Aunt Susannah: *She laughs faintly.*
Like that's a challenge.
John Dante: He brings his hand to his jaw
"Crytic...she doesn't see the worth of man already." He taps his jaw lightly "Is
that all she said? Do you know her location, resourses, manpower?"
Keiko Moroboshi: "No."
Keiko Moroboshi: "Err, that is all she said, except
that she wanted to know who my superior was. And I do not know her location,
resourcers or manpower."
John Dante: "A shame." He pulls out a pack
of cigarettes one being placed in his mouth "How did she get in contact with you
or is this from your own investigations?" He looks over to Susannah "I take it
you have not had any problems with killer thralls?"
Aunt Susannah: Not at all, honey. *She
smiles brightly.* No problems at all.
Keiko Moroboshi: "Her minions assaulted me,
I...taught them that attacking me wasn't the best method of dealing with me, and
it ended up with them agreeing to leave me alone after I speak with their
John Dante: "Her minions found you..." He
clicks his fingers "The connection you madw with her, still means she placed
effort into tracking you down. At least she was willing to talk it does show
that she has a chance to be saved. Do you think you could get her to agree to
have a meeting with myself?" He lights the cig
Keiko Moroboshi: "I do not know...she's of the
belief that you want very little more than to send her back to Hell."
John Dante: "If she contiunes on her
current corse then that is what we will do, we will talk later on the subject."
He takes a drag looking back over to Susannah "How has life been treating you?"
Aunt Susannah: *She nods.* Well enough.
Maybe I should speak with her, sugar.
Keiko Moroboshi: *she'll nod to Dante*
John Dante: He looks to Keiko then back to
Susannah eyebrow raised a touch "She is still dangerous, I know Keiko can handle
herself in such a situation, I would not wish you to be hurt." He then thinks a
moment before looking to Keiko "If she will not see me, well by the first if it
can make her change our decision, for now I was hoping to actually catch
somebody for once.” He looks around again “I wish to know more on the switch.”
John Dante: (("If she will not see me,
well by the first if it can make her change her ways it would be worth a try.
I'll let you know our decision"))
Keiko Moroboshi: "I would prefer to make an ally
than catch an enemy. Though I admit, I am not always the best judge of
Aunt Susannah: *She smiles.* Awwh, honey.
I'd be perfectly okay. I may not know how to fight, but I know how to talk. I'm
younger than you.
John Dante: "Trust me Susannah, I know
how to talk" He was the voice of the word.
Laurel Hensley: ((Open?))
Aunt Susannah: *She smiles.* You come off
as a bit intimidating, sugar. And your honour'll get you into trouble one day.
You're sweet, but almost Paladin sweet. The time for knights is gone, honey.
John Dante: ((Open away))
Keiko Moroboshi: ((Of course!)) *she's silent*
John Dante: He shakes his head a touch
"And it is thinking like that is why this world is devoid of heroes, a debate
for another time however." He flicks his cig over the ashtray
Aunt Susannah: I know the world isn't devoid of heroes. But most of the world's challenges you can't ride in on a white horse and hope to win. No matter how right you are, and no matter what the movies say, ideals are not bulletproof.
Laurel Hensley: She makes her way up
the stairs, rubbing at her upper arm. The girl looks like she's not changed
clothes in a few wrap top with a fairly daring neckline and a 12"
black miniskirt. Strapped sandals cover her feet. She looks around, blinking a
couple times as she makes her way into the room.
John Dante: He doesn't answer back on that
one, this debate would spiral out of control and he wasn't in the mood for that
right now. He finishes off his cig rubbing the stub in the ashtray
John Dante:
d10: Per & Alertness: 4,7,3,3,8,
John Dante: He looks to the door as
Laurel comes in "Evening Laurel."
Keiko Moroboshi: "Good evening...are you alright?"
Laurel Hensley: She looks around at the
group and nods slightly. "Jamal. Mahzian. Uh...person who I...don't really
know." She shrugs a little and heads toward the bar, reaching up to rub at the
back of her neck as she moves to make herself a Cosmopolitan.
Aunt Susannah: *She smiles faintly.*
Likewise, *she says kindly.*
Laurel Hensley: She doesn't respond
immediately to the question, looking to the two Fallen she does know
John Dante: "We have only just been
introduced now though met on several occasions." He looks between Laurel and
Susannah "Feel free to join in and have a go, it is enlighting"
Keiko Moroboshi: "Melioth."
Aunt Susannah: *She bows deeply, and
leggy.* Anauel. Though my friends 'round these parts call me Auntie.
