have that knows anything about this ritual?" *he says as he watches* "because im likeing this idea much much better"

Laurel Hensley: "I've noticed." She smiles a bit and shrugs, looking to Keiko. "We need this to be a scouting mission first. It's entirely possible that the ritual may rely on conditions that aren't located up there. It would be a safeguard." Back to Victor. "This means we're not going in guns, flames, axes, and claws blazing. We need stealth. Which still means Phillip...we know the man can be quiet and sneaky."

Victor Mendez: "And hopefully he isnt working with the enemey" *he says looking at Laurel*

ScarletIris: At the mention of Phillip, brigitte tries to weakly push herself up. Groggy and wincing in pain.

Laurel Hensley: She gives Victor a sour look, much as she can't deny the possibility, and then looks back at Brigette when she tries to rise. "Brigette...easy, there." She moves to help the woman sit up, supporting her. "What is it?"

ScarletIris: She lays her head weakly to Laurel's shoulder. "I.. what can.. I do?" she says weakly.

Keiko Moroboshi: "I can also contribute to a scouting mission, unless I am needed more elsewhere."

Victor Mendez: "The last place I saw Phillip was upstate shortly before this ritual began, and with his track record I think we would be wise to not count the possibility out just because" *he says looking at Laurel* "Im sorry if im paranoid but this is a very serious matter"

ScarletIris: Urian watches the others with a calm face. Taking it all in and doing his best not to take charge.

Laurel Hensley: "I'm not sure right now," she says calmly, brushing her hand over Brigette's hair. "You're not in much of a condition to be running on stealth missions at the moment. We can have you relay messages, though. Be a point of contact."

Victor Mendez: *Victor nods to what Laurel is saying* "You used to be a scout didnt you Laurel?"

ScarletIris: She squeezes her eyes shut, whimpering in pain. She murmers "Drugs?" Urian watches with the same expression.

Laurel Hensley: "I did," she says to Victor. "And I was planning on utilizing my old skills." She looks back to Brigette and shakes her head. "Doctors said no drugs, love. I'm sorry. It could make things worse."

Victor Mendez: *He nods and looks to Laurel* "What do you need me to do? I am not a scout unfortunetly but I do suggest we have at least two groups poised to strike against the conditions one here in the city and one upstate so that we are certain to have our bases covered" *he says watching Laurel*

Keiko Moroboshi: *turns to Laurel and Brigitte* "Perhaps I am needed more here, attending to Brigitte?"

Laurel Hensley: "That depends on the skills of the three Urian's offering." She looks at the man expectantly. Keiko gets a faint nod...ackowledgment of her words or agreement, hard to say immediately.

ScarletIris: Brigitte curls back up on the bed with her head in Laurel's lap. Crying quietly to herself. Urian gives a wistful sigh and looks out the window.

Victor Mendez: *He looks to Brigitte* "Have you tried assumeing your celestial form to see if that helps with the pain?"

ScarletIris: "One of them may be able to help in scouting. He's of the fifth house. Very quiet but insanely intelligent. When and where should he meet to scout with you?"

ScarletIris: Brigitte clings weakly to Laurel, shaking her head at Victor's comment. "It's.. not the pain that bothers me.." she says quietly. "Another one.. nahaliel.. I'm losing another one.."

ScarletIris: (that was supposted to say sixth house. my bad. methinks my fingers are sleepy)

Victor Mendez: *he slowly gets up and moves over to her and sits down resting his hand gently on her back* "You havent lost it yet, Ouestucati" *he says to her softly a hint of pain going across his face*

ScarletIris: To avoid the kodak moment, Urian stands and smooths a hand over his slacks. "I'll call when Jay is ready to meet. You leave tonight, I take it?"

Laurel Hensley: "Shhh." She shakes her head to Brigette. "You're not. We're going to stop it, okay?" She smiles a bit to Brigette, supportively, then nods to Urian. "All right. So Baby, myself, your ally, Victor, Phillip, and Alister if we can get his help." She looks to Keiko. "Thomas leads the other group with you, Delaney, Burnham, and Urian's other two allies. Two six-person teams. And if we can get his help, Thaddeus with the one here in the city for good measure."

Victor Mendez: *He nods to Luarel sitting next to her* "Allright then lets get this show on the road, Laurel do you still have the plate I made for Jarod?"

ScarletIris: Urian nods. "I'll be sticking to the city for this one. I'll ask amongst my ranks if anyone has access to occult material. Maybe we can find something that wlil come in handy. If we find something, I'll call you."

Victor Mendez: *he nods to Urian*

Laurel Hensley: "And yes. We leave tonight." She looks over to Victor. "Still got it, yes. Won't fit under my clothes as easily, though."

ScarletIris: Urian turns to leave, raising a hand in a backwards wave on his way out. "Be careful. Look after Ouestucati."

Keiko Moroboshi: *she nods* "I will relay this plan to Tom."

Victor Mendez: "I given a short time which we have I can moddify it to fit you" *he says looking at him* "Is it here?"

Laurel Hensley: "Always." She says it in answer to both of Urian's statements. She looks to Keiko and nods. "Thanks, Keiko. Let me know. Soon. We aren't waiting on this."

ScarletIris: Brigitte's breathing evens out, it appears she's fallen asleep again.

