Blind: Sung gets stamped on the hand when she gets in, to mark her as someone who's not alout to drink, though seems they're IDing at the bar aswell as at the door. The place is pretty packed, as you'd expect for a friday night really, music going, strobe and black lights around the dance floor, a smoke machien that goes off every song or two and makes the effects of the flashing lights all the more. There are leather couches off around tables away from the dance floor, and a few tables with stool cushion things. there are no discreat out've the way booths, but if you keep travling down there is a second room to the place, the first is more normal night club area, the second being a more rock, but is similarly laid out to the first on a smaller scale.
Tiernan Forbes: She is sitting off to the side on
one of those bar stool type chairs, a small round table littered with drin ks in
front of her and a pile of jackets on one of the stools. Not only the perpetual
wall flower, but it seems also the coat watcher. A drink rests in front of her
steaw sticking out of the top of it, which she is turning the ice around and
around in the half finished drink. Tonight the long grey skirt falls to her
knees, actual nice slip on pumps on her feet, a white blouse, short sleeved, but
who can tell really with her sweater over it pulled close. ((if anyone needs a
better fuller DD ping me))
Tiernan Forbes:
d10: tonight: 8,4,2,4,
Laurel Hensley: Laurel's already inside,
sitting at the bar. The young woman, typically seen at the Limelight Club, is
nursing her third Cosmopolitan and watching the crowd from behind her glasses.
She's dressed in a black wrap top with a fairly daring neckline and an 12" black
miniskirt. Strapped sandals cover her feet. Her expression is even, though not
necessarily calm, as she taps her feet to the beat, humming along with the
The girl is best described as "cute"...the all-American girl next door sort.
Tall and thin, with shoulder-length, dark chestnut hair and cool blue eyes, one
would imagine that if she gave a big, bright smile, she'd light up the room, and
then some. However, she doesn't much seem to be the type to give those wide
smiles...her expressions are a bit more muted, softer. A pair of simple,
unadorned glasses rest on her nose. The rest of her is fit, and
well-proportioned enough...certainly not so much to be voluptuous. More
athletic, though she seems to have a more scholarly look to her then a sporty
look. She gives off a general feeling of being quite approachable, even if there
is a keener, more discerning look in her eyes.
Devin Santos: Devin sits alone in a leather
couch, his hair buzzed as always with slight black stubble, deep set, brown
eyes, high cheek bones, thin lips. he's a fairly average looking hispanic man
neither handsome nor ugly though in moderatly good shape. Hea wears a blcak
hoody angGreen cargo pants. He had been chatting with a young girl, but her
friends pulled her away to go home.
Sung Lee Park : Sung eyes the place as she
moves forward past the entrance. she smiles down to the stamp and makes her way
to the bar ordering a coke. and looks to see who is about.
Devin Santos: :: Places cigerette on ash tray and
takes a sip of his Rum and coke::
Devin Santos: ((wow bit of deslexia at the end))
Tiernan Forbes: She taps her foot on the rung of the
bar stool as she listens to the music, and swirls the straw in her drink. A
small smile playing on her lips as she watches people dance.
Sung Lee Park :
d10: see anyone familer?: 9,7,2,2,9,
: No lurker posting, take a nick.
Tiernan Forbes:
d10: Per+Alert: 4,1,6,9,4,2,
Devin Santos:
d10: Per+ Alert: 5,6,7,8,5,
Sung Lee Park : She spots Tiernan and
moves over towards her giving her a moment spot her before saying anything.
Devin Santos: :Devin scans the room Taking note of
the young aburn haired girl in the bar stool nearby as well as Sung::
Tiernan Forbes: She raises her hand slightly to
wave in the direction of the bar. Having spotted Sung and Laurel. Although her
wave is hesitant.
Laurel Hensley:
d10: Per+Alertness: 5,2,1,5,7,
Laurel Hensley: For her part, she's quite
oblivious, completely absorbed in her watching the dance floor and humming along
with the song. She reaches for her Cosmo distractedly, and brings it to her lips
to sip.
Sung Lee Park : "hey Tiernan" she smiles
waveing to her. "how are you tonight?"
