Casey Iver: "Another night, another shift. It's breaktime for Casey as he walks out of a night deli with a sandwich and drink, in full uniform as he walks to the edge of the boardwalk that overlooks the beach. He takes a bite of his sandwich and gazes across the sand, as he has done many nights before*

Laurel Hensley: She's walking along the boardwalk, coming from the other way. The woman had a need to wander, to be near the water, and this seemed to fit the bill. Maybe she found herself this way accidentally...whatever the reason, she walks along, eyes half-shut as she listens to headphones connected to an iPod. She's humming lightly, a soft sort of smile on her face above the leather jacket. Under the jacket, one of her usual blue wrap-tops and jeans. Sandals on her feet.

John Dante: He had been here a while, just in the shadows not to close to the surface, it was a day off but when you in the business or just like him there is never an hour off. So Dante leans by the Candyfloss stand, trainers showing from his low jeans, a plain black T-shirt and zip up black hoody cover his top.

Casey Iver: d10: Per+Alert: 7,7,7,9,5,

Casey Iver: *Casey gazes around casually as he finishes off his sandwich quickly, never enough time on break it would seem. Turning around he glances around with a smile and then, to his surprise notice both Dante and Laurel.* "Oh my.." *He says as he stands up and makes his way over to both of them*

Laurel Hensley: d10: Per+Alert: 3,6,8,2,6,

John Dante: d10: Per & Alertness: 4,5,5,3,7,

Laurel Hensley: She may be lost in song, but not quite so lost that she doesn't notice the approaching Casey, or Dante up ahead. She purses her lips, pausing in her walk.

John Dante: He notices Casey, but that is all. He stands up a touch from his lean, but nothing more, he wasn't even sure that Casey had noticed him and wasn't about to make his presense advertised as he stays in the shadows, like he didn't want to be seen.

Casey Iver: *Casey gives a curious look in Laurel and Dante's direction at both of their reactions and chuckles with a slight shake of his head. As he gets closer he waves to Dante, and waits for laurel to get closer* "Evenin fella. How ya been?"

Laurel Hensley: She frowns at the chuckle from Casey, and pulls the earbuds off. She approaches slowly, folding the cord up, taking a deep, slow breath, eyes on her hands and their work.

John Dante: He looks up to Casey, a small shake of his head as he takes a step forward. "Like always Casey I have been busy, saving you know." He moves his hand up to his hair brushing it back a touch "Talking to the new management."

Casey Iver: *He nods at that* "A see, I didna think ya woul have anythin ta do with tha?" *He says curiously. His eyes straying over to Laurel as she approaches*

Laurel Hensley: She looks up as she heads that, a brow arching.

Laurel Hensley: ((hears))

Sung Lee Park: ((closed scene?)

John Dante: He watches Casey's eyes, looking over to Laurel himself before he looks back to Casey "Why would I not, we operate in two different groups, would be foolish for the new controller to not talk with the other party" He tilts his head to Casey "It is only polite never mind honourable”

Laurel Hensley: ((Not closed in my book!))

Casey Iver: *He nods in admission to that* "Aye tha's true bu ya never know withou askin." *Casey turns and smiles and nods to Laurel as she gets close.* "Evenin"

Casey Iver: ((Come on in))

John Dante: He nods to Laurel voice lowered "Hello Melioth"

John Dante: ((open away))

Laurel Hensley: "Jamal," she says calmly and quietly. She moves forward a step, then looks to Casey. "Mangara."

Casey Iver: *Casey lowers his voice as well* "Melioth." *Noding as he does* "So wha brings tha two a ya ou here? Its quite tha odds for both a ya to show in tha same place." *Casey says making friendly*

Sung Lee Park: Sung walks down the board walk a soft humming comming from her as she looks around. she was wearing her lady's trench coat. and a nice casmir scarf around her neck. her long staight black hair was under a small cap, and she was in a pair of black straigh jeans.

Laurel Hensley: "Hey, you're the one who understands Fate," she says with a little smirk to Casey. A slight shrug follows. "Out wandering, really."

John Dante: He raises an eyebrow "It is not too out of place, I do live in Brooklyn you know, and though I may not have been present for a few of the serious crimes here does not mean that I'am not watching over them." Those amazing eyes gleam a moment as he blinks and the magic is broken

Sung Lee Park: d10: i spy...: 8,5,7,7,2,

Casey Iver: *He chuckles* "Aye i may know fate, but knowin tha way it works isna so easy anymore." *He turns back to Dante* "I'm no sayin its odd your ou here Dante, im jus sayin there mus be a good reason for tha three of us ta intersect like this."

Sung Lee Park: She continues down her path still humming as she seems someone familer. not sure she move in close towards the group.

Laurel Hensley: d10: Per+Alert: 8,3,3,5,4,

John Dante: He looks between Casey and Laurel "It could just be fate as she said, nothing needing to come by it just simply fate."

Laurel Hensley: "Not necessarily," she says in response to the 'good reason' comment. She glances over and notes Sung Lee, looking her over.

John Dante: d10: Per & Alertness: 4,9,5,4,5,

John Dante: He also notes Sung Lee. He goes silent for now recognising her face and the small chat in the cafe.