Laurel Hensley: She smiles a bit to Keiko
raises her brow slowly, and then nods to Susannah while she waits for Dante. "As
Keiko said, I'm Melioth. Laurel in public. Nice to meet you."
Laurel Hensley:
d10: Int+Leg (Anauel): 1,9,4,5,
Laurel Hensley: ((Delete the "raises her
brow slowly" :P))
Aunt Susannah:
d10: Int+Leg: 4,8,9,6,8,
John Dante: He sighs a touch "Melioth."
John Dante: "I take it we still have
issues with a shapeshifter" He frowns a touch, but says nothing else
Laurel Hensley -> Aunt Susannah: Meliioth,
the Angel of Song. An Ishhara (Visage of Longing), he was part of the Silver
Legion during the war...first staying back at the cities and fostering the arts
among the humans, and then, after Sagun, he served as a scout. He joined because
he decided that if mortals knew of their creators, they would be able to lift
themselves to even further heights, and for the same reason, he joined the
Aunt Susannah: *Her eyes widen. And she
smiles, almost softly.* you look different with... err... your new appendages,
Laurel Hensley: She gives Dante a look.
"Yes, we still have issues. They aren't back in the Abyss, after all." She looks
down to the bar, mixing the alcohol in her drink and mumbling. "I'd have told
you if they were."
Laurel Hensley: She shrugs a little bit to
Susannah. "Tried for male the first time around. Idiocy solved that problem. Now
I'm Laurel."
John Dante: He tilts his head a touch
but stays silent letting Laurel and Susannah talk.
Aunt Susannah: *She smiles faintly.* I
don't believe I was ever male or female. Kinda like this. Poor girl needed some
good careful guidance, so we found eachother. It's all right if you forgot me. I
keep on moving, honey.
Laurel Hensley: "Fair enough." She takes a
seat behind the bar, lifting the Cosmo to her lips. "Still, a pleasure to meet
you, Anauel."
Aunt Susannah: Same to you, sweetie. *She
beams.* Such lovely people around here.
Laurel Hensley: "Yeah, it's a lovely
group of folks." She says it with a faint smile, mixed emotions in the smile.
Her eyes turn to Dante, then to Keiko. "So how's the circle doing?"
John Dante: "It is doing well, we are
currently trying to get a Malefactor to change her ways, and Susannah has kindly
offered her assistance on the matter." He smiles to Susannah "Hopefully this one
won't have to be sent back to the pit, how are things here, seems the quietest I
have ever seen it."
Laurel Hensley: "I wouldn't know. I
haven't been here for a few days."
Keiko Moroboshi: *she'll nod her agreement*
Aunt Susannah: One can always hope for
redemption, sweetie, *she says cheerily.*
John Dante: "One can, but not everyone
wants to be saved."
Laurel Hensley: She pulls out a cigarette
and lights it up, leaning her elbows on the bar as she listens silently. A
glance is flicked over to the girls' rooms, then back.
Aunt Susannah: Even those who don't want
to can be. It's all a matter of the way things move, honey. You worry too much.
*She smiles, and moves her toes, seeming, for a moment, fascinated with them.*
John Dante: "No, not everyone can, we will
have to agree to disagree on this one Suz." He moves over to the chair he placed
his jacket over and picks it back up
Laurel Hensley: "Leaving already?"
John Dante: He nods slipping the jacket on
"Sorry but yes I'am, am sure you girls can have fun in my absense." He nods to
Laurel, then to Susannah "Good evening ladies, enjoy the night" before looking
to Keiko "I will contact you within the next few days, keep me posted should she
be in contact again and be careful, though am sure that last bit goes without
Aunt Susannah: Good night, sugar. *She
pauses.* Let me go with you, when you talk with her, yeah?
Laurel Hensley: "Fun." She snorts a
little. "Yeah, that'd be nice. Good bye, Jamal."
Keiko Moroboshi: *she nods to Dante* "Good night."
John Dante: He nods to Susannah "I will be
in touch as soon as I get all the facts and information, and thank you for your
offer of assistance." He leans down and kisses Susannah's cheek "It was great to
finally meet you properly." He looks back to Laurel as he shakes his head as
then leaves the VIP area making his way downstairs and out of the club
John Dante: ((sorry but my time is up now
:( need to hit the sack and try and squeese at least 5 hopurs in before work. It
was cool to get some rp time with you all, have a good night folks *waves*))
Laurel Hensley: ((See you, Judas!))