Keiko Moroboshi: *she is silent for a moment, waiting until she is sure Urian has left*

Laurel Hensley: "It's in the closet," she says to Victor with a nod, gesturing that way. "Behind Jarod's clothes." She looks back at Brigette, giving a weary sigh, and then rises to move to the couch. She takes a seat and closes her eyes. "Time to talk to the Slayer.

ScarletIris: The Urian has left the building. If you look out the window, you'll see Hugo driving the beamer complete with first house asshole in the backseat.

Victor Mendez: *He nods and goes to the closet to fetch the breast plate*

Keiko Moroboshi: *once she's sure, she speaks* "Tom will agree. Proceed assuming the Circle's full backing. Though once again, I do offer to tend to Brigitte. I can protect the health of anything around me."

Victor Mendez: *Victor moves back into the room carrying the plate looking to Laurel as he sits down* "What are your meausrements?"

Laurel Hensley: "Thank you, Mahzian," she says softly...less Melioth now, more Laurel. The all-business attitude fades just a little bit, her shoulders dropping some. "I'll keep that in mind." She focuses her mind and speaks. "Sotiteral. You there?"

Phillip Lark -> Laurel Hensley: "Hey there Melooth, looking shinny new. I miss the party again?" So says the Slayer in the middle of traffic.

Victor Mendez: ((Assumeing that we dont have everyone right this secound that we need to proceeded with this scene I am thinking of getting off just haveing victor back in one of the guest rooms refitting Laurels breast plate))

Laurel Hensley: She actually has to think a moment before giving her measurements to Victor, slight hint of color coming to her cheeks, before she shrugs a bit. "Not at all. Party's about to get started. You want to head up North with me and a few others, crash it a bit?"

Laurel Hensley: ((Sounds good, Dark.))

ScarletIris: (and as urian filtered out and brigitte's ashleep, i'ma head off as well. good scene guys. thanks for playin)

Victor Mendez: *Victor nods to her and heads down to one of the guest rooms* "if you need me ill be back there getting this refitted"

Victor Mendez: ((Thanks for the scene everyone))

Phillip Lark -> Laurel Hensley: A shrug of a shoulder. "Sure sounds like fun. Guess I should pick up some things before heading out. You all know where this party is getting down at? As long as who ever is coming with knows, cause damn if I do."

Laurel Hensley: ((Thanks, Scar, Dark!))

Phillip Lark: ((Night Scarlet and Dark *S*))

Keiko Moroboshi: ((thanks Scar, Dark, see you around *waves*))

Laurel Hensley: "Yeah, Baby knows...she's coming with." She nods. "You, me, Baby, Victor, Burnham, and Jay. The last two being a new Malefactor in the city and a Devourer, an ally of a newcomer named Urian."

Phillip Lark -> Laurel Hensley: "Well now should be interesting. Will be nice to get back in the saddle with you and Baby again though that is for sure. Oh yeah by the by your old bag od bones has been burried and so was that chicks. Had to take it upstate, saw Vic there and now his panties are all in a tangle cause if it."

Laurel Hensley: She winces visibly at something, and takes a deep breath. "Sotitereal...please tell me you didn'" She opens her eyes, looking up pleadingly. "Please?" Oddly enough, she doesn't seem to focused on the other one.

Keiko Moroboshi: *she's silent, watching Laurel a bit, but mostly watching the sleeping Brigitte*

Phillip Lark -> Laurel Hensley: That gets a raise of an eyebrow. "What am I sick twisted pervert? Fuck no." a shake of his head. "No I didn't do jack to it, except made sure it was nicely preserved like a good mortician would and made sure it got into the ground." a nod of his head.

Laurel Hensley: "You don't want me to answer that question," she says with a faint, though relieved, smile. "All right. We're moving tonight. Get here as soon as you can. The plan is to find out what we can about the ritual and how to safely disrupt the conditions."

Laurel Hensley: As her eyes open, she can't help but have them fall on the sleeping pregnant woman. Her lips purse a little bit, and she looks to Keiko before shutting her eyes again. Focus.

Phillip Lark -> Laurel Hensley: "Prolly not, no. What can I say this new suit has a pretty padded job." He nods. "Kay can do. I will be there asap. Just have to grab some things and I will be there, in oh about an hour, if I can get there that quickly by car. Oh have I said it is damn nice to have eyes that see again? Well it is. I will be there soon."

Laurel Hensley: "See you soon." She lets the invocation fade, and slumps back into the couch a bit with a sigh.

Keiko Moroboshi: *she remains silent for now...breathing deeply, and seeming to have calmed down significantly from where she was when she entered...though still more Mahzian than Keiko*

Laurel Hensley: She looks wearily up to Keiko. "I've got some invocations to make...and then I should rest. Can you...keep an eye on Brigette, and let Thomas and whoever else you may have know from here?"

Keiko Moroboshi: *nods* "I can do that."

Laurel Hensley: "Thanks." She rises from the couch, moving to the bed and brushing Brigette's hair out of her face. She leans down to gently kiss the woman's forehad, then heads for the bathroom, a hand resting briefly on Keiko's shoulder as she walks by. "I'll be in tbe tub, should anything happen."

Keiko Moroboshi: *nods* "I will take good care of her."

Laurel Hensley: "I know." She gives Keiko a weak but grateful smile and heads off. ((Thanks for the scene!))

Keiko Moroboshi: ((And thank you as to type up my invocation to Tom *whoosh!*))