Casey Iver: d10: Per+Alert: 9,6,5,7,8,

Casey Iver: *Casey catches both of them looking elsewhere and turns to look noticing Sung, his smile grows wider* "Or perhaps there is a good reason afterall." *He says to both of them before stepping a few steps towards Sung* "Sung lass, how are ya?"

Sung Lee Park: "Casey!Hello!" she beams as she nears as she gets close she sees John and waves to him as well "hello again" she then also looks to Laurel "evening " her korean accent still pretty prominate and smile never fading.

John Dante: He takes a step back as Casey moves forward, a few more steps back and he is back in the shadow of a Candyfloss stand, fate...when there is no longer the word...

Laurel Hensley: She nods a little bit to Sung Lee, offering a smile that is polite, but no more. "Hi." She flicks her eyes subtlely in Dante's direction when he steps back to hide.

Casey Iver: *Casey turns to introduce Sung to both of them and gets an odd look on his face when Dante backs into the shadows.* "Umm Dante?" *He gets a curious look on his face at Dantes behaviour*

Laurel Hensley: She sighs a little and rolls her eyes when Casey gives away Dante's location.

Sung Lee Park: She tilts her head at Dante stepping back and glances to Casey "did i interupt?"

John Dante: "We have met." He smiles to Sung "Coffee shop, small chat." He nods slightly

Casey Iver: "Ah...i see." *Casey turns back to Sung* "Nah lass, ya didna interrupt anythin."

Sung Lee Park: She smiles nodding her head "i'm glad how are you this evening" she looks to all of three to they know its directed to who every wants to answer.

Laurel Hensley: She shrugs a little bit to Sung Lee. "I've been worse." It's as specific as she intends to get, it seems. She looks back over to Dante, watching him curiously.

Laurel Hensley: d10: Per+Emp (vs five): 2,2,6,4,4,3,

Casey Iver: "Been well Sung, been pretty busy actually, workin on some special projects." *He nods before looking to both laurel and Dante, rather confused*

John Dante -> Laurel Hensley: ((He just seems a little shy almost, like he doesn't want to be known too much.))

John Dante: He looks around all three before he pulls out a cig and places it in his mouth and lighting it.

Sung Lee Park: she nods Laurel, and smiles to casey "glad to hear it."

Laurel Hensley: Her brow furrows a little bit, lips quirking a touch. She looks back to Casey and shrugs, as if to say 'nothing to worry about,' and then takes a lean against the nearest wall, lighting a cigarette of her own.

Casey Iver: "So, how are things goin for ya Laurel? I appologize for tha way ya saw me last. It was a bit of an odd nigh." *He smiles trying to emphasive the appology*

Laurel Hensley: She shrugs off the apology, exhaling a drag of smoke. "I'm fine, Casey. Peachy as a clam."

Sung Lee Park: She takes a step back from the scent of the cigarette. She glances over to Casey frownslightly.

John Dante: He takes a few drags from his cig, the smoke blown upwards.

Casey Iver: *Casey shakes his head slightly* "Well...tha's good for ya.." *His hands clench and unclench slightly. He then turns to Sung* "So lass, wha brings ya down here?"

Sung Lee Park: "i was thinking and wanted to hear the ocean" she looks dowbn "have you talked to Tiernan lately?"

Laurel Hensley: She notes the shake of the head and frowns. "Okay, then, if you want the truth, I'm not peachy. You see, there's a decently-sized clot in my menstrual flow, and it's not particularly fun." Hey, he wanted honesty, right?

Casey Iver: *Casey actually frowns at that name* "No, tha lass didna wan ma help or ma friendship. So i leave tha lass alone."

John Dante: He looks to Casey and Sung, then to Laurel. He didn't have to be hear all this really, and he knew it it as he took a turn and moved away from the group, this park was protected at least for tonight.

Laurel Hensley: She looks at Dante heading off and frowns. "Dante." She turns to follow him. "Wait up."

John Dante: He stops as she calls out, he half turns, cig still burning "Yeah Laurel?"

Sung Lee Park: "leaving already?"She frowns seeing Dante leaving looking to Casey .

Casey Iver: *Casey looks to Sung for a moment with a "I dont really know whats going on" look on his face before turning back to look at Dante and Laurel*

Laurel Hensley: She pulls up as he stops, coming to her own stop a few feet away from him. She opens her mouth like she's got something to say...but nothing comes. It shuts and she frowns, stricken by indecision, before finally looking down to her hands, fiddling a bit. "Gimme a call sometime. Kay?"

Sung Lee Park: "do you think its cause i came?" she frowns worried.

Casey Iver: *He shakes his head.* "I don think so lass, i really don."

John Dante: He smiles to sung and it is hard to see any bad in that grin, those eyes, that smile..."Your in good hands with Casey Sung." He eyes move slowly away and look to Laurel as as a small frown comes over his forehead, an eyebrow twitches just a touch. "Are you alright?"

Laurel Hensley: She shrugs a little bit, mumbling quietly to him.

Laurel Hensley -> John Dante: "Yeah, m'fine. I just..." Her lips purse. "I'm sorry."

