Victor Mendez: *Victor walks into the room his guitar case slung over his shoulder looking around shrugging when he sees that there is no one there before moveing over to the bar and getting himself a glass of milk and sitting down on the couch*

Victor Mendez: *Takeing slow steady drinks of the milk he looks around before pulling out a small block of wood and a knife and etching it slowly*

Victor Mendez: *He slowy begins to let the knife wander letting it lead the way in the wood as a womans face begins to appear in the etching*

Victor Mendez: *The face is a familiar one to him and he lets out a low sigh before slipping the piece of wood back into his pocket speaking quietly* "Those were happier days"

Victor Mendez: *He picks up the glass of milk again and takes a drink before looking out the window into the night* "You could always go danceing" *he says to himself with a slight laugh* "go dance and do nothing the code of the court"

Elijah Phillips: Eli slinks out of the bathroom, hair still dripping from his dip in the tub. Wearing a pair of white hip huggers. He gains a girlish grin when he spots Victor, moving toward the bar "Love! I haven't seen you in ages.."

Victor Mendez: *Victor looks over and smiles before a frown comes over his face* "That could be because ive decided to leave this fiasco that is being passed off as a court and it could also be because your dead"

Elijah Phillips: He rolls his eyes, starting to shake himself a martini "Dead.. is SO last season.."

Victor Mendez: "Ouesti I dont know if anyone has told you this but becomeing Eli again was not the smartest thing you could have done you do remeber that Eli was killed right?" *he says as he takes another drink from the glass of milk*

Elijah Phillips: "A fluke.. that woman was swimming with hormonal issues. It'll be fiiiiine, love. Even if she is still around.. she can't get to me here. Everyone else loved Elijah."

Victor Mendez: *he sighs and shakes his head a bit* "but you arnt Elijah anymore Ouesti" *he says watching him*

Laurel Hensley: ((Open?))

Elijah Phillips: "And you.. aren't really victor. It's a facade, love. All of it. Does this REALLY bother you?" He takes a sip of the martini, wrapping around the bar.

Elijah Phillips: (far as I know)

Victor Mendez: "But at least I still have Victors memories and feelings you know have someone elses and yes it is a facade and this is just flesh we are wearing but its just not safe for you to run around wearing that face any more Ouesti" *he says softly* "And I actually kind of liked the other look on you anyway"

Victor Mendez: ((Sure))

Elijah Phillips: He smirks. "It was the boobies.. wasn't it? Men are simple creatures." He leans back against the bar. "Brigitte's memories are.. ickie. I try not to dwell on them."

Laurel Hensley: The sound of footsteps come from the fire escape, and she slips in through the window. The girl is dressed in warm clothing...a powder-blue turtleneck sweater and jeans, with a heavy leather jacket over it. Her hair's pulled back into a ponytail, glasses on her face. She looks...pensive. Thoughtful.

Elijah Phillips: She flashes a loving smile over to the window. "Melioth.. love."

Victor Mendez: *Victor looks over at the fire escape and then back to Eli after he sees who it is not even acknowledgeing the other person in the room* "I dont know anything about her memories and it was more just somthing new" *he says with a sigh* "So how have you been anyway?"

Elijah Phillips: He tilts his head back and forth, with an almost thoughtful look. "Mmmmmm... I've been alright. Club's doing well."

Laurel Hensley: She looks over at Elijah and smiles gently to him. "Ouestucati...hey." Her eyes find Victor, and her expression evens some. She nods to him as she makes her way to Elijah. "Victor."

Victor Mendez: *he nods to him* "Thats good was wondering if you might be in the line on a bouncer for the upstairs room, a little extra money wont hurt in helping the people back at the alley"

Victor Mendez: *he sits there still watching Eli not acknowledging Laural in the slightest even after she speaks his name*

Laurel Hensley: Her eyes narrow. "How fucking childish. You'd think I was the one who'd wronged the other." She leans up to kiss Elijah's cheek, and then moves to the bar to mix herself a drink.

Elijah Phillips: "Hmmmm... bouncer, eh?" He swirls his martini, considering it. "Well.. we already have one of the boys working the door. A mortal.. for what ~that~'s worth. Might not be a bad idea. I just assumed you had worthier eneavors.. since you've been so scarce and all."