Tiernan Forbes: She moves her gaze from Laurel and
tugs absently at her sweater, as she looks over to Sung. "Hello Sung." She tries
to make her voice heard over the music. "I am well as always, how are you?" She
Devin Santos: ::stands and starts walking towards
Sung and the Auburn haired girl::
Tiernan Forbes: She ghlances to Devin and then
around herself, looking for something and her eyes settle back on Sung with a
slight nod of her head, as if figuring something out.
Sung Lee Park : "i'm pretty well, this
seems like a nice club" she smiles "it is good to see you again." She glances to
the dance floor "are you going to dance as well?"
Blind: The tall spikey goth
that is Pulse heads out from the second room and up towards the bar.
A small collection of indaviduals in the corner of the door between the rock
room and normal room are stood in 'uniform' of black leather jackets, combat
trousers, combat boots and black t shirts, and with not shaven heads, but very
short. not that notable from the rest of that room except for the fact that they
are stood scanning about, almost waiting. And with Joseph king stood with them,
same dress though his hair is longer.
Tiernan Forbes: "That is good." she says with a
smile to Sung, "It is I guess." she looks to the drinks on the table and then to
the coats on one of the few other stools around the table then back to Sung. "I-
well -I do not dance, and I was watching some people's drinks and jackets for
them." She says tugging on the sleeve of her sweater.
Devin Santos: ::To Sung:: Hey...Sung right..Sorry
about bolting last night something came up...Who's your firesnd::looks down at
Laurel Hensley: She looks over finally,
glancing at Devin approaching Tiernan and Sung Lee. She looks the three over,
vaguely recognizing Tiernan.
Sung Lee Park : she turns and smiles to
Devin "hello, again "she pauses as if trying to remember his name "i'm sorry
i've forgotten you name" she blushes a little embarrassed.
Devin Santos: It's ok..It's Devin::Smiles::
Tiernan Forbes: She looks in between Devin and Sung
and manages a glance to the bar where Laurel is at she raises her hand in a
hesitant wave of sorts to her. "Tiernan" She pronounces it like Tear-nan
Devin Santos: So what you up tongiht
Laurel Hensley: She gives Tiernan a slight
nod, then glances around again, eyes falling on Pulse. She watches him idly,
head cocked slightly to the side as her foot taps to the beat.
Tiernan Forbes: ((Her name was said to Devin)) She
frowns and tilts her head as she was scanning the place, pulling her gaze back
to Devin and Sung. She reaches out to take the jackets off of the stool (there
is three or four of them) and place them securly in her lap.
Blind: Pulse sits down on
the stool beside Laurel and then leans over, ordering a pint of snake bite.
before looking to her, a moments pause with a glance around.
The small group further down gets a few words echanged among them, jo included
glancing the way of the small group.
Devin Santos:
d10: First impression: 5,2,3,5,3,
Devin Santos: ((People person merit))
Devin Santos: ::looks down::nice to meet
you...I'm Devin
Tiernan Forbes: She looks up to Devin. "Hello,
Devin, nice meeting yopu too." A slight smile to him.
Sung Lee Park : she smiles "its funny
running into people randomly espcially with the size of the city. i like that"
Laurel Hensley: A wary glance is given to
the group of uniformly-dressed folks, and she looks over to Pulse, nodding.
"Evening." She finishes off her Cosmo, and orders another one.
Tiernan Forbes: "I live in this borough. I normally
do not leave here to go to the other ones very often." She says to Sung. "But
then I run into a lot of the people I see at the diner."
Blind: "Evenin', where's
your girlfriend? not out with you tonight?" he asks, if it wasn't for the fact
that just his mannorisms make it annoying it might sound like an innocent
question, as it is him, it really does not.
Jo's mobile goes off, and he flips it open and starts talking into it, though he
keeps watch on the small group still, as do his own little group.
Laurel Hensley: "My girlfiend?" She blinks a moment, and then it hits her. She takes a deep breath and lets it out, shaking her head. "No, she's...not around anymore."
Tiernan Forbes: She flicks her gaze over in the
direction of Jo and his little group, but returns her gaze to Devin and Sung.
"Please have a seat, you two."