Sung Lee Park: She tilts her head curious to Dante's meaning she looks to Casey confused.. "Jo and the group had attacked Tiernan..i know she won't ask for help, but now i'm worried about somethings aTeienan told me"

John Dante: He puts an arm over her shoulder, turning so Casey and Sung couldn't be privy to there conversation

Laurel Hensley: She tenses a little bit at the touch, but doesn't pull away or anything of the like.

John Dante -> Laurel Hensley: his brow remains raised "Is this finally for the flood you caused in my house?" He does smirk just a touch

Casey Iver: *Casey gets a worried look on his face as Jo and the others are mentioned.* "Oh? Wha's tha?"

Sung Lee Park: she looks around sgaking her head.

Laurel Hensley -> John Dante: She shrugs just a little. "It's for fucking up so much and so often. If you wanna include that in, then sure."

Casey Iver: *He looks around as well* "Very well, lets go over there." *He points to a set of stairs leading down to the beach, empty and quiet*

Sung Lee Park: She looks over to where Dante and Laurel are and then to casey "maybe later, i should probaby rest i have a shoot in the morning.. call me ok?" she turns moving off.

Sung Lee Park: (thanksfor the scene i have to get going))

ScarletIris: (You guys around for a while?)

Casey Iver: *Casey just looks completely lost* "Um, alrigh then Sung. I will." *He watches her moving off and leans against the wall on his own and takes his hat off as he crouches down in the shadows*

Laurel Hensley: ((Yep!))

Casey Iver: ((I aint going anywhere))

Laurel Hensley: ((And thanks, Sio!))

John Dante -> Laurel Hensley: He pats her shoulder "You tried your best, no-one could ask anymore of you, you did all you could with the responsibility forced on you, there is no blame to be placed.” He gently squeezes her shoulder “True you were a bit of a bitch…am not going to lie on that, and we did disagree on many issues.”

Casey Iver: ((Later sio))

John Dante: ((I maybe around for another hour?))

ScarletIris: (Eeeeeeexcellent. Hate to slow things up, but could I get an idea of where people are?)

Casey Iver: ((Casey is currently leaning against a wall in shadow in full uniform, hes actually looking rather depressed suddenly))

Casey Iver: ((Not that far from Laurel and Dante))

Laurel Hensley: ((Down the street a bit from Casey, with Dante's arm around Laurel's shoulder))

John Dante: ((Dante and Laurel are jkust walking away from Casey, Dantes arm around Laurel))

Laurel Hensley: She frowns a little bit and looks at Dante, pulling away from him. "Why does everyone do that?"

ScarletIris: (per+alert if you will.)

Casey Iver: d10: Per+Alert: 8,5,5,4,10,

Laurel Hensley: d10: Per+Alert: 3,6,4,8,2,

ScarletIris: For a cloudy wednesday night on the boardwalk, the place is still somewhat populated. Not much sticks out from the crowd. Most patrons of coney seem to be making a slow stride one way or another. Tourists snap pictures of the waterfront and other sites. Teenagers linger.

John Dante: d10: Per & Alertness: 6,4,6,4,6,

ScarletIris: d10: : 7,2,9,9,7,

John Dante: He takes his arm back, he shrugs "Okay then, you were just a bitch."

ScarletIris: Nope, nothing out of the ordinary. Just a funfilled evening on the island. The scent of fresh crab hangs in the air.

Casey Iver: *Casey sighs and rubs his face leaning there in the shadows before looking out again, just hearing the tail end of Dante and Laurels conversation, but not caring to much*

John Dante: He raises an eyebrow to Laurel, then leans in as if to offer an extra insult

John Dante -> Laurel Hensley: "We are being watched, I don't know where but trust me now we are."

Laurel Hensley: She smirks a little bit at that answer, though it's bitter, and her eyes narrow. "I'm tired of being lied to, Dante. "Did I try my best, or did I turn things into the fucking Brady Bunch? The two don't coincide."

Laurel Hensley: She narrows her eyes a little further at what Dante says, and nods with a snort. "Typical."

John Dante: He nods, the truth was needed by her "You tried your best and as such it turned into the Brady Bunch, I never said your best was actually any good." all said with a straight face, as he starts to slowly look around, eyes scanning for this would be watcher.

Casey Iver: *Casey doesnt move, hes having problems of his own, trying to fight back the negative feelings. He hears them but he doesnt react*

ScarletIris: A girl steps in Casey's direction. Nineteen, maybe. Dark brown hair that falls just below her shoulders. Dressed simply in stylishly ripped jeans and a black baby doll tee sporting a white skull and crossbones. For all her efforts, the poor emo kid just can't pull off that 'tough' vibe. She wanders girlishly up to Casey, patting her pockets. "Umm.. hey officer.. you have a light I could snag?"

Laurel Hensley: She folds her arms over her chest, dropping into a sulk. "Then don't try and butter me up, like trying my best meant shit. If I fucked up, I fucked up. I'd like to at least be given the courtesy of acknowledging that."

Casey Iver: *Casey looks up at the girl just realizing shes there. He slowly puts his hat back on and stands up digging in his pockets* "Tha's stuffs bad for ya lass." *He says with a faint smile, but he produces a lighter eitherway.*

ScarletIris: She digs a pack of cigs out of her pocket, slipping one between her lips and taking the lighter. "So's breating the seemingly fresh brooklyn air.. Want one?" She offers a smoke to the cop.

