Shadow's Blissful Silence: Bliss walks Briar to the door and inside, carrying more bar supplies, and boxed food from one of his caterers. God forbid anyone have to cook. "So...." he says as he fusses over rearranging the bar. "Drinks?"

Briar Kennedy: She herself brought a basket with a variety of gormet coffee's in it, but it is wrapped as a gift for Aerin. She also has a back pack. She is dressed in black leggings, her knives of course strapped to her thighs, a pair of wrap around pants that split up the sides, her boots, and a deep green sweater. She looks over to Bliss with a raise of an eyebrow. "Well I have some apple juice in my backpack...." she shrugs.

Shadow's Blissful Silence: "Not quite what I was thinking. to show me that you can kick my ass again?" Up goes an eyebrow and he smirks.

Briar Kennedy: She sets her things down and smirks and up goes an eyebrow. "What you think you might have an advantage now?" and her arms cross.

Shadow's Blissful Silence: "No. But you're less nervous while you're doing that." He shrugs. "Besides...I might be getting out of practice. And that would be such a shame."

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: The muffled sounds of a Kawasaki Ninja comes from outside. Aerin pulls up to the cabin, slowing to a stop in well-enough time. He's in his usual outfit for as of late...which means he's changed out the trench coat for something a bit lighter. The coat is still about the same length, but built more for movement then protection, from the rain or otherwise. Underneath is a long-sleeved crimson dress shirt, without the collar, and a pair of black slacks. His hair's hanging free, still dyed black, face clean shaven. He scans his eyes about the outside of the place, watching for anything out of the ordinary, before he relaxes and puts on a bit of a smirk. He rolls his shoulders and heads for the door.

Briar Kennedy: "And I think you think I am nervous, there is a difference, you know." She says and heads back for the front door and the yard, as if accepting his challenge, and off comes the sweater for her tank top, the sweater is so bulky after all. "What no one else will practice with you? What a shame."

Shadow's Blissful Silence: He chuckles. "I'm just so ashamed women can kick my ass I generally only let people I like do i-" He blinks when he opens the door and practically steps into Aerin. "Oh, hey." Every bit of anxiety he was trying not to show just...melts. "You've met Briar. Briefly." He steps into Aerin and runs his head under his chin, then steps sideways so Aerin and Briar can say hello.

Briar Kennedy: Well her on the other hand took a step back and both of her hands went to her upper thighs in preparation, she has a 'I am tense and ready to attack' pose, for all of 30 seconds. She does back off from the duo though a bit more when Bliss steps to the side, so instead of being directly behind him she is a good 5 feet back from him. She looks Aerin up and down as she realxes some. "Hello again."

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: He smiles a little bit, nuzzling the top of Bliss's head, before looking over at Briar. He gives her a little nod. "Briar. Nice to see you again. How are you?"

Shadow's Blissful Silence: "Easy, kitten...." Bliss says quietly. "Aerin's not here to hurt you. He's okay."

Briar Kennedy: "Been better and been worse, you?" she says tilting her head some as she tugs the tank top down before crossing her arms. She does manage a lop sided grin for Bliss though, before looking back to Aerin. "I guess the sparring match is off." She moves to go and sit on one of the couches. "I know, I just was not expecting him so soon after we arrived is all."

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: "More better then I am worse, for once in my life." He looks over at Bliss, then to Briar. "Hey, you guys want to spar, be my guest. I can wait."

Shadow's Blissful Silence: "At least for now." He moves back inside, brushing against Briar and starts fussing at the bar. "You're not going to surprise me and ask for something ridiculous like gin, are you?"

Briar Kennedy: She brushes her cheek against his shoulder when he brushes against her, then she takes a seat. "Well that is good." She says to Aerin and then shrugs. "Do not worry about it, he knows I will kick his ass anyways, this just saves some of the bruising."

Shadow's Blissful Silence: "Yeah...she's viscious. You should see her." He grins. "It's perfect." He turns perfectly peacful eyes on Aerin. There is that frightening absolute certainty in them again.

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: "I imagine it is." He smiles a bit and makes his way into the house, heading to the bar to pour himself a scotch. He looks back at the two, chuckling a little bit.

Briar Kennedy: She curls her legs under her on the couch and shakes her head. "You are only says that cause I made you fall on your ass twice." she smirks at Aerin and waves a hand to the gift basket of coffee's from Sacred Grounds. "That is for your household."