Devin Santos: ::takes a seat next to Tiernan and
sips his drink looking from Sung to Tiernan::
Sung Lee Park : she takes a glance about
to the dance floor about to consider a dance when she spot one face she doesn't
want to see. she visably frowns and looks about.
Tiernan Forbes:
d10: Per+Empathy (WP-Sung: 8,5,6,
Devin Santos: Would you like a drink :says to
Tiernan:: Sung...I'm assuming no::To Sung::
Blind: Jo and his group
slip through into the other room and out of sight.
"Nasty break up?" he asks with a slight twist of his head to her collecting his
drink, and taking a swig.
Tiernan Forbes: She blinks and looks at Sung a
moment. "It is nice to meet new people and see old faces randomly at places."
She says idily.
Tiernan Forbes: She blinks over to Devin. "I- uh
-was drinking a cerry cola." She says to Devin. Nope no stamp on the back of her
hand indicating she is under the drinking age.
Devin Santos: ahh....thats ok, you go to school
around here
Sung Lee Park : she smiles well pushes
one and sits down "oh no thank you, i'm not thristy yet."
Laurel Hensley: "No...actually, it was
fairly amicable. She just didn't feel right in her skin, and...left." She shrugs
a little bit, picking up her new drink. "I'm seeing someone else now."
Tiernan Forbes: "Sung are you okay?" she asks
concerned, she smiles some and shakes her head to Devin before pushing a few
stray strands of hair back. "No I have not been to school in quite a few years
actually. I work in a Diner over off of Columbus avenue."
Sung Lee Park : "oh me... oh uhmm yes i'm
ok" she nods her head worst liar in the world mind you.
Devin Santos: oh yeah which one::looks to Sung
gaging her state::
Devin Santos:
d10: Per+Emp: 7,5,9,3,6,
Blind: "Good for you, not
good to stay off the old hourse for too long." he says it in a way that really
could make you uncomfortable "Well, I'm about to vanish back to the music I can
stomach." he says with a grin "Catch ya later."
Of the group that was lingering all but one have now vanished.
Tiernan Forbes: She smiles to Sung. "Alright." and
nods her head, then looks back to Devin. "It's called Mama's Diner, although
there is no mama and a man named Joe runs the place."
Sung Lee Park : Sung glances over to where
the group was and where they moved to chewing on her lower lip.
Devin Santos: ::nods at Tiernan:: How's the food
::smiles slightly as he glances at Sung:
Devin Santos: ::nods at Tiernan:: How's the food
::smiles slightly as he glances at Sung:
Laurel Hensley: She quirks an eyebrow at
Pulse and nods to him, smirking just a little. "See you later. Nice meeting
you..." She looks off to where the group was, looking the remaining person over
Tiernan Forbes: She follows Sung's line of sigh on
her glance around, she smiles. "Sometimes worse than other days." she says to
Devin. "I always tend to make sure the customers get fresh food, like french
fries and coffee when I can, when I am working."
Devin Santos: cool..I'll have to stop in
Tiernan Forbes: (Sigh=sight)
Tiernan Forbes: She nods her head. "Sounds good, you
live around here?" she asks curious maybe at Devin to Sung she asks. "How is the
record going?"
Devin Santos: ::Glances some Punk talking to a young
woman at the bar as he looks padt Tiernan::
Blind: The remaining guy is
probably looking at him the youngest of the group that had been there, he figits
shortly before he settles back against the wall, a nod to people as they move
through into the other room. he leans into the other room for a moment looking
after those that have moved in, but then back.
"Pleasure was all mine." he says with a wink and an arrogant grin pushing up
from his stool and headed towards the room.
Devin Santos: I..actually live in an apartment
near NYU..just making my rounds tonight
Blind: ((Only one of each
person please, :P, lol.))
Tiernan Forbes: "Well it is good that you manage to
get out, you going to college then?"
Sung Lee Park : she starts slightly "oh
uhm it is going well, i am working on two new songs..."
Tiernan Forbes: "Excuse me a moment." she says to
both Sung and Devin as she slides off the bar stool and set's the jackts on the
abandoned seat.
Sung Lee Park : she looks to see if the
man remaining looks familer frowning a moment and shaking her head as if arguing
with herself.