John Dante: He keeps looking around for this would be watcher "You fucked up then, I still give you credit for stepping up when no other would and that has to be said but yes you did not lead well, not well at all, you let dissension and relationships get in the way of leadership, you never took charge merely tried to point the way forward, it became ever more apparent as you started to lose control, started to crawl at what was left and try to hold it together.” He looks at her then, away from his scanning "And that is what you wanted...the truth?"

ScarletIris: Lighting her cigarette, the girl glances absently in laurel and dante's direction.

Casey Iver: *He shakes his head.* "No lass, id much rather not. Thank ya though." *He stands up straight.* "The air migh be bad for me, bu i think ill be fine" *He notices the girls look towards laurel and Dante* "Ya know its no very nice ta eavesdrop" *The faint smile just barely holding*

ScarletIris: She quirks a brow, looking back toward Iver. "Hm?" She takes a drag from her cig and shoves the rest of her pack back in her pocket. "What're you talking about?"

Laurel Hensley: "Yes," she answers, and much as it obviously hurts her to hear it, it seems to relax her some, too. "You know, that's the first time you've ever actually given me criticism without using some sort of snide and hurtful comment?" She's trusting in Dante to find this person...more then one of them giving subtle looks would be too obvious.

Casey Iver: "Nothin lass, don worry abou it. Wha brings ya down ta Coney?" *He says trying to get things of his mind*

John Dante: "Really?" He shrugs a touch eyes starting to scan once more "what can I say most of the time you get my back up."

ScarletIris: She shrugs, gaining a tiny smile up toward Casey. "Sightseeing. Was on my way down to the beach to meet up with some of my girlfriends."

Casey Iver: "Ah see, Ya visitin tha city then i take it? Well i hope ya have a good time."

John Dante: d10: Per & Alertness (WP): 9,2,5,7,3,

Laurel Hensley: "Yeah, sure. Like I get everyone's backup."

ScarletIris: "Nnnnnnnnnope. Live here. You don't have to be a tourist to see the sights, man. There's plenty of coney to go around." She shifts her weight a bit, taking another drag from the cig. Looking casually around the area.

John Dante: He nods "Yes, do you remember a man named Tom, had some very funny speak, went something like 'The man with the lamb has an imp on the blower?' You remember that." As he turns around to face Casey and this girl "Seems we have an imp"

Casey Iver: *He actually chuckles a little the girl bringing his spirits up* "Tha there is, One a tha best places in tha city, if a bi run down." *He grins a bit more* "So wha sights ya hear for than?" *He asks geniuinely curious*

ScarletIris: She quirks a brow, looking back to casey. "Umm.. I already told you.. Was heading to the beach." She pauses, cracking a smile to the cop. "You dense?"

Laurel Hensley: She raises an eyebrow to Dante, and looks over to Casey and the girl now.

Casey Iver: *He chuckles* "No lass, i jus look a bit deeper than tha basics. Tha beach is grand, Bu everyones got another reason for comin here."

John Dante: He starts heading back to Casey and the girl, his walk all casual like a mate that had forgotten something.

ScarletIris: She gives a skeptic look to casey. "Riiiiiiight. Are you being all cop like or something? What other reason would I have for heading toward the beach?" She flicks a bit of ash off to the side.

Laurel Hensley: She starts moving along behind Dante, like she's following him. Because...well, she is.

Casey Iver: "No lass, im jus bein curious. I'd be jus as curious outta this uniform as i am in it." *He smiles* "Tha and i suppose i like ta help ou those who are lookin for tha good spots and dissuade those who are lookin for trouble"

ScarletIris: She smirks up to the officer. "Let's keep the uniform on, eh? I'm not ~that~ easy." She glances in dante and laurel's direction, noting their approach. She doesn't look overtly concerned about it.

John Dante: "Hey Casey." THe next part of his question is targetted towards the girl and his voice calls out like thunder almost "And who are you?" ((Voice of heaven coming up))

John Dante: d10: Voice of Heaven: 3,10,7,6,4,9,

ScarletIris: d10: aware: 2,3,2,6,8,4,

Casey Iver: *He laughs* "Lass im ol enough ta be your father, an ya migh be surprised, but im one a tha good cops." *He looks to Dante* "Dante wha's up?"

ScarletIris: (and casey an laurel can obviously roll awareness as well)

Casey Iver: d10: Awareness: 3,5,5,1,

ScarletIris: She looks casually over to Dante. "Names Jackie. Hey." She takes another drag from her cig.

Laurel Hensley: d10: Per+Awareness: 8,3,8,8,3,

John Dante: He nods to her, the response not to convicning for his liking "Nice to meet you Jackie." He nods to Casey "Trust me mate, she ain't really listening to you."

Laurel Hensley: She raises an eyebrow, looking to Dante, then back over to Jackie.

ScarletIris: She cocks a brow, looking up to Dante. "Problem? Who the hell are you to say who I'm listening to? Officer McFriendly and I were discussing the sights."

John Dante: He shrugs but yet smiles a devils grin "I never said we had a problem, in fact I think if anything we don't anymore." He steps up besides Casey "I would also be an Officer. Now Jackie how about we talk about other things, maybe like why you are here?"