Shadow's Blissful Silence: Bliss settles in the center of the couch facing the fireplace and looks back at the two of them, his very own glass of scotch in one hand. "We brought food. She's my new plan to make you eat. Between the two of us we can tie you down and forcefeed you." The lazy teasing tone is no real threat. He probably doesn't mean that. Probably.

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: "Thank you, Briar. I appreciate that." He then shoots Bliss a mock dirty look. "We've been over what happens when you try that, Bliss. It wouldn't be pretty." He grins.

Briar Kennedy: She looks at Bliss and raises an eyebrow. "You and me tie him up. Gaia help us both." She rolls her eyes. "That would be like attempting to be both the boys to take a non-messy bath I think." She looks at Aerin then nods her head.

Shadow's Blissful Silence: "Indeed. You may have made mention. Come sit down?"

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: He glances at Briar suddenly, and smiles a bit. "I think I can understand that analogy." He nods and comes to take a seat next to Bliss.

Briar Kennedy: She keeps her eyebrow raised and when he smiles she grins. "You haven't seen two one year old who know how to walk attempt to take a bath, you eventually end up in the bath with them." She says "But you should eat, I could go into the reason why but I shall save you."

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: "Actually, Briar, I have. Long story, though." His smile fades a bit, but is still present, to be fair.

Shadow's Blissful Silence: Bliss makes a soft purring sound and leans back into Aerin a little so he can see Briar and takes a sip of scotch. "I go from being on my own to being splashed in any place I call home." His head tilts back just a little so he can give Aerin the look that says he is just sooooooooooo beset by all of this too.

Shadow's Blissful Silence: Aerin gets a quick nuzzle, and sympathetic eyes, just for a few seconds.

Briar Kennedy: She tilts her head and watches Aerin a moment before noding. "It is okay we all have long stories, most we do not tell." She rolls her eyes to what Bliss says.

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: He smiles a little to Bliss and nuzzles him back, then nods to Briar. "Which is, probably, the way it should be. Hell with the past, right?"

Briar Kennedy: She shrugs. "You cannot forget your past. It is part of who you are no matter what." she looks to Bliss then back to Aerin. "Just like a tree cannot forget where it came from each ring inside it telling it where it came from, how long it has seen what it has seen. Just as the mother has seen it all and been through it all. She cannot forget what has happened to her, but will continue to go on as we will do too."

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: He listens to her, head tilting to the right slightly. Finally, he shrugs. "If you insist. Personally, I'm fine with leaving the past where it is."

Shadow's Blissful Silence: Bliss raises his glass in Briar's direction with an approving smile and takes another drink. The glass of scotch seems less something he's interested in and more habit.

Briar Kennedy: "So am I, but the past does have ways of catching up with you as well." she smiles some to Bliss as she pauses in what she says. "Like a spiders web, each person you touch, leaves a mark with them and with you. The lives of people become entwined, eventually we come to see those again who we have met in this life or the next one." She shrugs. "No matter what the past held."

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: He frowns a little bit at that. "Yeah. Guess so." He picks up his own glass, raising it to his lips for a drink.

Briar Kennedy: "Sorry." she says and looks off to the fireplace. "Its why I do not tend to talk a whole lot around people at times." She shrugs.

Shadow's Blissful Silence: Aerin gets nuzzled again, as Bliss murmurs something in his ear.

Shadow's Blissful Silence -> Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: "You okay? I think she already knows the topic might want to change a bit. But...."

Aerin Thomas [PB 3] -> Shadow's Blissful Silence: "I'm fine, Bliss. I just...nothing. It's okay."

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: He murmurs a respons back, and then looks to Briar. "Don't worry about it. I'm an overly pissy old man who gets're fine."

Briar Kennedy: She looks over. "Trust me, you are not half bad. I know a few people who are worse." She moves so she can get at her backpack and grabs the bottle of apple juice.

Shadow's Blissful Silence -> Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: "I know." His head still dropped back onto Aerin's shoulder he looks up with eyes that have none of that anxious uncertainty that crept up on him for awhile. "I love you."

Shadow's Blissful Silence: He gives Aerin a look that Briar has rarely seen, the look for the night she tried to kill him and the day he proposed, and slides back down to watch Briar and just rest against Aerin after a final whisper.

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: "You've just caught me on a good day, Briar. Trust me, I can get crotchety with the best of them." He smirks a bit, and reaches up to pet Bliss's hair.

Aerin Thomas [PB 3] -> Shadow's Blissful Silence: "I know. Love you too."