Laurel Hensley: She watches Pulse head
into the other room, and the young man as well, as she sips her drink. She
shakes her head a little bit and rises from her stool, downing her Cosmo fairly
quickly. With a glance back at Devin, Tiernan, and Sung Lee, she heads off
toward the dance floor.
Devin Santos: Me no::chuckles:: I just bartend at a
college bar there
Tiernan Forbes: She scurries off attempting to catch
up to Pulse before he makes it to the other room if she can. Not wanting to get
to close to the Punk who looks like he is on guard duty.
Devin Santos: ::looks at Sung::you sure you doin
Blind: Pulse isn't moving
all that fast despite having long legs so is easily caught up with and a little
time left to spare aswell before too close to the door.
Sung Lee Park : "oh yes...yes i am fine "
she nods more trying to convince herself looking to the exit door.
Tiernan Forbes: "Pulse." she says breathlessly as
she reaches him, trying to grab his arm.
Devin Santos: ok..but if you need to talk I'm
here..and if theres anything you need just let me know
Sung Lee Park : she smiles to him
"thank you"
Blind: She grabs his arm
and he twists round a little spilled from his glass as he does before he grins,
probably louder than need be "Heya tears, what's rocking?" swaps the hand the
drinks in and shakes the one it was origionally in to dispel the snakebite from
his glove.
Tiernan Forbes: "Hello, The musice it seems." she
says with a smile and motions for Pulse to lean in close so she can whisper
something to him.
Devin Santos: ::He smiles:: you just look, upset
thats all..I meen this is a club you should be enjoying yourself..You only live
Devin Santos: you know
Sung Lee Park : "yes..very true, maybe i
should dance?" she forces another smile.
Blind: Pulse leans in and
then looks over his shoulder and peers at the guy by the door. before he leans
back in to reply.
Devin Santos: That sounds like an idea....would you
like to..take your mind off of things.
Laurel Hensley: She vanishes into the
crowd, moving through them easily, slipping between warm bodies until she finds
an empty spot. She then starts to move to the music intuitively, eyes shut and
oblivious to the world around her.
Sung Lee Park : "yes i like dancing,
almost as much as singing" she nodsz her head "are you going to dance too?"
Devin Santos: of couse, can't let you go at it
Tiernan Forbes: She smiles to Pulse and pats his
arm, an action almost reminiscent of an old lady patting a young man's arm for
helping her across the street."Thank you." She casts a glance to the guy in the
doorway before leading Pulse towards the table.
Sung Lee Park : she smiles and pushes from
the bar slowly making her way to the dance floor.
Devin Santos: ::Stands::
Dominic Pisano:
(room for more trouble?)
Devin Santos: ::Follows Sung to the dance floor and
begins to move to the rythm::
Laurel Hensley: ((Always!))
Sung Lee Park : ((yey! trouble!)
Blind: He glances back at
the guy again for a moment, lingering, before he turns and follows. he rolls his
eyes a little at comming back to the music there but as she's ahead it's not
noticable. taking a swig as he walks and looking over the people she's headed
towards. (anyone want a more full decritption of the guy let me know)
d10: : 8,
Tiernan Forbes: ((*L* come on in))
Dominic Pisano:
The man is out on the dance floor, a charming grin flashed to all the ladies
within his vacinity. He's a suave Italian man, handsome, late twenties early
thirties, maybe. Clean cut, donning a stylish black suit. (
Sung Lee Park : when she reaches the floor
she closes her eyes a moment trying to taking the music. Also to push some of
her throughts away before she starts swaying along.
Tiernan Forbes: She frowns and comes to a stop as
they head for the dance floor. Looks a touch disgruntled, and slowly starts to
head for the now empty table.
