Blind: He holds up a single finger before pointing to himself and shaking his head, turning his attention to the road there after and begining to pull off ((presuming both have gotten in now))

Burnham Vaul: ((burn is in))

Thomas Judge: ((Toms in))He drops his cough from his mouth and looks to Burn like he can’t believe his ears “Let the fucker sacrifice more women AND let him up onto Eden.” The end of the cig sparks and his eyes turn hard “’ave you completely lost the fuckin’ plot Burn!” He shakes his head “No, it is not coming up, period, you don’t like that, get off the ride.” He leans down and picks up his cough

Burnham Vaul: "It was a suggestion, nothing more. Im not the one who was talking about blowing the place, which would cost nearly as much, if not more." Burn's voice is level and low. He isnt being sarcastic or spiteful anymore. bussiness now. "What is your idea?"

Thomas Judge: He takes a drag on the cough "I burn the faith from this statue, if thats the focal I burn it away, an not just physically, but spiritually, no big bang, no raging inferno, just the faith burned up in me purifying flames as I take it away from the symphony of creation.” He leans back waiting for there responses.

Burnham Vaul: "Sounds plausible. Are you capable of burning up that much faith though?" Burnham seems slightly skeptical.

Thomas Judge: "Maybe, if not I reckon I’ll destroy enough that it won't go bloody big bang on us. Take it down to a more manageable level, thing is am gonna need folk coverin' me kingdom while I do this, an I may need to spend all that I’ am to do it, leavin' me mortal." He doesn't look happy about it, but always the hero Thomas, always willing to go that little bit further. He looks to Leon then to Burn “He’s a mute?”

Thomas Judge: "Besides even if we can't destroy it now, more fiath burnt more lemon it buys us at the worst."

Blind: Leon just drives, he seems aware of the conversation but to care little for it.

Burnham Vaul: "I dont think you should go that far, Thomas. You are too valuable to lose. Do as much as you can, but dont sacrifice yourself." He then looks at Leon. "It was a guess. i really dont know."

Thomas Judge: He rises an eyebrow but grins at Burns comment "Sacrifice, don't be silly, not that I wouldn’t like to stop this fucker, but I can still function as a mortal, besides" He grins that cockney grin "I like to live by the seat of me pants. So Leon, you gonna talk, cos I 'ope so, cos yer meant to be scout from wat I picked up back there, an if you can’t, well leaves us a lil’ up shit creek.”

Blind: He shakes his head slowly and taps his throat.

Burnham Vaul: "Seems i do more than look like a fiend." Burnham doesnt seem to pleased to be right though. "Shouldnt be too much of a problem though. There is more than one way to skin a cat. Leon can draw the place."

Thomas Judge: He shakes his head a little "Well thats just spankin'." He pulls out another cough and lights it in the back of the van "Well as long as yer literate, an can at least give us sum info, all should be robin." He nods the plan forming in his head "We sneak in, surprise will aid us 'ere more than a direct launch, Leon acts as scout, an we make our way as quickly an stealthy we can to this statue, now from wats I 'eared, its a church so that doesn't put it to far away, I go to burn the faith from it while you guys cover me kingdom." He nods, sounded good to him "If we can capture this cult leader we should, could do to learn where he learnt his shit, but thats secondary an –he- is expendable if needs must, better dead than doin’ this again, But priority is shuttin' down that statue." Near the end it almost sounds like orders, his voice loosing some of that cockney.

Burnham Vaul: Burnham nods. He doesnt mind taking orders in situations like this. Eshusurus stirrs within him though, and the whispers start. He ignores them.. for now.

Blind: Leon doesn't respond, watching the road.

Thomas Judge: Eyes flick to Leon then Burn "Are we all on the same page, nod if yes."

Blind: He nods.

Burnham Vaul: Burnham nods again. He puts his guns away, and checks his speedloaders.

Thomas Judge: He takes another drag on his cough. A few thoughts goign through his mind, not all on the task at hand, but words said by another before he answered the call

Burnham Vaul: "How did your thrall like the gun i gave you?" finished checking his gear, he leans back against the wall of the van. nothing to do nw but wait.

Thomas Judge: He nods "They liked it squire. That reminds me." He goes into his jacket, a sheath unhooked from his back as he brings round a short sword "Can you do anythin' to that."

Voice in Thomas's Head -> Thomas Judge: "Jamal." Laurel's in Jarod's old apartment, making her way back toward the bedroom with a glass of rum in her hand. "How's it going?"