Shadow's Blissful Silence: He nods and smirks. "She lives with me. Half the time, anyway. You have nothing on me when it comes to psychotically unstable moods and you know it. "I doubt she'll take much offense to you."

Briar Kennedy: She leans back and watches the two of them a moment, the slightest hints of her trying not to raise an eyebrow in question to Bliss, but she looks to Aerin. "You should catch me on a bad day, Bliss hasn't even seen the worst I can be from time to time." She shrugs. "Yes well if we lived together any more than that, and we would end up killing each other." She says the last to Bliss, as she grins, jesting, she has to be jesting.

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: "In all never saw me with Trevor, Bliss." He smirks a little bit. "When he was calling me too bitchy...yeah."

Shadow's Blissful Silence: "By which you mean you'd kill me. And then since you did tell me if I died you'd make me sorry I did - and despite the fact that you killed me, you still would." He laughs softly. "And that's why you're perfect."

Shadow's Blissful Silence: " But I saw you in a LOT of moods. As I recall, we had a special kind trust going on the night we met."

Briar Kennedy: She looks to Bliss. "No I said that if you got yourself killed I would make you sorry you died and kill you again, after of course enlisting your help to find your killers and killing them, that is what I said." She nods for emphasis. "Perfection is an illusion."

Shadow's Blissful Silence: "So that makes you killing me a really fucked up suicide pact?"

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: He chuckles a little bit at the interplay between Bliss and Briar, watching them quietly.

Briar Kennedy: "It is not as if I can bring you back from the dead, you dork." she says to bliss. "But if we lived together I am sure at one point we just might drive each other nuts enough to kill each other." She shrugs. "Maybe I am wrong, but do you wanna chance it?" She looks at Aerin then to Bliss. "I think we are amusing him." She takes a sip of the juice.

Shadow's Blissful Silence: "Probably not safe. At the very least we'd have to make Rei come back and decorate again. And I know he's never actually not busy. He just pretends to be."

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: "Amusing?" He smiles a bit and shrugs. "Not necessarily. Just taking a moment to enjoy some peace and quiet."

Briar Kennedy: She frowns. "Why would he have to come and decorate again? He just finished like not even three weeks ago." she says to Bliss As she shifts positions on the couch. "Mmmmmmm, Sometimes I think I remember what that is, till I get kicked in the kidney."

Shadow's Blissful Silence: "When we destroy the apartment fighting...."

Briar Kennedy: "Oh..." another sip of the juice. "Yeah, although I was impressed with him getting rid of the old carpet, the dagger holes were getting annoying."

Shadow's Blissful Silence: "My brother the genius." Bliss chuckles. "Nothing gets in the way of his artistic expression. And if it does he just makes it part of it. He's been like that since we were growing up. Determined."

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: "Dagger holes do tend to get annoying, yeah. Also...taser burns on the couch."

Briar Kennedy: "You can say that, with what he did with the place, it looks damn good." she nods to Aerin. "Never did have the tazer burns on the couch, but the dagger holes, they just kept getting in the way and my foot kept catching on it from time to time."

Shadow's Blissful Silence: "And we're trying to teach the boys not to destroy things. Which is hard when the carpet is already a bad example. We don't want them destroying property until they're old enough to understand moral complexity and the meaning of life. Which is what...twelve, fourteen?"

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: "Trust me...that's a good thing. Those taser burns never get might as well just toss out the furniture." He looks over at Bliss. "Any number having to do with the meaning of life has to be 42, Bliss."

Shadow's Blissful Silence: "Forty-two months is too soon. Forty-two years too long. Much as I love you, they're gonna have to understand by fourteen or so."

Briar Kennedy: "I am sure they can start to learn some of that earlier on in life, just the more complexities of it not till they are much older." She blinks at Aerin. "No you can start to learn about the meaning of life much earlier than 42." okay so she did not see the movie or read the books. "Although I have to say at this point, as with Penguins, once a baby is concieved the Father should watch over it till it is born."

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: He gives a look of mock annoyance. "You people have to see a movie or two sometime. Maybe read a book." He grins some.

Shadow's Blissful Silence: "I couldn't arrange for that if I tried...."

Shadow's Blissful Silence: "I've seen movies. A couple of them with you in a sneaky attempt to make you sleep. Or at least stop trying to exhaust yourself to death for an hour or two." He swipes lightly at Aerin.

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: "See a few more." he gently pushes Bliss and smirks.