Sung Lee Park :
d10: dance: 8,3,3,4,6,10,3,10,
Laurel Hensley:
d10: Dance (Abil. Apt): 4,1,6,9,4,4,3,
Devin Santos:
d10: Dance: 4,3,7,
Dominic Pisano:
He glances toward sung, giving her a brief appreciative stare before noticing
the man behind her. He turns his attention to Laurel, dancing in her direction
Devin Santos: ((barely a success)):: he moves with
the rythm adequatly but his dancing lacks some style::
Devin Santos: ::leans in and whispers to Sung::
Sung Lee Park : And tonight she can
defently dance even if she is a little distracted, for this song sung was able
to feel the music and loose herself a little. her slender figure curing to the
Dominic Pisano:
d10: boogie oogie: 6,3,2,8,9,2,
Blind: He is 6 and a half
foot tall and thin as a rake, his piercing blue eyes are framed behind a pair of
stylish dark glasses that sit half way down his nose. He wears a black bandana
that pushes black hair to his back where it reaches his waist. His jet black
hair has streaks that have been bleached white. He has very defined facial bone
structure and a grin that looks mischievous and maybe even a little evil. His
lips are painted black though he doesn’t have any eye makeup and nor is he
wearing make up to make himself more pail, though he does look like he doesn’t
get enough sun as it is. His ears have UV reactive spines hanging from the lobes
and three on each pinna working round. He wears a black leather trench coat,
with spikes down the spine, draped over his shoulders though it’s too large
across them and large down to his arms where he wears fingerless spiked gloves.
Under the trench coat he wears a black shirt with tribal fire symbols printed
over it.
Blind: He wears under that
a pair of combats with more pockets than could ever be needed in addition to
chains weaving across them and spikes out of the outer spines of the trousers.
He wears a pair of new rock with spikes on either side of the buckles down the
front. Tucked into his belt is a strap that holds a pair of drumsticks. His
general stance seems to exude vibes to keep people at a distance, there’s an
unconscious barrier that means people just give him space as he walks past, even
in the streets of New York people step aside to let the tall spined goth pass
and generally just stay out of his personal space. When he speaks there’s a New
York accent and just the way he speaks draws towards a dislike of the guy, he
always sounds like he’s talking down to you, or if not he seems to want
something, altruism is something that would never be attributed to him just
because of the attitude he exudes and the way he stands. He has a certain kind
of handsomeness within the gothic shell, well, it’s a handsomeness that would
appeal to people in the sub culture, to be fair it probably doesn’t appeal at
all outside it, making him even more alien and excluding to them.
Blind: He follows tiernan
dispite the emptyness of the table and takes one of the stools before glancing
around as though looking for something, watching some of the sofas it would
Sung Lee Park : she smiles to Devin "thank
Tiernan Forbes: "I'm sorry, I guess my concern for
her was nothing." She slips up onto the stool, a bit awkwardly. She goes back to
playing with the straw in her soda. "So how have you been? Mending any of your
ways yet?"
Laurel Hensley: As good as she is, she's
just a bit off from normal. She gets an odd look on her face as she moves. A
little more primal...a little more ethereal. She's well within her element,
moving along through the throng of dancers. Even as she moves with pupose, her
body twists and sways, slipping gracefully between warm bodies.
Blind: "Why would I mend
what isn't broken?" he asks with a grin
Devin Santos: ::Over the music:: so you Sing too?
Dominic Pisano:
Having already taken interest, he watches Laurel. Approaching to dance up behind
the woman. Afterall.. she looks alone. Somewhat.
Sung Lee Park : she nnods her head as she
Tiernan Forbes: She glances to the ceiling. "So says
you." she says looking back to Pulse. "But I do not want to argue the point."
She says with a slight smile.
Devin Santos: Wow..:He looks her in the eye and
smiles:: Wow your amazing..Is there anything you can't do
Sung Lee Park : "i can't draw" she smiles
the music easing some of her nerves. she does keep and eye to the room Joe
Devin Santos: ::chuckles:: I used to draw, so ever
though about doing it professionally....Singing I mean?
Sung Lee Park : "i do" she blinks
Devin Santos: really???....any luck so far
Blind: ((and ummm, for
those with it, would you care to roll awareness.))
"So says me and last time I checked it was my life." he says with a chuckle
Laurel Hensley: She looks over her
shoulder, vaguely noticing someone coming up behind her. She gives Dominic a
raised brow and smiles, turning to face him.
Sung Lee Park :
d10: awareness: 7,2,3,5,2,
Dominic Pisano:
He keeps a sly grin fixed on Laurel, closing the gap between them. "I do a lot
of traveling.. but I must say, I'd be far fetched to find someone who could
match your moves."
Sung Lee Park : "its why i'm here..."