Casey Iver: *Casey eyes darken slightly* "Wha are ya doin Dante?"

Laurel Hensley: She remains where she is, silent and observing.

ScarletIris: She chuckles. "Riiiiiight. Bite me. I know the law.. and I haven't done anything wrong. You're just being a dick." She says, eyes locked on Dante.

John Dante: He looks to Casey "Nothing more than wondering why Jackie hear was making conversation with you while listening in on ours. Had you been on the ball you had noticed that." He winks to Jackie "Nice to meet you, am sure well bump into each other sooner or later." And with that he turns and starts to head off back to Laurel

Casey Iver: "Your paranoia's gettin tha betta of ya John, maybe ya shoul take some time off." *Casey's voice is filled with venom, the likes not heard ever from his mouth.*

Laurel Hensley: d10: Per+Emp vs five: 8,3,10,7,5,4,

ScarletIris: She calls out in Laurel's direction. "Clear the way.. Massive ego coming through.. Meep Meep Meep!" She rolls her eyes and takes another drag. "Get over yourself."

John Dante: He looks to Laurel as he comes up by her "I will call you soon and we can finish off that chat, now however is not the time." He leans in and kisses her cheek before she gets chance to pull away and then starts to walk away.

Laurel Hensley: ((That's on Jackie, as a side note.))

ScarletIris -> Laurel Hensley: d10: man+perf: 7,3,9,1,10,9,2,

ScarletIris -> Laurel Hensley: (in conjunction with the emp read, lemme get an intelligence roll from laurel.)

ScarletIris: This girl is the epitome of insincerity. Something about her seems overwhelmingly false. Maybe she's trying too hard.

Laurel Hensley -> ScarletIris: d10: Intelligence: 9,4,

ScarletIris: (*hums innocently* sweep dat pm, bitte.)

ScarletIris -> Laurel Hensley: And also, vaguely familiar. Something in her mannerisms, the way she holds her hands, the tint of her eyes. There's something about her that makes laurel feel they've met, but she can't pinpoint what it is.

Casey Iver: *Casey shakes his head at Dante as he walks off a slight look of disgust creasing his face.*

Laurel Hensley: She frowns deeply at Jackie, and murmurs something under her breath, barely more silent.

ScarletIris: She looks back to Casey with another drag from her smoke. "John, eh? Looks like the two of you are tight."

ScarletIris: d10: per+alert: 5,7,6,2,5,8,

Laurel Hensley -> ScarletIris: "Iotho'sym."

John Dante: ((And as much as I want to stay it is 5.30 am here and I have to go to sleep :( damn it! Sleep well folks, see ya soon))

ScarletIris: (seeya, judas! *hugs an stuff*)

Laurel Hensley: ((Bye, Jud! *Hugs*))

John Dante: ((*Hugs the troops*, do me proud! *s*))

ScarletIris: d10: : 9,9,4,3,8,8,

Casey Iver: ((See ya Judas!)) *Casey looks over to Jackie* "Were maybe..." *He trails off at that*

ScarletIris: She flicks her cigarette to the side and quashes it with a converse sneaker. If she heard Laurel, she makes no inication. "So.. Uniform and all.. I take it you can't come down to the beach for a little fun?" She asks, casting a girlish smile up toward Casey.

Laurel Hensley: She watches Jackie closely as she murmurs, watching for any potential change in the girl's reaction.

Casey Iver: *He chuckles* "An i though ya said ya weren tha easy lass?" *He says jokingly forgetting dante for the time.* "Fraid no lass, I really shoul be gettin back ta ma patrol"

ScarletIris: d10: man+perf: 2,2,4,2,9,6,9,

Laurel Hensley: d10: Per+Emp (vs five)-WP: 8,7,9,2,3,6,

ScarletIris -> Laurel Hensley: She noticed alright. She doesn't seem overtly concerned though. More amused than anything. Taunting laurel, maybe. She's laughing on the inside.

ScarletIris: She chuckles at Casey. "You don't have to be easy to have fun. Trust me. I'm sure we have more in common than our distaste for your little friend that scampered off."

Laurel Hensley: Her eyes narrow, and she starts to approach the duo directly. Stalking toward them, even.

Casey Iver: "Tha's possible lass, bu i really mus decline, work is work, an ive lounged aroun a bit to long as it is."

ScarletIris: She watches Laurel move with the same casual air about her. Then looks back to Casey. "Do I smell.. or something? You can be honest with me.. Why is everyone giving me go to hell looks tonight?"

Laurel Hensley: "Jackie, right?" She offers a taut smile when she comes up, hands resting folded over her chest. "Hi. I'm Laurel. You're looking to have fun?"

Casey Iver: *As laurel walks up he says quickly to Jackie* "Your guess is as good as mine" *Before turning and watching Laurel closely*

ScarletIris: She stretches her arms, looking back toward Laurel. "Was thinking about it.. why? You in?"

Laurel Hensley: "TO-tally in." She nods. "I could stand to cut loose a little bit." She looks over at Casey. "C'mon...what else you gonna be doing? Muggings'll happen, with or without you. Join us."

ScarletIris: She cracks a cryptic smile to Laurel "Awesome. Let's hit the beach. It's getting cloudy.. looks like it might rain. So it won't be as crowded as it usually is."

