Phillip Lark: Phillip makes his way up the back
stairs. Hands stuffed in his pockets shoulders slumped, wearing his normal black
outfit, black hair spiked, kohl around his eyes, and a braclet around his wrist
of leather and spikes.
Laurel Hensley: The woman's spent the last
few days taking it easy after waking up from her coma...and lost in thought.
She's been distracted, spending a lot of time on the roof, aside from a few
checks a day on Ana to make sure the girl's okay. At this moment, she's at the
bar, leaning against it with an empty glass in front of her, still showing
streaks of the Cosmopolitan she's drunk. She's wearing a soft green tank top and
jeans, hair hanging loose and glasses on the bar next to her.
Elijah Phillips: Eli
has been primarily staying upstairs ever since laurel came back from the group
home. Worried about the woman. Making sure she's alright. Coddling.
Phillip Lark: He makes his way upstairs looking
around sparing a glance to the girls rooms, before heading into the lounge.
Elijah Phillips:
Beth's door is closed, she's very likely asleep. Elijah is leaning back against
the bar, sipping his martini.
Phillip Lark: when he reaches the door to the lounge
he mutters under his breath both of their names, to show he is who he is. Since
you know that is protocol, before moving into the room.
Elijah Phillips: Eli
blinks up at he door as its opening.
Laurel Hensley: She looks over her
shoulder and murmurs Sotitereal's name once she hears her own. A small smile is
given to the Slayer. "Hey."
Elijah Phillips: Eli
of course submits to the name game. Otherwise, staying surpisingly quiet for the
Phillip Lark: "Hey." he says, nodding to Eli and to
Laurel as well. A slight grin. "Good to see you doing better Laurel...." he
raises his hand to the back of his neck and rubs it.
Elijah Phillips: Eli
sets his glass to the surface of the bar. "Drink, love?" He asks Phil.
Laurel Hensley: She smiles just a little
bit and nods. "Thank you. Glad to be up and around. How are you doing?"
Phillip Lark: He moves over to the table and
slouches down into a seat, taking a deeop breath. "Rum and coke? He asks to Eli.
I am....Look, sorry for leaving that morning like I did." he glances up
then back to the table top. "I just cannot take this whole 'I am not going to
trust you' thing anymore. I do not know how much you remember about that night
Laurel, but I know who it was and who they might be working with if you didn't
figure it out or know......I just....don't wanna fucking be asked to come in the " he winces" death dealer, only to be kept on the outskirts where
I was suring the war."
Elijah Phillips: He
starts making the rum and coke, nodding with a frown. "Mimi told me what
happened after you'd left.. if it happens again, let me know.. I have no qualms
with putting Casey in his place. He has no right to treat you like that."
Laurel Hensley: She frowns a little bit.
"That was never the point of you coming in, all. I called you in
because you were someone I knew I could count on. And I appreciate your help. As
to who it was...well, the Devourer was obviously, in my mind, working with the
imposter, who we have a name for now...but that goes without saying."
Phillip Lark: He looks up blinking. "She
did.....yeah well I didn't want to bother you, you also had to learn of what
happened to Laurel." a look to her. "And I am sorry I was not more on the ball
with that whole thing too...." hand rubbing the back of his neck.
Elijah Phillips: Eli
listens and makes hands the drink over to phillip. Obviously not having much to
Elijah Phillips: He
purses his lips looking over to phillip. "Love.. don't be down on yourself.
YOU.. are the reason laurel made it out of there alive. Don't forget that.."
Phillip Lark: "Yeah she4 is......the Devourer is
Tab and then tálios. I tried to tell people that night, but with
everything.....I know it was a bit, stressful and you should know."
Laurel Hensley: "Exactly." She nods in
response to Eli's words, and looks back to Phillip. "You saved my ass in there,
Phillip. That's not something I'll forget quickly. You have my gratitude.
It's...the kind of loyalty I'm not used to these days. Present company excepted,
of course." She smiles back to Elijah.
Elijah Phillips:
d10: int+leg: 5,2,6,4,2,
Elijah Phillips: He
casts a loving smile to laurel, making his way over to drape a long arm around
the girl's waist.
Phillip Lark: He takes the drink and lowers his
head. "Yeah, is Ana okay?" he looks up.