Victor Mendez: "how did I wrong you exactly and since im just a waste of flesh dont bother speaking to me please" *he says very matter of a factly* "If I hadnt told you that would have been wrong"

Elijah Phillips: Eli purses his pretty lips at Laurel. "Manners.. please. Just ignore each other like cizilived celstials.. If you don't have anything nice to say."

Elijah Phillips: (and.. let's pretend I can spell. And type. and stuff)

Laurel Hensley: "I don't know, Victor. Would you like me to again go over what you tried to do?" She levels her gaze on Victor as she mixes her Cosmopolitan.

Victor Mendez: "Try to change the court into somthing that does somthing and not just cuddle but then not because I cared more about you then this city" *he says looking at her* "But you have made your intentions im no longer a member of your court so it really isnt my problem anymore" *he says looking back over to Eli* "So if you dont mind I was discussing things with my friend"

Elijah Phillips: Elijah glares between the two. Waiting to see if they decide to further the fight.

Laurel Hensley: "Ahh. So you're leaving the Court, then?" She raises a brow. "Because I certainly haven't kicked you out. I actually ~haven't~ made my intentions known. I've been thinking about it...very heavily." To her credit, she's leveled off the venom some...probably as much as she can. There's still a heavy tone of hurt there, and bitterness. A sense of betrayal. But she's trying to hold it back.

Elijah Phillips: Elijah watches, displeased. "The mortals are sleeping.. Ana is still very weak.. and needs her rest. And Lucifer forbid we wake ~beth~ up.. That's a headache I'm ~not~ in the mood for.."

Victor Mendez: "if im a waste of flesh im of no use to your court" *he says as he looks over to her* "And its not like I was listened to even when I was a part of it" *he says looking over to Eli* "So about this postion as a bouncer what would you like me to do if that does play out"

Laurel Hensley: "I won't be treated like a child and ignored because I dared disagree with you once," she says with a scowl. The Cosmo is left there, untouched, and she heads for the door. "Can you keep an eye on things, love? I actually thought I could talk this out, but someone's not interested. And I don't want to impose on him."

Elijah Phillips: Eli looks to victor. "Stand guard over the upstairs area. Ensure that everyone here.. is meant to be here. If someone violates the rules of sanctuary.. they're to be removed from the premisis.. as quietly.. and gently as possible."

Elijah Phillips: Eli frowns and nods to Laurel. "Call me if you need anything. Mimi's napping if we need her to take a shift."

Victor Mendez: "I am not your lap dog anymore Laural sorry" *he says while sitting there before turning to Eli* "maybe I should leave since this seems to be court territory"

Elijah Phillips: Eli fixes his frown to victor. "This is NOT.. court territory. Everyone is welcome here. You know that."

Laurel Hensley: "You stupid shit, you were never my lapdog." She whirls to stare at him. She does keep her voice down, at least, though the gloves are off. "You were my friend and counselor. Before you plotted to have me killed and replaced. And this isn't Court territory. It's neutral. Which is why ~I'm~ leaving."

Victor Mendez: *Victor sighs* "My apology Ouesti" *he says looking at her*

Elijah Phillips: Eli looks between the two of them. "I will NOT.. have THIS. Period. One more rant.. and you'll both be asked to leave."

Victor Mendez: *Victor stands* "Yea friend, which is why I wasnt listened to or you seemed to care so much when I wasnt around and I will not be spoken down to by a self ritious twit such as your self"

Elijah Phillips: (and in all fairness, dark started typing that before I posted. put his above mine)

Laurel Hensley: "It's okay, love. I'm sorry...I'm going." She looks to Elijah, eyes apologetic behind the hurt pervading there. "Good night." She gives Victor a last look, then turns to go.

Laurel Hensley: ((I figured. *S*))

Victor Mendez: *Victor sits back down and picks up the glass of milk* "Allright I can do that watching over a place isnt to difficult" *he says as he leans back onto the couch*

Elijah Phillips: (feeeeeeeeear the glitter.. FEAR it! *giggles*) Eli frowns, shaking his head. He sets his martini next to the untouched drink that laurel had made. Looking up to Victor. "I love you.. you know that.. is ~this~ why you stopped by?"

Laurel Hensley: Steps down the stairs, and she's gone. ((Thanks for the scene, short as it was.))