Burnham Vaul: Burnham smiles. "of course i can, but i cant make it permanent. may cost me more than i can afford if things go south. When it wears off, the sword will fall apart."

Thomas Judge: Tom blinks, his gaze drawn skywards as he is innvocated "We 'ave a plan pet, should be back in lemon for tea."

Thomas Judge: He looks back to Burnham quickly, he hated doing two conversations, somehow always felt rude to someone "Fall apart, bugger that, fix me up one of yer bad boys."

Voice in Thomas's Head -> Thomas Judge: "That's good." She stops just before the door, looking over at a side table with some very, very old mail on it...never opened. She frowns a little and disregards it. Jarod's mail, not hers. "You guys are on statue duty, right? What's the plan? Just trying to stay in the loop, is all, mind. I have full confidence in you."

Burnham Vaul: Burnham nods, as if that was the response he expected. "Bad boy, coming up." He takes a broadsword from his bag, and mutters under his breath, running a thumb down the blade. ((enhance object))

Thomas Judge: He looks back skywards "We're gonna burn the faith from it pet, take it away from the symphony, spiritually consume it in purifyin' flames like." He takes another drag on his cough "Don't fret, I got this one."

Burnham Vaul: d10: per+crafts: 4,4,8,9,7,

Burnham Vaul: ((difficulty 5 i think, simple object. all sux reducing difficulty. perhaps a good thing he didnt switch to apoc first...))

Voice in Thomas's Head -> Thomas Judge: She smiles a little and nods. "I'm not fretting any, honey. I'm just trying to stay on top of everything." Her lips purse. "I know I should have been there...but at least this way, I can still try and stay abreast, coordinate some. Not that I'm presuming to lead you. But I do like to think it's still me working with you." She frowns a little bit, a note of what might almost be insecurity there.

Thomas Judge: He slips the sheath and sword back under his coat, reattaching it and letting his coat fall over it again. "I understand pet." He doesn't push any further over how it was said, now was not the time "We are drivin' there now, Leon can't really give us an ETA like but I can't imagine too long. General stealth approach, they cover me kingdom while I try an burn the faith from the statue, also try an nab us the cult leader if he is there, or at least put ‘im down, but these are secondary to the cause.”

Blind: ((3 sux to reduced diff, done, nice little sword there, and yes 5 would have been obscene))

Voice in Thomas's Head -> Thomas Judge: She nods a little bit. "Capture would be better then killing in this case. It would be very good to know who he's working for. Let me know if you need anything. And be careful, Jamal. Come back safe." She smiles faintly.

Burnham Vaul: Burnham smiles. "hmm.. it will do." He presents it to Tom. The swords balance is perfect. it seems to leap in his hands. "Will do indeed."

Thomas Judge: ((Diff 3! Sweet! *pets Burn* am gonna keep you....did I say that out loud just then *Jumps back IC))

Thomas Judge: He looks back from above; at this rate he'll get neck cramp. He takes the sword hearing it sing through the symphony. He lifts it closer to his eye, half of his face reflected in its blade. "Bloody 'ell Burn, robin job gov."

Burnham Vaul: "Call it a demo. twenty four hour trial period." Burnham grins. "So dont get too attached."

Thomas Judge: "Still, it ain't flaming." It sounds a little like a joke, but there is something there that runs deeper, the weapon of his station gone forever. He holds it in his hand, blade point downwards to the floor as he looks upwards once more "My thoughts on the nose pet we could do with learnin' where he got all this from, smoke us a kipper, we'll be back for breakfast." He can't help but grin at the Sci-Fi TV qoute, something Tom watched with avid interest.

Burnham Vaul: "Soon enough Jamal, soon enough. As soon as i remmeber how, ill make you that sword. For the right price of course." He looks past the others out the front windscreen,a nd wonders how much longer it will be.

Voice in Thomas's Head -> Thomas Judge: She grins a little bit. "Sure thing, Ace. Happy hunting." And she lets the invocation fade, the last image being a smile slipping from her face as she heads into the bedroom.

Blind: it isn't long before they do pull up, the church quite a distant away down the road, obscured slightly in the hazey evening light.

Thomas Judge: His head tilts, a look of concern coming to his features as he looks back to the group, eyes to Burnham first and then to Leon as he grasps the sword with both hands his eyelids flutter close "For humanity, For Freedom, Forever!" He speaks almost as if he were blessing the sword as his eyes slowly flick open once more.

Burnham Vaul: Burnham smiles to himself. He looks out the windows and gets as much of a look around as he can.