Laurel Hensley: She nods. "I got that
name...and the name of our Ishhara imposter. Io and tho'sym. One of..." She
shudders a bit. "Abaddon's Legionnaires."
Elijah Phillips: Eli
pauses. "She's.. awake. A bit distant though.. you can check on her if you
like.. she's in her room."
Elijah Phillips:
d10: in+leg: 7,5,3,4,9,
Phillip Lark: He nods his head. "Yeah I know. I
managed to catch that as well, which is what tipped me off to come out of my
hidding spot. Might have given them a bit more infor about me though." he shrugs
then takes a drink of his drink.
Elijah Phillips: Eli
nods. "So the imposter isn't Mammetum like Mimi thought? Tricky tricky.."
Laurel Hensley: "It could always be a
team, but..." She sighs. "Well, I hope not. One is bad enough. Though I haven't
yet counted out Mary Alphonsus and Father Lowery both being Fallen."
Phillip Lark: He nods his head. "I can do that
before I leave. Just to make sure she is okay and all."
Elijah Phillips: "Do
you know who hosts the Ishhara?"
Phillip Lark: He frowns a touch. "You mean......that
place the group home, is or could be full of other fallen? Shit." he runs a hand
through his hair messing it up.
Laurel Hensley: "My guess, based on what
Beth's reaction to her was a while ago, would by Alphonsus." She frowns deeply,
rising and kissing Eli's cheek before she moves behind the bar to fix another
Cosmo. "She looked like she'd suffered the result of being put through the
ringer of Longing, and then some, when the good Sister was mentioned."
Elijah Phillips:
"Full.. of fallen?" He asks, quirking a brow. "That's no good.."
Laurel Hensley: "Which, if it's a duo,
also fits, because the imposter used 'Lowery' to sign into the hotel when they
snagged Maria and Beth."
Phillip Lark: He winces and takes another long drink
from his run and coke.
Laurel Hensley: "No, it's...really not
good." She finishes the drink and lets out a slow breath, reaching to rub
irritably at her shoulder.
Elijah Phillips:
"So.. do we know if the devourer found another host?"
Phillip Lark: "Well......I can tell you where their
weak spot is in the fact that they are not covered beyond the viel.
But they might step that up now that I have shown myself and their weakness yet
Laurel Hensley: "All that happened after
the lights went out for me, love." She shrugs. "Beyond making contact, which I'm
not sure if that would be wise...I don't know how to find out if Phillip doesn't
Phillip Lark: He slouches in the chair looking to
Eli. "I have no clue, I really do not know.....she got away from me after I
killed her."
Elijah Phillips: He
nods. "Make contact.." He muses quietly. "Maybe if the person doing it was in a
remote location.. with proper cover.."
Phillip Lark: "Who ever that person is would end
up, till this is over, to be very careful."
Laurel Hensley: She nods a little. "With
proper precautions, of course. And definitely not from here."
Elijah Phillips: He
leans back against the bar again.. pondering. "Hmm.. who do we have among us
that we could trust no to fuck this up.. that would be willing bait?"
Laurel Hensley: She shrugs a little. "I
don't have a problem doing it, personally."
Elijah Phillips: He
purses his lips, looking laurel over "Love.." He says worriedly. "Are.. you
Phillip Lark: She looks to Laurel. "I know we all
have trust issues here., but you are kinda impoirtant here you know."
Laurel Hensley: "Honestly, can you think
of someone else you'd trust to do it? My short list consists of the three of us
and Urian at the moment." She looks to Phillip. "If you'd like a crack at it, go
ahead. Or you, love. But I think we're fairly short otherwise."
Phillip Lark: ((*Smacks fingers* HE not She....damn
gender confusion))
Elijah Phillips: Eli
clears his throat, looking down at his bare feet. "I.. I'll pass.. I think. I
probably know the least among us about the situation.. all things considered."
Laurel Hensley: ((S'okay. EVERY single
post, I still ytype "He" for Laurel and have to edit it to "She." *S*))
Phillip Lark: He shrugs. "If need be I can. After
all I am on their hit list times two at this point."
Elijah Phillips: (the
good news? for all three.. he OR she would apply.)
Laurel Hensley: ((*Giggles*))
Phillip Lark: ((*Snickerftis* Yers yes this is quite
true *S*))
Laurel Hensley: "It's yours, then," she
says to Phillip with a nod. "Anything we can do to help, let us know, of
Elijah Phillips: Eli
looks between them. It's obvious that HE's not about to volunteer himself.