Victor Mendez: "No I stopped by because I missed you honestly, I was hopeing to avoid the scene with Laurel but that didnt happen. Im not going to be used by anyone" *he says softly*

Elijah Phillips: He frowns, stepping in Victor's direction. "Laurel never used you, love. She cared about you. For a long time.. the three of us were close. We trusted each other.. and communicated. What happened to that?"

Victor Mendez: "The fact that I was pushed out of the situation after you died" *he says looking at Eli* "it was only room for the two of you and I was only called on when somthing was needed from me and when my advice isnt heeded and when the supposed tyrant does nothing I decided a change was nesscary and when I decided against that change and told my supposed friend about it I get called a waste of flesh"

Elijah Phillips: "You.. told her you were thinking about killing her. That stings, love. If someone you trusted.. and loved.. told you that they had considered killing you, even if that wasn't their intention anymore, wouldn't it hurt your feelings? Honestly, now.." He pauses, stepping in close. "You weren't pushed out of things, love. You weren't around. You.. get like that sometimes. You spend bulks of time in your alley.. doing your thing.. making stuff.. and we respect that. Sometimes.. people don't want to be bothered. We were always here for you."

Victor Mendez: "No it wouldnt honestly" *he says looking at Eli* "Because trust would be shown in the fact that they told me their intentions. It is a form of honor lacking in this scene. And I did feel pused out of the circle I was a part of and no I dont trust Laurel im waiting to see Phillip come at my back anytime since Laural wont do it herself"

Elijah Phillips: He frowns. "They wouldn't do that, Nahaliel.. You are cared about.. even if you're too stubborn to see that." He looks off toward the hallway. "I'm.. sorry if I got distracted.. with things. I do that.. You know me. Without you around to snap me out of it.. I have the potential to be a world class flake. I've no illusions about that.."

Victor Mendez: *He looks at Ouesti* "Look for me could you please drop the look" *he says softly at least while im here its kinda hard looking at that face"

Elijah Phillips: "Why?" He asks simply.

Victor Mendez: "Because we cant cling to the past Ouesti and I have a hard time not clinging to a diffrent time when I see that face" *he says softly* "Look things are going to change soon im pretty certain that Laural has more plots against her then just mine and if I hadnt been called a waste of flesh and treated like hell for honesty by her I probably would have stood by her but I am not going to be anyones lap dog"

Ouestucati: d10: : 2,6,2,

Ouestucati: She does indeed drop the face.. to comfort the man. "Love.. You're no one's lap dog. You've a strong mind.. and strong opinions. Ones that I.. for the most part.. respect."

Victor Mendez: "I am going to stand to the side from this point on and do what I see as right I will not follow Laural blindly into distater and put those I protect at risk because of weak leadership" *he says as he looks to Ouestucati*

Ouestucati: "No one's asking you to. It's always been your choice, love. If you don't want to be a part of the court.. then don't be. No one's forcing you. In that same light.. no one's pushing you out. Some hateful things were probably said between the two of you. On ~both~ sides. Because feelings were hurt. Betrayal.. it does that to people."

Victor Mendez: "I said nothing hateful I made my opinion known and the intentions I had considered" *he says as he takes a drink of milk* "That isnt hatefulness its honesty, and there wasnt any betrayel I just think that she is the wrong person for the job"

Ouestucati: "You consulted Urian.. about having her killed, Nahaliel. Look.. I commend you for not acting brashly.. and doing something you might regret later on. But that doesn't change the fact that you planned to murder your circle mate.. over political matters that could have easily been discussed. I'm not saying you're wrong for your views on how things should be run.. or anything like that. I'm just saying that you ~did~ consider murdering your circle mate to be a viable option.. in a time when it would have caused more hurt and pain than anything."

Victor Mendez: "It wouldnt have caused more hurt and pain and yes I considered it" *he says very matter of a factly* "But in the end I spoke honestly to her and she told me I was a waste of flesh for honesty so I dont need her not in the slightest" *he says with a sigh* "And in the end we are a defense for the people that live in this city and her life, my life any of our lives are less important then theirs"

Ouestucati: "Your actions would have hurt me.. very much. Does that even matter to you?"

Victor Mendez: "It does matter, it would have hurt me as well but in the end it was my responsibility and how did you know I consulted Urian?" *he says looking at her*

Ouestucati: "At the time.. Urian was torn on the issue. He came to me because he knew that I knew the two of you better than anyone else in the city." She frowns, stepping in close to the man. "Don't be upset with him.. he was only doing what he felt was right.. to ensure the safety of this city."