Briar Kennedy: She laughs a bit. "If I had enough time to watcha movie Aerin, then I could have gotten three or four other things done in that time." She looks at Bliss. "Oh I know, wishful thinking on my part is all. Least this time it is not a totally painful pregnancy. But my Kidneys are going to be thanking me in a few more months."

Briar Kennedy: She smiles as she watches the two of them interact.

Shadow's Blissful Silence: "You gonna watch them with me?" He asks with a chuckle, settling back against Aerin. "Or am I gonna have to do this terrible still thing all alone? I mean the monsters that keep you from ever getting any rest might eat me if you aren't there to save me...."

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: "Yes, I'll happily watch them with you, Bliss." He smirks a little bit, and looks over at Briar. "I can imagine so. Everything's going well with it so far, then?"

Briar Kennedy: She continues to watch the two of them and listen, then looks to Aerin and nods. "Yes so far so good, despite how stubborn the doctor keeps saying I am over a few things." she shrugs. "She keeps telling me even I am being a bit overly stubborn on what I do not want to know."

Shadow's Blissful Silence: His eyes flutter closed when he gets that agreement from Aerin. "Perfect."

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: "The gender?"

Briar Kennedy: She grins at Bliss, and nods to what Aerin says. "Yeah, that and how many." She shrugs. "I just do not want to know that."

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: "Fair enough." He nods a little. "I think how many would be good to know, for health reasons...but I don't think the baby's sex needs to be known until needed."

Briar Kennedy: "Yeah, generally that is why you need to know, for your health and that of the babies. But having had twins I am taking all of the precautions associated with more than one, even if it is one. My Doctor can't even seem to convince me what a good idea it would be to know, I keep telling her that before recently women had babies without knowing anything at all, and I want to keep it that way."

Shadow's Blissful Silence: "Isn't she precious?" He takes another drink and sets the glass down without opening his eyes.

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: "Point." He smiles a bit and nods. "It's your choice...I certainly wouldn't be dumb enough to stand in your way. I may not know much, but I've learned to avoid doing that with women. Safer for me."

Briar Kennedy: She watches Bliss. "If I didn't know you better I would say you are drunk, but I do and I know you are not. I need to start to fix you some teas to drink." said to Bliss, as her eyes raise to Aerin. "They might help you too." she laughs a bit. "Yeah, good lesson to learn when it comes to women, eventually they still will do and say things as the please."

Shadow's Blissful Silence: "Tea?" His eyes half open. "I don't drink that so often...not lately anyway."

Briar Kennedy: "Yes tea." she says looking to Bliss. "Then maybe you should, I know of a few that will help, or at least someone who can help me pick out the right combo to help with relaxation and sleep."

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: "Yeah, I've noticed they do that." He smirks a bit to Briar. "Aggravating as it is. And no, Bliss...I'm fine, thank you. Scotch is practically my lifeblood these days."

Briar Kennedy: "Alcohol seems to be a big cure-all for a lot of people these days." Another sip of her juice. "It is okay, thought I might offer at least. So how is Tori?"

Shadow's Blissful Silence: "Would I ever argue with you?" His voice is so perfectly "innocent" as his eyes flutter back closed.

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: "Tori is fine. Doing very well, actually."

Briar Kennedy: "That is good to hear. They do tend to grow up quickly don't they?" If Bliss's arm is close to her she will start to rub it.

Shadow's Blissful Silence: And his eyes open again, for a moment at least, when Briar touches him. "Hey," he says softly.

Briar Kennedy: "Hey." a tilt of her head as she looks at him slightly concerned for him.

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: "Yes...they do, indeed." He leans back against the couch, smiling slightly.

Shadow's Blissful Silence: "Stop looking at me like that. I'm fine. Everything is fine."

Briar Kennedy: She nods her head with a smile to Aerin. then raises an eyebrow to Bliss. "I can look at you however I want to look at you, you big lug. Yes, everything is fine." a slight sigh but she keeps rubbing his arm.

Shadow's Blissful Silence: He frowns, then chuckles. "Right. Everything is fine," his voice is perfectly calm, serious. He shakes his head, absolutely puzzled by her reaction, and closes his eyes again.

Briar Kennedy: She rolls her eyes after Bliss has his closed and gives Aerin a look like 'He is just a dork'. "So I have run out of things to talk about." she says to Aerin. "And he is not asleep enough for us to talk about it." she winks to show she is joking.

Shadow's Blissful Silence: He laughs softly. "Everyone else talks about me in front of me. I'm not that sensitive anymore."