Phillip Lark: "Okay." he looks like his death
warrent was signed yet again but that it is not new to him. "Well with whatever
precautions and such. I mean find an undisclosed location to do this in and the
Elijah Phillips: "I'm
sure Urian could arrange something.."
Laurel Hensley: She nods faintly to Eli,
expression thoughtful. "Yeah, he probably could. I'll ask him...need to talk to
him anyway."
Elijah Phillips:
He nods. "Is.. there anything I can do?"
Phillip Lark: He nods his head. "That works. I have
been thinking......we are gonna need a few more fighters, when we go against
these guys. I mean maybe I was lucky or just better than that devourer,
but.....yeah. I also caught both of them off guard and I know that."
Elijah Phillips: "Who
do we have on call?"
Laurel Hensley: She's quiet for a long
moment, not answering Eli's question immediately. A drink is taken of her Cosmo.
Elijah Phillips: He
gives a concerned look to Laurel. "Love?"
Elijah Phillips:
d10: per+emp diff four: 5,5,7,7,6,
Phillip Lark: "On call?" he asks then looks in
between the two of them.
Elijah Phillips: He
nods to phillip. "Yeah.. as in fighters.. we could call in. I'd offer.. really I
would.. but unless this rabid ishhara is deathly afaid of glitter and playful
banter.. I'm afraid I'd be quite fucked."
Laurel Hensley -> Elijah Phillips:
She's got a lot weighing on her mind right now,
and she's wavering between two options of a decision. Despite the success of
rescuing Ana, her self-esteem is fairly low right now, and she's mostly just
unsure of herself. She's also probably had a couple more drinks then she's
letting on, but isn't drunk yet.
Phillip Lark: "Ah okay gotcha." he nods and takes
another dink of hios drink.
Elijah Phillips: "Has
anyone gotten a hold of thad lately?"
Laurel Hensley: "Leon, maybe," she says
with a shrug.
Maksim Adam Fyodor: ((Sorry to interupt, is this
scene closed?))
Laurel Hensley: "No." She frowns a little
bit. "In fact, he hasn't been returning invocations. That's...something I still
need to check into."
Elijah Phillips: He
gives an almost relieved sigh. "I was worried there for a while that it was just
me he was ignoring. You know.. still sore about that whole.. Harlem incident."
Elijah Phillips: (far
as I know its open)
Phillip Lark: He just listens at this point, looking
iun between the two of them. ((I am MTing, and am slow at this point and
attempting to keep up at this point sorry *Hugs*))
Laurel Hensley: ((Open for me...))
Laurel Hensley: "It's not just you, love."
She frowns a bit, then sips at her drink. Another thing on the agenda."
Laurel Hensley: ((Put a " before
Elijah Phillips: He
downs the rest of his martini and wraps around the bar to shake up another one.
Phillip Lark: "We always have a lot ot take care
of.....I will try not to be too on the outside of things if I can help it from
now on."
Maksim Adam Fyodor: ..::Maksim walks
in, some may have seen him around Sanctuary more often lately. One thing is
clear though, unless he is on stage, he looks out of it. He is not his normal
energetic ready to brighten up the world self these days. Oh well, as the nights
get colder he ways a few more layers, a hoody and thin jacket if it is really
cold. He walks past the red door. Walking around, trying to find some place to
get a drink that is not out with the regular populace::..
Laurel Hensley: She looks over at Elijah
as he joins her behind the bar and smiles faintly, leaning into him slightly for
just a moment.
Elijah Phillips:
He pauses in making his martini to give laurel a loose hug. Kissing the top of
the woman's head. "It'll be alright, love.. we're all here to help."
Phillip Lark: "Yeah, we are." he nods.
Laurel Hensley: "I know." She looks over
to Maksim, frowning a little bit, expression somewhat wary. She looks to Eli and
Phillip, to see if either of them know him, before looking back. "Hello?"
Elijah Phillips: Eli
cracks a smile to Maksim. "Hey there, you. Enjoying yourself?" He leans over to
whisper in laurel's ear.
Elijah Phillips -> Laurel Hensley:
"He's new to town. Memory non-exisant. Urian tagged
Phillip Lark: He looks over to the door as Makisim
walks in a slight frown looking to Eli and Laurel, he seems to relax and slouch
into the chair he is stilling in when Eli seems to know who this new guy is.