Victor Mendez: *Victor just sits there* "Never should speak with a snake on a matter of importance" *he says quietly to himself* "Look if it matters to you I will sit downand talk with Laurel but I want you to make it clear to her I will not be spoken down to by her in the slightest she can speak to me as an equal or not at all"

Ouestucati: She puts a hand to the man's shoulder. "And all she asks.. is not to have her skin threatened. I mean.. I can't speak for her, really. But you come off as incredibly volitile sometimes, love. It isn't always your intention.. I know. I think a good talk might do you some good." She pauses, then states "Just.. not here. Please."

Victor Mendez: *He looks at Ouesti* "For Laurals sake it will be best to do it here because if she cant control her language towards me ill take her tounge" *he says very calmly*

Ouestucati: She frowns. "And if something ~does~ happen between the two of you.. I'd really prefer it be elsewhere. I can't tolerate this kind of behavior.. and I can't afford to make exceptions. Even for the people I love the most."

Victor Mendez: "Fine then tell her if she wishes to speak to me we can speak in my parlor alone and if she wishes to have a witness she can bring you to witness but I shall not be set up and attacked by her" *he says watching Ouestucati leaning into the touch a bit*

Ouestucati: She nods, giving his shouler a squeeze. "And you promise to keep your temper in check, love?"

Victor Mendez: "As long as she keeps hers I will not be talked down to by her because I was honest when I spoke to her there was no threat to her skin" *he says as he looks over at her* "I will not be insulted"

Ouestucati: "Yes yes.. you're repeating yourself, love. I understand. You're both very proud.. and won't be talked down to. Just.. hug and get over it." She offers a faint smile down to the man.

Victor Mendez: "So go ahead and contact her if you want if this is going to be done it should be done tonight" *he says as he looks over to her*

Ouestucati: She nods. "Melioth.. love?"

Laurel Hensley -> Ouestucati: She's walking down the street about a block away, wiping at her eyes. Her arms are folded tightly over her chest. When she hears her name, she flinches, almost like she was hit. "What do you want, Ouestucati," she mumbles.

Ouestucati: She frowns, a look of concern. "Love.. If you need to be alone.. I understand.."

Laurel Hensley -> Ouestucati: She shakes her head, continuing her walk. "Fuck it all. I don't care. I don't...I don't want this anymore. I never fucking wanted it to begin with. I don't need anyone else to tell me what a waste I much better someone else was...or how much better someone else would get the hint. I'm done."

Ouestucati: She gives an almost hurt look, staring off into space while talking to the other woman. "Melioth.. I.. what? I don't understand.. We.. Victor wants to set up a meeting. Try to work things out.. talk to you."

Victor Mendez: *he looks at Ouestucati* "Is everything allright?"

Ouestucati: She shakes her head to victor, stepping away. Back toward the bar. Upset.

Victor Mendez: *he gets up and follows Ouesti to the bar and puts a hand on her shoulder obviously concerned*

Laurel Hensley -> Ouestucati: "Yeah. I bet." She snorts. "He was going to kill me. He was going to send me back...there." She turns into an alleyway, where she can talk a little more openly, and keeps walking. "And why? You think it's a coincidence that it happened after I dared to take him to task for alienating Fallen in the city? I seriously doubt that. And because I had the fucking audacity to be angry, I'm to blame. I've done nothing but try to be fair. I've given everything for this Court, and it's not enough. What else am I supposed to do?" She stops and puts her back to the wall, head lowered.

Ouestucati: She frowns, gently pulling away from Victor. "Melioth.. why are you telling ~me~ this.. I've been nothing but supportive of you since day one.."

Victor Mendez: *Victor just watches her as she pulls away his expression very concerned*

Laurel Hensley -> Ouestucati: "Because he won't listen." She sinks down the wall to sit, arms wrapping around her legs, shivering. "And...maybe he's right. Maybe he, Baby, Dante...maybe they're all right. Hell, even you said, just before you changed to Eli, that...maybe I wasn't cut out to be a leader." She doesn't seem angry over it. Hurt, maybe. Or possibly, it's just low self-esteem. "I know you were being supportive...and maybe you all were right."

Ouestucati: "Melioth.. love.. come on back. Please? We can talk about this.."