Casey Iver: *Casey frowns somewhat, not sure what Laurel is up to.* "....fine, i guess i can take a bi more time off tha job."

Laurel Hensley: "Beautiful. C'mon." She wraps an arm around Casey's, starting to walk with him and follow Jackie.

ScarletIris: She shrugs. "If it'll make you feel better.. you can pretend like you're working. You can keep the creeps away." She says with another girlish smile fixed up toward Casey.

Casey Iver: *Casey chuckles at that* "Fair enough lass, i can do tha." *He says as he is lead by Laurel.*

ScarletIris: She smirks and leads on toward the beach. After a moment, she pulls out her cell phone "I told one of my girlfriends I'd meet her down here.. Just wanna let her know that I got held up." She starts punching in a number.

Laurel Hensley: She grins a little bit at Jackie's comment, chuckling slightly, and moves along to the beach with Casey.

Casey Iver: *Casey gives laurel an odd questioning look as they walk along. But turns away from her quick enough* "So wha sorta fun we talkin abou Jackie?"

ScarletIris: She puts the cell up to her ear, an inexpensive piece of equipment really. "Oh.. hey M. Sorry I'm late checking back with you.. Yeah.. ran into some people.."

ScarletIris: She smirks back to Casey, giggling into the phone. "Yeah, me too... Some chick named laurel.. and officer mcfriendly.. Yeah.. we're on our way.."

Laurel Hensley: She smiles a bit, remaining quiet, and subtlely tries to listen in to see if she can hear the voice on the other side. Unlikely, but you never know...

Laurel Hensley: d10: Per+Alert: 9,9,8,6,2,

ScarletIris -> Laurel Hensley: The voice is a woman's. Age is hard to discern. "Was wondering when you would check in.. I see you're making friends.. lovely.. Who called? .. And are you bringing them? .. "

Casey Iver: *Casey continues to look between Jackie and the beach itself, looking for any sign of this M. As well as any signs of others on the beach*

Casey Iver: d10: Per+Alert: 2,9,2,7,8,

Laurel Hensley: She leans a little bit against Casey as they walk, smiling just a bit. Her eyes look out over the ocean fondly, then idly back to Jackie.

ScarletIris: The beach has occasional patches of people. Mostly the younger crowd and random drunkards, given the hour. Jackie seems to be veering away from where most are congregated. In good spirits, talking to her friend on the phone.

ScarletIris: "See you in a bit, M. Hope it doesn't rain." She cracks another smile and pauses for a moment, listening to the response. She hangs the phone up a moment later, stuffing it back in her pocket. Looking back toward the pair she motions for them to follow. "She's waaaaaaay down the shore. I didn't realize how behind I was."

Laurel Hensley: "Mmm...that's okay, Jackie. I don't mind a good, long walk on the beach..."

ScarletIris -> Laurel Hensley: And the other end of the conversation, she hears: "Good. The woman's no threat. If the officer interferes, you know what to do... In a perfect world, it always looks like rain. Don't disappoint me, almond."

Casey Iver: *Casey looks to Laurel again curiously before looking back to the Jackie, making note of where the people are* "Certainly Jackie, a walk doesna bother me in tha least" *Casey then turns to Laurel* "Ya certainly seem in good spirits Laurel"

ScarletIris: She skips her sneakers a bit, playfully kicking up sand as she walks. "I don't mind it either. It's a nice night out. Not too cold.. not too warm. Not pouring down rain.. but not dry and ickie."

Laurel Hensley: She grins a little bit at Jackie and nods, then looks up at Casey. " were angry earlier because Dante did his usual thing and pissed me you're questioning my being in a good mood?" She winks at him. "Don't try to understand women, sweetie. You get that googly-eyed confused look on your face. And as cute as it is...I don't think you appreciate that as much as I do."

ScarletIris: d10: : 1,9,8,2,9,5,

ScarletIris: The drizzle turns to full rain. Not an all out sudden downpour, but a notable fall. Jackie giggles and looks up to the sky. Opening her mouth to catch some of the water.

Casey Iver: *Casey looks up at the rain and doesnt seem particularly phased* "Huh, an it wasna supposed ta rain tanigh" *He says putting his hand out to catch some of it.* "No tha im complainin"

ScarletIris: She smirks, looking girlishly over her shoulder toward the officer. "You like the rain? If it gets bad.. I know a place we could duck out not too far from here. Beachhouse of a friend of mine. Bit shabby.. but it'll be dry."

Laurel Hensley: She looks up at the sky, smiling just a little, and looks ahead. "Don't suppose that there's shelter up ahead?" She starts to move a little faster, as if in hopes of getting out of the rain.

Casey Iver: *He looks to Laurel and then to Jackie* "I suppose tha beachouse migh no be such a bad idea afterall." *He says with a smile*

ScarletIris: She smirks and skips off toward the beach house. Approaching, they see a small isolated shack of a house. Hardly well kept, but for the most part in tact. And as promised, dry. She wanders up to the backdoor and pulls out a ring of four keys. She unlocks the door and heads in.

ScarletIris: d10: : 2,2,2,3,3,3,

ScarletIris: The rain continues, but doesn't seem to get any worse.