Laurel Hensley: "Ahh." She nods a little
bit, and offers Maksim a smile. "Nice to meet you. I'm Laurel."
Phillip Lark: ((I believe we lost path))
Elijah Phillips: (i
think he poofed offline for a sec. just popped back on in icq, for what its
Elijah Phillips: Eli
coninues to shake his martini, sticking close to laurel.
Phillip Lark: "Phillip." he says in lieu of an
introduction, then he goes back to nursing his rum and coke.
Laurel Hensley: ((He keeps bouncing off
and on...connection problems, I think.))
Elijah Phillips:
(fair enough. if he does come back online and wants in.. he can enter then.)
Laurel Hensley: She sighs and leans into
Eli, looking up to him. "How are you doing, love?"
Phillip Lark: ((NP)) "Okay so when do we want to do
this?" he looks between Laurel and Eli.
Elijah Phillips: Eli
gives a tiny shrug. "Can't complain.. really. Club's doing well. Just.. worried
is all. Wishing I could do more to help."
Laurel Hensley: She nods a little bit,
falling silent, and looks to her glass. It's a moment before she speaks, and it
seems...sudden. "What are your opinions on how we're doing?" It seems directed
at both of them. "The Court."
Elijah Phillips: He
blinks, surprised at the question. "Doing? We're.. I don't know. I guess we're
doing alight.. why wouldn't we be?"
Phillip Lark: He sighs and rtuns a hand through his
hair. "Well I might be part of it, but as I said, I feel on the outskirts. I do
not know.....not enough acting in concert with one another and keeping each
other informed, but that has been the norm for a while now."
Laurel Hensley: She nods a little,
taking the two opinions calmly, maybe a bit distractedly. "You think things are
improving...or getting worse?"
Elijah Phillips: "Definely
improving." He says without a moments thought. But then.. who really expects
~thought~ out of ouestucati. Really.. "You're doing a superb job, love.."
Phillip Lark: "I have to say, it is getting better.
We are doing more that is for damn sure. Just gotta get a tad better on the
whole communicating thing. You are definatly doing awesome, always have even
back when I first came around."
Laurel Hensley: She smiles a little bit.
"Thanks. I apreciate that...both of you."
Phillip Lark: He chuckles "Anytime. You and I were a
good team at first.....I miss those times."
Elijah Phillips: He
smiles over to her, kissing her temple. "Though you could stand to allocate more
responsibiliy.. as not to stress yourself into a hernia."
Laurel Hensley: She smiles a little,
leaning into the kiss. "I'm working on that, actually." She sighs and lets her
eyes shut. "I'm just getting tired of being told we're a joke."
Elijah Phillips: He
frowns. "Who said that? Dante?"
Laurel Hensley: "And somewhere around half
the Court or so."
Phillip Lark: He rtolls his heyes. "Prolly.....sounds
like something he might say. Sort of like Victor is always good for threatening
then not following through."
Elijah Phillips: He
purses his lips, sipping his martini. After a second he casts a tiny hopeful
smile. "Hey.. look on the bright side.. half of the court.. really isn't all
that many people."
Laurel Hensley: Mention of Victor brings a
bit of a scowl to her face. She does manage to turn it into a small smile, an
attempt at amusement, at Eli's words. "True enough..."
Phillip Lark: A raise of an eyebrow at the frown,
but he does not comment. "I take it we are not all that big of a group huh?"
Laurel Hensley: "Well, let's see." She
sighs. "Casey's half-in, half-out these days...fucking Delaney switched to the
Court but couldn't be bothered to let us know...Dante let that slip. Bitch. So
yeah, there's...what? Us, Urian, Alister, Baby, and Victor."
Elijah Phillips:
Eli shugs. "Uhh.. not sure. Actually." He looks to laurel. "Do you have a
Phillip Lark: "Well that was nice of Delaney." he
shakes his head. SO seven of us......It could be worse I guess." he shrugs.
Laurel Hensley: "Unless I missed
Elijah Phillips: He
frowns down to his martini, murmering "Never liked that one.."
Phillip Lark: "I think I might have had the pleasure
once, but I dunno who that is really." another shrug.