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: "Talk about it?" He grins a little bit, looking at her curiously. "What exactly is this suddenly infamous 'it' you speak of?"

Briar Kennedy: "Him....I meant him." she laughs a bit. "If I wasn't a red head I should have been a blond."

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: "Ahh...okay." He chuckles at that, petting Bliss's hair. "I was curious for a second there."

Briar Kennedy: She takes another sip of her juice as she pets Bliss's arm. "Yeah I am sure you were. Took me a second to realize what I had said."

Shadow's Blissful Silence: " two are precious, you know that?"

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: He grins a bit. "Believe me...not the worst slip of the tongue I've heard. You tend to get them a lot when you hang around psychotic alcoholics." He looks to Bliss. "And no, I'm not talking about you."

Shadow's Blissful Silence: He nudges Aerin's hand with a soft laugh. "I drink less than you do. It would hardly be fair."

Briar Kennedy: "Yes darling, you keep saying that." she tells Bliss "Oh I am sure it isn't the worst slip of the tongue, but I tend to not let my tongue slip too much if I can help it." she grins. "I have spent a good amount of time around those types, on occasion, although I just thought they were nuts, I ddo not know if they actually were or not."

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: "Oh, trust me. Mine were insane."

Briar Kennedy: She nods her head. "Oh I trust you on that one." She tells Aerin.

Shadow's Blissful Silence: "My insane people never did things like drink." He shudders. "I'm not sure it would be better if they had though."

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: He smiles to Briar, and then looks to Bliss, running a hand over his hair. "So...better?"

Shadow's Blissful Silence: "Yeah," he says with a sigh. "A little. In case you suddenly can't guess what I'm thinking."

Briar Kennedy: She rubs Bliss' arm. "Eh don't worry about it now." she tells him. and then looks between Bliss and Aerin. "Is what better?"

Shadow's Blissful Silence: "Nothing, kitten. Ignore the man who keeps saying the silly things."

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: He smirks a little and shakes his head before rising to refill his glass.

Briar Kennedy: "mmmmmhmmmmm." Is all she says as she watches the two of them. When Aerin gets up she moves so that she leans over to say something to Bliss.

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: d10: Per+Alert: 5,7,3,5,4,4,

Briar Kennedy -> Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: "If you do not want me to know love I am okay with that, doesn't stop me from being curious though."

Shadow's Blissful Silence: He chuckles. "It's not something I can exactly explain. Don't worry about it. Uhm...let's try for Aerin and I are very close and you and I are very close and I'm just happier if you're in one place. Fair enough? Without getting complicated."

Briar Kennedy: "Fair enough." She says nuzzling the side of his face before sitting back up to pet his arm once more, and as she does so she looks over to Aerin.

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: He looks over his shoulder, refilling his glass, and smiles a little bit at the two of them.

Briar Kennedy: She smiles a bit. "If you had said that in the first place to me, you really think I would have argued at all with you?" she says to Bliss and then looks to Aerin. "I know him and I are odd, nothing is ever dull with us."

Shadow's Blissful Silence: "Um...I don't know. I was thinking in complicated at the time. I do that a lot."

Briar Kennedy: "Sometimes things have the simplest answers, for what might look complicated." She smiles down to Bliss even if he cannot see her.

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: "You mean dull is normal?" He blinks. "Wow, I really am out there, then."

Shadow's Blissful Silence: "And sometimes I'm a freak. We know this."

Shadow's Blissful Silence: "Also Aerin is a freak. But we all knew that." He nods.

Briar Kennedy: "Well based on the standard for normal, hell yeah dull is normal." she rolls her eyes at Bliss. "Right, then you have not met half the people I have, they are absolutly out there."

Briar Kennedy: "So to our way of thinking we are all normal." She shrugs.

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: "I prefer the term supafreak, thank you very much."

Shadow's Blissful Silence: He smiles and bats in Aerin's direction lazily. "Maybe not."

Shadow's Blissful Silence: "Do you?" He doesn't seem to get that reference either.

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: "Cue the Rick James music." He snickers a little bit, turning to take a lean against the bar with his glass in hand.

Briar Kennedy: She grins. "Oh go to sleep you." she says to Bliss. "I promiss not to wander off this time." As if she has wandered off before while he has taken a cat nap before, and admittedly she did once.

Shadow's Blissful Silence: "Huh?" He asks softly. "You are both not being easy to sleep on and confusing. You need to stop one, or preferably both of those things immediately...."

Shadow's Blissful Silence: [Last post to Aerin.]