Casey Iver: *Casey looks around again carefully and then up to the sky curiously before stepping beyond the threshold and into the house.* "A quaint little place they have."

Laurel Hensley: She looks around the place curiously as they walk up. "Yeah...not too bad. Nice, even." She watches the door as Jackie opens it.

ScarletIris: The furniture is moderate and covered with dust. It's obvious that no one lives here and hasn't for at least a couple of years. She shakes some of the wtaer out of her hair with a tiny smile. Coincidentally enough she doesn't turn her back to either of her guests.

Casey Iver: "So Jackie, will your frien be joinin us here?" *He says looking around slowly, even cautiously as he takes his cap off and shakes the water off of it.*

ScarletIris: "She's still waiting down the shore, for all I know. I'ma see if the rain passes before calling here. Here.. lemme show you around." She extends a hand to casey.

Laurel Hensley: She peers around the place with a raised brow, and looks to the windows, as if curious about the mystery person.

Casey Iver: *Casey looks at her hand for a moment contemplative and then with a smile reaches out and takes it.* "Sure, give me tha gran tour."

ScarletIris: She smiles sweetly to Casey, then makes to jerk his arm into a hold position. Attempting to firmly hold the man between herself and Laurel. Bitch is stronger than she looks. (before rolling the hold, contest, gimme a wp roll diff 8, bitte. And everyone roll initiative.)

ScarletIris: d10: init plus seven: 4,

ScarletIris: d10: fp spent: 7,5,4,4,9,2,

Casey Iver: d10: Will: 2,6,6,9,3,7,3,4,

Casey Iver: d10: eerrr will : 6,2,8,9,3,3,

Casey Iver: ((Sorry scrap the first one))

Laurel Hensley: d10: Initiative plus six: 4,

ScarletIris: (and all can roll aware)

Casey Iver: d10: init plus five: 2,

Casey Iver: d10: Awarenss: 9,9,4,10,

Laurel Hensley: d10: Per+Awareness: 9,2,5,5,1,

ScarletIris: (you're good. At contact, she attempted the first level of lore of flesh, but he barely scraped by with his contest. Before going to rounds, casey and jackie need contested str+brawl rolls.)

ScarletIris: d10: : 7,5,3,9,8,4,

Casey Iver: d10: Str+Brawl: 4,4,6,2,

ScarletIris: Order is as follows: Casey, Laurel, Jackie. Declare and roll out what you're doing in said order and all will be summed up at the end of each round. You know the drill. Currently Casey is in a hold in front of Jackie, shielding her from Laurel. Laurel is a few feet away from the pair, I'm assuming. If that's incorrent, let me know.

Casey Iver: *Surprised and angered Casey's first action will be to free himself trying to get this womans hand off of his*

Casey Iver: d10: Str+Brwl: 3,2,7,7,

Laurel Hensley: ((No, that's about right.))

Laurel Hensley: She tilts her head, curious about this, but makes no combative action immediately. She doesn't look overly surprised, but she's not leaping into the fray immediately, either. "I remember you..." It's said to Jackie.

ScarletIris: She keeps a firm hold on Casey, trying to clinch the man "Christ.. tell me you're not the one who offed Sara. It must've been your little lapdog mortician. You don't have a clue.."

ScarletIris: d10: str+brawl: 9,5,7,7,5,4,

ScarletIris: d10: str damage: 10,5,2,6,

Casey Iver: d10: Soak: 8,2,

ScarletIris: (casey, soak 2 bashing)

ScarletIris: Recap: The teen is a surprising little firecracker and keeps the cop clinched. (1 bashing) Laurel and Jackie banter, but laurel is yet to move in that direction. New Round.

Casey Iver: "Why...why are ya doin this?" *Casey says as he tries to free his hand again*

Casey Iver: d10: Str+Brwl: 8,8,8,6,

Laurel Hensley: "Oh, so you're not Tabtálios, then?" She raises a brow. "I'm pretty sure the person outside causing the storm is my friend the imposter, but I didn't think there were that many of us in the school."

Laurel Hensley: ((group home))

ScarletIris: She tries to keep hold of Casey, concentrating again on incapacitating the squirmy squirmy cop. (rolling for flesh level one, contest with wp diff 8)

ScarletIris: d10: fp spent: 7,5,2,9,9,7,

Casey Iver: d10: Will: 5,6,5,5,1,5,

ScarletIris: Recap: Just as Casey is about to break free, he falls into a deep sleep (death like coma for the duration of the scene.) Jackie continues to hold him up as a human shield, staring with a hateful gleam in Laurel's direction as she ags her on. (if laurel isn't going to act, we can drop combat and move to dialog if it'd be easier.)

Laurel Hensley: ((She's not acting for the moment, at the very least))

ScarletIris: (Cool. Dropping rounds until one of them acts. Assume that she holds casey in the same position unless said otherwise) Jackie narrows her eyes on Laurel. "You're not fit to say his name, weakling."

Casey Iver: ((Yay im a meat sack *G*))

ScarletIris: (but.. an aorable one! *hugs* Sowwie. Had to cut down the variables. The defiler will save you!)