Laurel Hensley -> Ouestucati: "I can't even garner the respect of my friends." She shuts her eyes and rests her forehead on her knees, quiet for a moment. "Fine," she murmurs, finally. "I'll come back."

Victor Mendez: *Victor leans back against the bar and watches Ouesticati*

Ouestucati: "You're loved.. never forget that. Politics aside.. you're a fantastic individual. I respect you a great deal."

Laurel Hensley -> Ouestucati: She lifts her head, wiping at her face once again. An attempt at a smile at Eli's words. "I'll be back in a bit."

Victor Mendez: *goes behind the bar and pours another glass of milk just watching Ouestucati his expression seeming to try to ask whats wrong*

Ouestucati: She nods, cutting the invocation. Going quiet with an almost thoughtful look about her. Almost. It's a strain really.

Victor Mendez: "Are you allright Ouestucati?" *he asks as he reaches out a hand to touch her face gently*

Ouestucati: She leans into the hand. Because it's there. It could be anyone's hand, really.. and it wouldn't make a difference. "Everything will be alright." She says, mostly for her own comfort.

Victor Mendez: "So whats going on?" *he asks in a gentle voice* "Im takeing it Laural dosent want to talk"

Ouestucati: "She's on her way." She says, closing her eyes. Just standing there, really. "She's upset. Very upset."

Victor Mendez: *he sighs before moveing around the bar to hug her tightly* "Its going to be allright" *he says softly* "Ill control my temeper even if she wont nothing will get out of hand I promise"

Ouestucati: She nods, not minding the man's hug. Of course. "Thank you, love. She's just.. very delicate right now. I know it's hard for you to empathize.. but please try.."

Victor Mendez: "ill try but im not like the two of you Ouesti what I did was natural I took a rationale solution and then when I decided it was not wort the price I told the other what I had been thinking" *he says softly as he holds her* "but I will try"

Ouestucati: "Not everyone sees things the way you do, love. It's not always so black and white. You can't just.. kill things.. that you don't agree with." She leans into the man. "I know you were only doing what you thought was right.. and thought highly of speaking with her about it. Just.. understand that what you were consiering hurt her a great deal."

Laurel Hensley: She makes her way back into the club and directly through, heading upstairs. The light make-up she wears is streaked; her eyes are lowered to the floor as she heads up the stairs. There's a subdued, defeated demeanor around her. She quietly walks her way into the main room, looking up to the two with a quiet air to her.

Victor Mendez: "But in the end how else would the govermental structure change" *he asks his voice very questioning* "She is not one just to step down so that had to be the thought but in the end it was because I cared about her that I didnt go through with it"

Ouestucati: "There are always other options.." She says before looking over to the doorway. Pulling gently away from Victor with a hopeful pathetic smile to laurel. "Love.."

Victor Mendez: *Victor looks down when she pulls away* "and two to three and then to two" *he says very lowely to himself*

Laurel Hensley: When she hears Victor on her way in, she shakes her head a little and makes her way over to the couch. "You don't know me at all, Victor," she murmurs, sitting down and pulling her legs up to her chest, wrapping her arms around them. She waits there quietly.

Ouestucati: She gives a hurt look up to Victor. "You're not being fair."

Victor Mendez: "I do know I wont be talked down to by you" *he says looking over at Laurel* "If what I did hurt you I apologize to me it was a logical progression that was stopped when the price was seen to be to high for the outcome, and the price was you and if I am a waste of flesh for actually careing then so be it"

Ouestucati: Ouestucati wanders over to a chair near the corner. Sitting by herself. Watching quietly.

Laurel Hensley: She shrugs a little, looking at the floor. Almost apathetic. "I'm not allowed to be angry because you wanted to send me back to hell for the crime of disagreeing with you?"

Victor Mendez: "It wasnt just the crime of disagreeing it was the crime of not doing anything to unify the city, you have an obligation and have not been liveing up to it. It is more important to you to cuddle then do what needs to be done. Im not rejoining the court while you lead it but I am telling you why I have done what I have done"

Ouestucati: She curls up a bit, getting comfortable. Staying quiet so the two can have their say.

Laurel Hensley: She says nothing in response, her gaze not lifting. If she wasn't conscious and alert, it would be hard to guess she even heard it.

Victor Mendez: *Victor just stands there and watches Laurel* "When I told you what I did it was out of a respect for you if it hurt you I apologize but to me it was best to be honest about my intentions to one I cared about then to just not speak of it"

Laurel Hensley: She nods ever-so-slightly. "Okay."