Elijah Phillips:
"Someone who deseves several close encountes with a sizable paperweight.." He
Laurel Hensley: "It's fucking Nia," she
says with a bitter frown. She looks over to Eli. "I know, love."
Phillip Lark: Phillips eyes widden slightly. "The
woman that....and you were..." he waves a hand then looks off. "Yeah gotcha."
Elijah Phillips: Eli
downs the rest of his matini and sets the glass down. Moving off to find a place
to sit. Avoiding the subject.
Laurel Hensley: She looks down to her
glass. Noting it's empty, she moves to refill it.
Phillip Lark: "I think I should go and check on
Ana." he says moving to stand up.
Elijah Phillips:
Eli moves over and sprawls out on a couch.
Laurel Hensley: Drink refilled, she nods
absently to Phillip, then moves from behind the bar to approach Eli and the
Elijah Phillips: Eli
stetches his arms in an elaborate gesture.
Phillip Lark: He moves to go and check on Ana and
see how she is doing.
Laurel Hensley: She smiles some and leans
over Eli, wrapping her arms around him, careful not to spill the drink. "Love
Elijah Phillips: Eli
drapes an arm around laurel, casting a lovin smile. "Love you too, Melioth."
Laurel Hensley: She smiles and settles
down next to him. "You really think things are going well? Honestly?"
Elijah Phillips: He
nods, leaning weakly against the woman. "I don't think we could have a better
tyrant.. with more heart than you, Melioth."
Laurel Hensley:
d10: Per+Emp (vs five): 3,2,10,8,3,2,
Elijah Phillips -> Laurel Hensley:
He's being truthful. She can see an almost blind
Phillip Lark: He slips out of Ana's room shutting it
till it is only open a crack. With a sigh he rubs the back of his head as he
makes his weay back to the lounge.
Laurel Hensley: She smiles a little bit,
warmly, and slips an arm around Eli's waist. She leans in to kiss his jaw.
"Thank you, love."
Phillip Lark: He stops in the doorway looking at
the cuddling couple. "I do not want to interrupt. Ana looks okay,'s
like she is not really here, not talking or doing much of anything, she is not
in shock or anything...." he shrugs slightly.
Elijah Phillips: Eli
frowns, nodding to phillip. "She's been like that since she woke up. And you're
not interrupting."
Phillip Lark: "She could have gone through things
like Beth and Maria it could be all emotional damage. But nothing
that I can fix really." he nods to Eli's last mords moving back over to pick up
his half finished drink.
Laurel Hensley: She looks over at Phillip,
frowning some. "I'll...try to do some work with her. With Beth, too. Maybe I can
make some headway."
Phillip Lark: "Don't take on too much Laurel. he
turns the chair to face them slouching down in it as he sips his drink. "Like
Eli said..don't extend yourself into a hernia, those can hurt or so I am told."
Elijah Phillips: Eli
nods, nuzzling against laurel. "I'll help out as well. That's one thing I CAN
help with at the very least.."
Laurel Hensley: "True," she says, leaning
into Eli with a smile. "Thank you."
Phillip Lark: He smiles. "Well ytou two.....I should
get going. When you have talked with Urian about a place, let me know, so we can
get a move on with our devourer problem."
Elijah Phillips: He
nods, curling up with laurel lazily. "Night, love. Be safe.."
Laurel Hensley: "Take care, Phillip. Thank
you again."
Phillip Lark: "Yeah thanks you two take it easy and
I will see you later......and Thank you both." Then he stands up setting his
drink aside and heads for the door. a waves as he slips out.
Phillip Lark: ((*Hugs* thank you for the scene guys
*S* Twasd a good scene *Nods))
Elijah Phillips:
(danke danke!)
Laurel Hensley: ((Thanks!)) She watches
Phillip go and then sighs, curling into Eli. "He's a good guy. I'm glad we
didn't flip out on him...back then. And do something rash."
Elijah Phillips:
"Like.. listen to victor?"
Laurel Hensley: She frowns deeply at that.
"Yeah. Like listen to him."
Elijah Phillips: He
lets out a long sigh, comfortable for the time being. "Everything is gonna be
fine, love.. "
Laurel Hensley: She nods faintly. "I know
it will."
Elijah Phillips:
(fade? I needs some shleep)
Laurel Hensley: ((Fade. *Hugs* Thanks for
the scene!))