Laurel Hensley: "Who, Iotho'sym?" She shrugs a little bit. "I assume you're not talking about Tabtálios, because if you're talking weakling...well, I'm standing her. He's not." She pulls out a cigarette and lighter, putting the smoke between her lips and moving to light it. She keeps her eyes on Jackie. "And sweetie, we all ended up in Hell. Just because you people have the Ebon Legion thing down, doesn't make you any tougher then any of us. All the blackness in the world and heavens didn't keep you from going right down into Hell with us."

ScarletIris: She smirks, raising a hand to Casey's chin. "Guess you won't mind if I send your little do-good-er friend back, then? I never liked him much. We only met once.. Casey and me. Just before Beth shooed him away for a little private time." Her lips curl into a manic grin, hands ready to twist Iver's neck at the slightest provocation.

ScarletIris: (30 minutes before I have to bail, just letting you know. It's WAY past my bedtime and I open tomorrow.)

Laurel Hensley: She smirks a little bit at that, seeming a bit cavalier about the whole idea. "You're being in-CRED-ibly short-sighted here, you know that? Is petty vengeance that important to you?"

ScarletIris: She chuckles. "Silly bitch.. If you knew anything about what was actually going on.. you'd know it had nothing to do with vengence. Killing Tabtálios.. that was annoying. He was useful. Taught me a lot since I've been up. They both have."

Laurel Hensley: "They." Her head tilts a little bit. "All right, I'll're losing me here. Who's the third party?"

ScarletIris: She smirks, running a small yet surprisingly strong hand along Casey's jaw. "You're a piece of work.. really. You're willing to sit back and banter while I kill a member of your little court.. yet you rush in to swoop up the pathetic whimpering mortal when she wasn't even being threatened with such force. Why is that?"

Laurel Hensley: "A lot's changed between then and now." She shrugs a little bit. "But killing him will make shit awfully hard for me to explain why I let it happen, especially if he finds himself a new body. So let me ask you...what do you want?"

ScarletIris: "She wants her girls back." She says casually.

Laurel Hensley: "She gets two," she says, without hesitation. "She doesn't get all three."

ScarletIris: She quirks a brow. "What makes one more important than the other two?"

Laurel Hensley: "She was careless enough to lose her claim on her. Finders, keepers...losers, find themselves a new virgin."

ScarletIris: Her grin spreads. "She still thinks she's a virgin? How adorable.. I miss that one. I can see why you'd want to keep her around."

Laurel Hensley: She shrugs a little bit. "Spoiled goods didn't fit the line as well. Do we have a deal or not?"

ScarletIris: She nods. "That works. Scamper off. When the girls are delivered to the group home.. Officer McFriendly will be realeased. Try anything.. and I personally snap his neck. That includes spotting your little mortician friend. Little bastard killed my first host. I rather liked that one."

Laurel Hensley: She sighs. "Use your head, bitch. I'm not fucking myself in this, and if Casey's out for the amount of time it's going to take me to get the girls out of there--not to mention the fact that I can't just walk into the place and yank them out without getting ass-raped after the fact--the jig is seriously up on me."

Laurel Hensley: "I'll get you in to get them. That's the deal. But Casey's gotta come with me, otherwise, I'm as good as taking a one-way trip home, and you're not getting anything out of it."

ScarletIris: She shrugs. "How you get the girls to us.. is none of my business. Rest assured, we'll keep Casey comfortable until they're delivered. Nothing will happen to him.. if you play nicely. He's colateral. Nothing more. What use is he as a corpse.. if I don't get what I want? Would it make you more comfortable.. taking the girls here? Ana shouldn't be a problem. I bet she'd rather enjoy coming back to her. Beth will throw a fit if she knows you're taking her to the home. So.. take her to the beach instead. Just let me know where to pick them up."

ScarletIris: "You don't have any leverage to negotiate. If I wante to go in and take them myself.. I would. I've done it before.. and even with your ~tightened security~ I could easily do it again. But I prefer the satisfaction it would bring.. having you hand deliver them."

Laurel Hensley: She frowns, considering it. Looking at Casey with a deep frown. "Fine. It's a deal."

ScarletIris: She smiles sweetly and kisses Casey's cheek. "And do your friend a favor.. don't give me too long to wait. Delivering here or the home?"

Laurel Hensley: "What makes you think I consider him anything remotely approaching a fucking friend?" Her lip curls. "It would just be too hard to explain why I did nothing and let you kill him. My convenience is saving his useless ass."

ScarletIris: She chuckles, holding Casey tightly. "Fair enough. Take your time, then. It never gets old. I'll be waiting."

Laurel Hensley: She nods a little bit. "One other thing. When we're done with this...I want to meet your benefactors."

ScarletIris: She smirks. "She won't be very happy with you. Not.. at.. all. But.. if that's what you want, so be it. We'll discuss it in more length when you deliver." (And I need to wrap it up for the night. I'll be on tomorrow, probably earlier than usual if you want to catch me about what happens next, separately. Assuming that Laurel does leave Casey in 'jackie's' able care.)

Laurel Hensley: ((She does. *Nods* And I'll be around tomorrow as well.))

Casey Iver: ((Sounds good to me.))

ScarletIris: (thanks for the scene guys.)

Casey Iver: ((Same! later guys))

Laurel Hensley: ((Thank you!))