Dominic Pisano:
d10: aware: 6,4,9,7,3,
Tiernan Forbes:
d10: Awareness: 8,3,1,8,
Devin Santos: Maybe I can help you, maybe become a
manager of sorts
Tiernan Forbes: She shifts on her seat. "Yes I know
it is, but don't you ever want better?" She asks as she looks back over to the
doorway where the goonsquad was at.
Sung Lee Park : "my Manager would not like
that much "she smiles "thank you though."
d10: : 6,4,3,2,10,
d10: : 3,4,5,3,
Devin Santos: ah..ok Already represented...but what
if I could help you become a better singer
Devin Santos: a voice coach of sorts
Sung Lee Park : she lifts a brow "as a
voice tearcher? i didn't know you were one"
Laurel Hensley: ((Sorry, computer's
fritzing on me.))
Laurel Hensley:
d10: Per+Awareness: 8,10,10,8,4,
Sung Lee Park : She looks about a slight
shiver comming over her.
Sung Lee Park : (gooo Laurel!)
Devin Santos: Well...I'm not... but I may be able to
help you none the less...Tell me are you a religious girl?::Smiles like a
Laurel Hensley: She grins a little bit at
the compliment, head tilting to the right. "See, most cases, flattery
would get you anywhere. But I'm a bit too wise for that."
Dominic Pisano:
His eyes drift toward the second room. A curious grin about him. He keeps his
body moving, still facing laurel.
Blind -> Laurel Hensley:
((no worries)) You feel the emination, could even tell where it came from though
the local is out've sight, beyond the other room.
Tiernan Forbes: She looks away from the doorway and
puts a hand to her neck as she picks up her soda to have a drink of it then
set's it down.
Dominic Pisano:
He smirks back to laurel, stepping in close. "If not flattery, what then?
Bribery? I could buy you a drink or five."
Sung Lee Park : "uhm yes..." she takes a
step back. "why do you ask?"
Dominic Pisano: (devin,
roll your awareness)
Laurel Hensley: She chuckles a little bit
and opens her mouth, before she pauses, glancing around the room. A curious
frown hits her lips during the momentary silence.
Devin Santos: I have always loved hyms and
gospels...I was wondering if you ever sang them..::Smiles to self:: I was raised
catholic, and have always found song to be particularly inspiring
Dominic Pisano:
He gives Laurel a brief once over. "Hmm.. something caught your attention, did
it?" He muses.
Devin Santos: (Don't have any as of yet)
Dominic Pisano:
(all we needed. thank ye.)
Sung Lee Park : "yes... when i go to
church" she looks about searching although she had no idea as to what.
Laurel Hensley: "Something like that." She
gives a last look around, pursing her lips, and then shakes her head. A light
sigh, and she looks back to Dominic.
Blind: "So how's work
been?" Pulse asks, seemingly oblivious
Devin Santos: Do you ever question it...the way
things are in the Bible, the denial of your most human urges being a path to
Devin Santos: :Sops dancing standing int the middle
of the dance floor his eyes pirecing hers::
Blind: At the doorway
between one of the group reapears and begins talking quickly with the one who'd
been posted there.
Tiernan Forbes: She pulls her sweater tighter around
herself. "Work is going, I am going to try and pick up a few extra shifts at the
diner this coming week, so that some of the other's can have the time off to be
with their families and such. Haven't seen you around though, Been doing okay?"
Sung Lee Park : she pauses looking to him
like he has three heads "what do you mean?"
Dominic Pisano:
He gives a subtle squint, watching Laurel with an
almost morbid fascination. He makes to wrap an arm around the stranger's waist,
daincing in close with the woman if she'll allow.
Blind: "I've been around,
not necciseerily around there, but around. You can't be cold in here." he says
as she pulls the jumper on.
The new guy grabs the other by the sleeve lightly and tugs moving back outt've
sight again, the other turning to follow.
Devin Santos: I stopped goin to church years
ago..but,..I kinda think were all God deep inside...To deny our wants takes away
the very thing that makes us human..Take your music some would say it a sin to
persue it exalting in something that brings you pleasure with or without god
Tiernan Forbes: She glances over to the door again
and frowns, then back to Pulse. "I get cold in the oddest places sometimes. Wee
obviously you have been around, as long as you have been well that is good." She
says continuing to attempt a smile for him.