Briar Kennedy: "He is talking about a song," she smiles to Aerin totally getting the reference as she likes music.

Shadow's Blissful Silence: "Don't encourage he'll expect me to understand...."

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: "It's 70's music. Man, am I lax on my culture lessons lately..."

Briar Kennedy: She rubs Bliss' arm. "Oh alright. I could sing you to sleep like I do the boys.....if you wanted me to." She says to Bliss shooting a grin to Aerin. "Hey some of us got it."

Shadow's Blissful Silence: "Whatever makes you happy...." He says to Briar with a chuckle. "Though it's been years since anyone's tried that."

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: "I'm glad someone did." He grins a little bit, watching them, and takes a sip off his drink.

Briar Kennedy: "It is worth a shot then." She says, and moves her hand from his arm to his head and pets his hair. She looks lovingly at him a moment then closes her e4yes a moment choosing a lullaby in her head. And then she will start to sing, in Romani of course.

Briar Kennedy: d10: Arete: 3,4,4,

Briar Kennedy: d10: Arete (WP): 6,6,4,

Briar Kennedy: She continues to sing and run her hand over his hair as she sings, concentrating on him fully for a good 10 minutes, way past when he actually fell asleep. Then she takes a deep breath and kisses his forhead before leaning back and taking a sip of her drink.

Shadow's Blissful Silence: sleeping Bliss. Rather more quickly than normal.

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: He raises an eye, blinking. "Wow. Nicely done, Briar. I'm impressed."

Briar Kennedy: She smiles and keeps her voice low as if he is just really sleeping and has not been helped along. "Thanks, learned that my boys like to be sung to sleep so, figured it was worth a shot."

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: "Good guess." He nods and moves over across the room, opening the front door. He rests in the door frame, a good way away from Briar, and pulls out a cigarette. "Is this far enough for me to smoke, or would you prefer further?"

Briar Kennedy: "I have had worse, that is fine." she saysabout the smoking leaning back and trying to keep an eye on Bliss as she watches Aerin. "Yeah thought the singing would be better than dancing, I didn't get paid to sing, I got paid to dance though."

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: "Oh?" He smiles a bit. "Dated a few dancers in my time."

Briar Kennedy: "Yeah one of the dancers over at Wild cats." she shrugs. "Paid the bills and it is something that I am good at to boot." she grins.

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: He nods. "Good deal. Did you enjoy it?"

Briar Kennedy: "I enjoyed the dancing, but that was about it. Not that I am ashamed of my body or anything. Just was something to do, that I could do." another sip of the juice. "Dancing is like feeling a beat, a heartbeat within yourself and the music." she smiles. "I think I might have scared bliss when he brought me up here and I danced beneath the moon, to no other song but the beat of the earth."

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: "Scared him?" He tilts his head curiously. "Why do you say that?"

Briar Kennedy: She shrugs a shoulder. "Normally that is the reaction although, I did dump the boys on him to watch as I went over to the field, stripped out my clothes and danced away for a good half hour or so. I didn't particularly tell him what I was doing when I did it."

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: " it was the uncertainty." He nods a little bit. "Confused him, maybe, at first. I don't know that you probably scared him, though."

Briar Kennedy: "Okay so not scared, but he did have an odd look on his face." She says and looks over to Bliss before looking back to Aerin.

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: He chuckles a little bit. "Bliss has certain things he's come to expect out of life. When something unexpected happens, he gets thrown a little."

Briar Kennedy: She nods her head. "So I have noticed. Him and I seem to know just how to push each other off a little bit from time to time. He has done a few things that have left me stunned and speechless."

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: "He's rather good at that from time to time, yes. I know I've been thrown several times. Including the first time we met."

Briar Kennedy: She nods her head and smiles remembering something. "Yeah, it isn't a bad thing really. As I said never a dull moment."

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: "Not at all." He chuckles and nods. "But then, that's not necessarily bad."

Briar Kennedy: "No, not in this case is it a bad thing." she says with a smile and glances once more to Bliss to make sure he is still sleeping, before moving to stand up. "Are you hungry?"

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: "No, I'm fine, thanks." He takes a drag off of his cigarette. "In fact...I'm going to go check around the place. Call me paranoid...'cause well, I am. But no one's ever been too careful."

Briar Kennedy: "Alright suit yourself." she says and smiles to him. "I know paranoia, it doesn't hurt to be safe. Besides I am armed 90 percent of the time." she moves off towards the kitchen to get herself something to eat though.