Victor Mendez: "Im not like you and Ouesti Laurel, I look at rationale solutions which that was the rationale solution I dont really understand what it is to even play human really" *he says as he looks down a bit* "But now please say what you have to say, because my reaction earlier was based out of not understanding why you were so upset when I had not actually taken a real action against you"

Ouestucati: (I need to pass out. have to go to work early tomorrow. Just assume that ouestucati sits there and listens. If threats are made, pause the scene.)

Laurel Hensley: She shrugs a little bit. "It doesn't matter. None of it does. You have neither the capacity nor the desire to understand anything about me. You'd rather kill me then talk to me, Nahaliel, or insult me and demean everything I do then reason with me. Yet, I'm not allowed to say anything remotely disparaging of you. Otherwise, I'm ignoring you and talking down to you, and since I'm not allowed to do that, I'll just say that none of it matters, because you're right. I can never and will never trust you again, and you truly don't know anything about me that matters, but it doesn't mean that you're not right."

Victor Mendez: "If I would rather kill you then talk with you Laurel you would be dead" *he says very matter of a factly* "But I guess it doesnt matter then Im not going to defend my reasoning, and if you wish to actually talk I will, and if not then it dosent have to happen im not here to force you to do anything"

Laurel Hensley: "Nothing I would be allowed to say matters. It's not important anymore...none of it. Don't you get that?"

Victor Mendez: "Allright then nothing matters" *he says as he looks at her*

Laurel Hensley: "Good." She uncurls her legs and stands up, looking at him. There's a muted tone to her expression...underneath it, a deep sorrow. That pain's right below the surface. "Before I go, Victor...there's one thing that I do what you to understand. Which is how little you know me. Had you ever bothered to ask me what was going on before you plotted my demise--had you ever considered bringing your concerns to me before you planned to stab me in the back--you would have known me. But you've lost that chance. And that I love this Court. I would and have done everything for it. Everything that was in my power to do. And I still do. Every moment of every day. I loved you, too...and I did everything that was in my power for you. But that's over with. You made it clear how much you think of me. You don't care for someone you don't bother to know. I'm sorry I failed everything. I tried. My failure is my fault. Your betrayal is yours." She drops her eyes, and turns to climb out the fire escape.

Victor Mendez: "Laurel stop" *he says softly as he watches her* "I do care for you and I was wrong, I relized I was wrong to a point which is why I didnt go through with it" *he says as he stands up* "Now stop for a minute and lets actually talk. No threats no snipping no court just you and me please"

Laurel Hensley: "It doesn't matter, Victor," she says tersely, through shut teeth. "You don't and won't understand. You don't respect me. You can't, and I get that. I know why. And if you don't respect me, you won't respect what I have to say. So it's just wasted effort." She doesn't turn to face him, still looking at the window.

Victor Mendez: *he moves up behind her slowly* "Laurel I do respect you for you but I do not see you as a good Tyrant, I wouldnt be one either. Please give me the chance to understand prove one thing and that is you arnt as brash and hasty as I"

Laurel Hensley: "No." She looks over her shoulder to him, frowning. "I could forgive a lot of things, Victor. I could forgive you plotting to give me an eternity in Hell in reward for serving as you--you, specifically--asked me to, in time. I could forgive your constant insults, your refusal to accept that I was in charge even when it wasn't obvious. I could look past all of it, in time. But when you repeatedly, callously, and with complete and utter lack of regard demean the loss of her and my child, the thing I wanted more then anything in this world, as something as trite as cuddling...that, I cannot and will not ever forgive." She blinks back the tears threatening to form in her eyes, and regards him with a cold, hard look. "This is over, Victor. Any friendship you and I could have ever had is gone. We'll be acquaintances at best. Because every time I look at you, I see a world that doesn't care about the loss of a child, or of a mother and father's pain. And that's not a world I choose to live in." She looks away and starts to climb out the fire escape.

Victor Mendez: *he shakes his head and sits down* "Such as life Laurel" *he says softly* "but in the end you were also needed here"

Laurel Hensley: "I was here, Victor. I'm always here. Good night." She slips out onto the fire escape and heads up it.

Victor Mendez: *he turns and leaves the room to head back to his alley at that* ((thanks for the scene))

Laurel Hensley: ((Thanks!))