Laurel Hensley: She doesn't object to the
closeness, though the expression with which Dominic looks at her gets a slight
cock of a brow behind those glasses. She slips her arms around his neck and
starts dancing close to him, watching him.
Dominic Pisano -> Laurel Hensley:
When he gets in close, he murmers "Spare me the
bullshit.. I felt it too. What I don't know.. is who it came from."
Sung Lee Park : She shakes her head "my
pastor said god gave me this gift so i could sing with greatness"
d10: : 4,5,9,8,
Laurel Hensley: She tenses now, her
expression taking on a warier look. She murmurs as quietly as she can while
still being heard by Dominic.
Devin Santos: but if you are god, the things you
desire are the most holy of holies what if seeking self gratification is the
true path to salvation, what if we're all Jesus's in the maing if only we would
give into are selves and our desires
Blind: ((those of you with
again, you know the drill))
"I'm always well." he says with a chuckle, he glances over his shoulder and the
chuckle dies, looking back "Where's your friend going?"
Laurel Hensley -> Dominic Pisano:
"Beyond the other room. I don't know who...or who
you are, for that matter."
Laurel Hensley:
d10: Per+Awareness: 2,8,3,2,6,
Dominic Pisano:
d10: aware: 3,9,6,8,8,
Sung Lee Park :
d10: awareness: 1,7,2,1,9,
Dominic Pisano:
He continues to dance closely with Laurel.
Blind -> Laurel Hensley:
Not as strong this time, but the same direction again, less defined however,
less exact.
Tiernan Forbes: "I don't know." She says. "And he is
not my friend."
Tiernan Forbes:
d10: Awareness: 4,3,4,10,
Sung Lee Park : "can we not talk about
this please"
Dominic Pisano -> Laurel Hensley:
"I'm sure we'll have plenty of time for
introductions once we know what's going on.. I know where.. but where's don't
start shit. Who's.. concern me a bit more. Is this a hot spot?"
Devin Santos: What if your pastors wrong...what if
your Singing is your gift to yourself, a tool to seek the adulation you
crave..Fame..Recignition...What if you were thcatalyst all not some
distant deity
Sung Lee Park : She shakes her head "i
don't believe that"
Devin Santos: ::notices her discomfort:: Sorry, I
was raised with discussing religion, I didn't mean to delve into theology so just seem as though your searching for something...I was mearly
suggesting what you seek is within yourself
Laurel Hensley: She presses in close,
leaning her body up against Dominic. Still moving with him.
Tiernan Forbes: "Exuse me a moment, I need to use
the Ladies room." she says to Pulse, as she once more tightens the sweater close
around herself and slips off the stool. She is going to try and slip to the
doorway separating the two rooms, as discreetly as possibly.
Laurel Hensley -> Dominic Pisano:
"Not to my knowledge, no. Of course, this is the
first time I've been."
Sung Lee Park : "oh don't be sorry....i
think i need some water" she looks to the bar.
Blind: "Wasn't meant as to
suggest an actual friend." he says a little sarcasm. and then nodding when she
excuses herself. but he keeps watch on her.
Devin Santos: ok, I'll be right back::Disappears
into the crowd::
d10: : 4,2,
Tiernan Forbes:
d10: Wits+Stealth: 4,7,1,8,10,1,
Dominic Pisano -> Laurel Hensley:
"What was once standing.. has been aparently
floored. I think I might have to take a raincheck on this one.." He reaches into
his pocket and digs out a small silver business card, slipping it into her hand.
"Call me." He kisses her cheek before pulling away.
Tiernan Forbes: ((Sorryt was looking at the wrong
die pool re-rolling))
d10: : 1,9,9,
d10: : 10,7,7,10,
Dominic Pisano:
Still pressed close against laurel, he pulls something out of his pocket and
hands it over to the woman. He kisses her cheek and moves off into the crowd.
Tiernan Forbes:
d10: Wits Stealth: 5,4,7,1,5,
Devin Santos: ::Enters the rest room and finds an
empty stall::
Sung Lee Park : as he leaves she whispers
to herself in korean asking for her ancestors to he keep her strong.
d10: : 7,9,4,6,7,3,
Laurel Hensley: She takes what Dominic
hands her, looking it over before she slips it into her purse. Her eyes track
him moving through the crowd, half-tempted to follow.