Aunt Susannah: ((Byeee! It was good seeing
you!)) *She smiles softly.* You too, sugar, *she says.*
Keiko Moroboshi: ((G'night *waves*))
Laurel Hensley: She frowns at Dante and
falls silent, taking a drink off of her Cosmo.
Aunt Susannah: *She watches him go, and
then turns back to the ladies.* Mmmh?
Keiko Moroboshi: "Yes?" *she's been quiet, though
for the moment she seems happy...yay warmth!*
Laurel Hensley: She looks down to the bar,
shrugging a little bit. "Sorry." A hand comes up to curl a lock of hair behind
her ear, and she takes her glasses off, setting them on the bar so she can rub
at her eyes.
Aunt Susannah: So quiet here, *she says
thoughtfully.* It's closed in. Not often I get t'use a public restroom. May I?
Laurel Hensley: "By all means, yeah." She
gestures vaguely toward the bathroom.
Keiko Moroboshi: *she remains quiet, perhaps merely
not having anything to say*
Aunt Susannah: *And with that, she heads
towards the bathroom.*
Aunt Susannah: ((And I believe I'm gonna
crash regardless. So if I don't come back, assume she just leaves with a
pleasant goodbye.))
Laurel Hensley: She watches Susannah head
to the bathroom. "Well. I'm just the life of the party, ain't I?"
Keiko Moroboshi: "It's not you, I'm certain. I know
that I just have nothing to say."
Laurel Hensley: ((Night, Fang!)) She gives
Keiko a look. "Keiko, come on. I walk in, and within five minutes, Dante walks
out. Abruptly. Then, cue the unfomfortable silence before she walks off. I know
what I see."
Keiko Moroboshi: *she shrugs* "Dante is a busy man,
and I have gotten the impression that he is not much of a fan of Sanctuary."
Keiko Moroboshi: ((g'night))
Laurel Hensley: "No, because he refuses to
recognize that the Court isn't associated with it. Because if he didn't think
it, it can't be fucking true."
Keiko Moroboshi: *she'll shrug once more* "Whether
or not there's an official association, this place is associated with the Court.
Or at least, has been in the past."
Laurel Hensley: "No, it hasn't." She sets
her jaw. "Just because I didn't have the financial know-how to buy my own place
for the Court doesn't mean this place has ever had association with the Court,
beyond the fact that Eli owns it. You people decided there was association
because I dared to hang out here. Because I ~had~ nowhere else."
Keiko Moroboshi: "You misunderstand me. I did not
say that you were the the least, I've always associated Eli
with the Court, and, as you said, Eli owns this place."
Laurel Hensley: "Despite the fact that
he's always, from the moment the place was open, said that the place was a safe
haven to all, regardless of affiliation?"
Keiko Moroboshi: "I did not dispute that either. I
happen to believe that it is possible for the Court to run a safe haven for all,
and no, I am not saying that I believe the Court is running Sanctuary."
Laurel Hensley: She looks away from
Keiko, down to her glass. Quiet for a moment. "Good."
Keiko Moroboshi: "And now, as I asked when you came
in...are you alright?"
Laurel Hensley: She shrugs a little bit, squiting toward the blurry blob where the window is. "Doesn't matter. You don't need to pretend to care, Keiko." She sighs and picks up her glasses, slipping them on.
Keiko Moroboshi: *she raises an eyebrow* "And you
believe that I would pretend to care?"
Laurel Hensley: "Of course." She finishes
her drink and rises from the seat. "It's par for the course, these days."
Keiko Moroboshi: *she frowns at that* "If that's
what you believe, then I'll be leaving." *she begins the process of preparing
for the outside world...jacket, scarf, hat, gloves...*
Laurel Hensley: ((Apologies))
Laurel Hensley: She frowns a little bit,
looking to Keiko. "What?"
Keiko Moroboshi: "As you just said, you do not trust
me. If I am not trusted, then I see no reason for me to remain here."
Laurel Hensley: "Because it's not my
place. I have no fucking association with it, Keiko. This is a place for
everyone..." She makes a strangled sound and shakes her head. "Fuck it. Stay
here. There's no need for you to have to leave. I fucking usual." She
stalks her way toward the door, jaw set.
Keiko Moroboshi: "I know that you have no
association with it. But you are the only one here, and I have work in the
morning as it is." *she pulls her hat on* "Good night." *as she wraps the scarf
around her mouth and pulls her gloves on*
Laurel Hensley: "Whatever. Good night."
She heads down the stairs toward the club floor. She needs to get to her own
work anyway.
Keiko Moroboshi: *and Keiko also leaves, bundled up
thoroghly against the cold*