Tiernan Forbes:
d10: Per+Alertness: 1,1,4,2,6,6,
Dominic Pisano:
He moves towrad the exit without looking back.
Tiernan Forbes: ((The dice roller HATE me. *L*))
Sung Lee Park : ((you too?)
Tiernan Forbes: She is not stealthy in the
slightest bit, and she is so distracted by trying to be stealthy that she is
oblivious of everything else.
Devin Santos: ::He sits on the stool and fumbbles
through his pocket pulling out a small baggy and a mirror. he cuts out a line of
cocaine from the bag and starts to put the bag in his pocket, changing his mind
he cuts out a second line from the bag before putting it up and rolls up a
dollar bill...He loves the stuff and hates it he can see why Devin lost
control...His bodies already jittery with anticipation::
Tiernan Forbes: She casts a nervous and worried
glance around moving further into the second room, a slight frown creasing her
Blind: Pulse has moved
though as no one was keeping track of him that shouldn't be too much concern to
Sung Lee Park : Sung moves towards the
bar, not liking the feeling of being alone.
Laurel Hensley: She purses her lips and
looks back toward the other room, then shakes her head. She's got enough on her
plate at the moment. She slips through the crowd, toward the door.
Blind: A hand lands on her
shoulder as she moves further into the room "This isn't the toilets ya know."
it's pulses voice, and where the hell he came out've is a good question, how can
someone his heaight and wearing huge boots be stealthier than her little thing
that she is.
Devin Santos: ::he finishes up and mummbles to
self:: pull your self together ::heads back to where he last saw Sung::
Tiernan Forbes: She jumps and spins around to fact
Pulse, a blush easily creeping up her ceeks as she puts both of her hands to her
chest. "Oh Pulse you scared me!"
Dominic Pisano:
He makes his way out of the club and through the lot toward his silver Benz.
Sung Lee Park : She reaches the bar
awaiting to catch the bartender's attention "yes please a cup of water?"
Devin Santos: :he spots Sung at the bar and begins
moving towards her::
Blind: "Noticed." he says
with a chuckle. "So where's your friend, coz the toilets are the other way ya
Laurel Hensley: Out the door she slips,
and she turns to the sidewalk, hailing a cab to take off.
Devin Santos: ::Walking up behind Sung:: hey,
thought I'd lost you::he appears antsy::
Tiernan Forbes: "I do not know.......I haven't seen
him since he left with his friend." she turns to looks around him. "They are?"
she looks up to him blinking.
Blind -> Laurel Hensley: ((Cya,
sorry didn't manage to drag her into trouble, though some time down the line
need to grab that fiend of yers aswell. take care man, have a good one.))
Laurel Hensley: ((Thanks for the scene,
Sung Lee Park : She shakes her head "i
went to get water"
Blind: "Yeah, back in the
other room just past the bar."
Sung Lee Park : ((see yah Rav!)
Laurel Hensley -> Blind:
((No problem. *G* Laurel's up way past her ears
in trouble as it is, more trouble probably just would have made her slaughter
someone in frustration. *G* See you!))
Tiernan Forbes: ((*Hugs* thanks for playing)) "Oh
I see." she says and tries to look around once more in this room, using the
excuse of moving out from under his hand on her shoulder.
Blind -> Laurel Hensley:
((I'm not sure her slaughtering people is entirly a bad thing but ya know *G*))
Devin Santos: Sorry, about before didn't mean to
creep you out...gues I have strong oppinions, you know sometimes teir hard to
hold in
Tiernan Forbes:
d10: Per+Alert: 2,10,2,6,7,5,
Devin Santos: ((their))
Devin Santos: ((actually they're..must be getting
d10: Wits stealth: 2,9,10,3,
Sung Lee Park : "its ok i like talking
about things like that...i guess i'm having an off night" she pushes a smile.
Devin Santos: I thought that you were actually
concerned about fame and recognition ::looks disapointed:: it's to bad I havn't
heard you sing, but you just have the look of a star