Jamie Summersen: *Today, as she walks
through the park, the headphones are actually on and playing a mix of songs with
something faint remaining playing between each. She's sitting on the bench,
playing with a computer tablet about twice the size of an Ipod, the headphones
are plugged into it. She's wearing a nice long, dark coat with black dress
slacks showing underneath.*
Jamie Summersen: ((*erases as she walks
through the park*))
Jamie Summersen: *The music fades at the
end of a song and a few different female voices are heard saying various things
such as "Hello, How are you?" Though the inflection on the question is a
Jamie Summersen: *A couple of the voices
sound a bit choppy and she finally settles on an English accented one. A moment
later the music begins to play again.*
Carol Walker: (Hiya!)
Jamie Summersen: ((Heya))
Carol Walker: (You looking for peeps to rp with?)
Jamie Summersen: ((*nods* come on in))
Carol Walker: (Coo) *And here comes Carol, wheeling
through the park, weaving through the tourists and nightclub folks in her snazzy
green wheelchair - a blonde with an average face (if one that looks like it was
carved from granite) but the most intense hazel eyes one may have ever seen.
She's got a bag strapped to her wheelchair and looks like she's just finished
shopping at somewhere upscale and trendy. In every way, she seems the model of
the typical successful thirtysomething single gal.*
Jamie Summersen:
d10: per alert: 9,5,1,8,7,2,2,
Carol Walker:
d10: per ale: 3,9,9,8,8,7,
Jamie Summersen: *Though not as observant
as she's been in the past, she does still notice people around her as she plays
with her new toy. Her brow furrows a little as she sees Carol, thinking she
recognizes her but is unable to place from where*
Alyssa Kostapoulos: (open, still?)
Jamie Summersen: ((Is for me))
Carol Walker: (Nope, I've seen yas before) *She also
notices Jamie, because her player rolled like a muthahumpa, and she slows in her
wheeling, her eyes on Jamie, recognizing her from...somewhere.*
Carol Walker: (Come on in)
Christian Gallagher: He makes his way into
Battery, a backpack slung over his shoulder. He's got a cigarette sticking out
of his mouth, and seems to be in a fairly decent mood, at least. The T-Shirt
today reads "youTube MySpace and I'll Google your Yahoo!"
Young and hip. He's one of the beautiful creatures, no doubt about it. Upon
first glance, his age could be estimated at the mid-twenties. He's got the rebel
feel to him...hair a soft brown, falling to the shoulders of his well-worn
leather jacket. He has about a day's growth on his face, just enough to be a bit
scratchy, underneath soft blue eyes. He could hardly be called big...maybe 5'10,
and weight 160 tops. The leather jacket sits over a T-Shirt that reads "1f u c4n
r34d th1s u r34lly n33d t0 g37 l41d" and an olive button-down. Blue jeans and an
old pair of sneakers finish the look, one that says "I don't take much
time...'cause I don't need to." And it's true, he looks good anyway. A small
chain rests around his neck, a single gold hoop in his left ear. (Fame 1:
Professional DJ. Check Rich and Famous for Details) http://www.wodnyc.net/modules/coppermine/albums/uploads10013/thumb_roger02.jpg
Alyssa Kostapoulos: The first thing
you'll notice about Alyssa is her rich olive skin tone that holds a certain
softness about the girl. Her eyes are a deep brown, lashes thick and dark giving
the air of heavy makeup though you'll never catch the girl wearing any. Her dark
hair is cropped to her shoulders and hold a natural wave, outlining her
Mediterranean cheek structure. She dresses in simple garments, generally natural
fibers and earthy tones to accent her features. She is average height, roughly
five foot six inches, weighing about 115. Despite her small stature, she give
the air of strength and a willingness to fight for what she believes in. Age is
hard to tell with this one. Looks alone would imply she's in her teens, though
she carries herself with the pride of an older woman.
Jamie Summersen: *Well it's a good sign
that the woman seems to recognize her as well. At least she knows she's not
losing it. She lowers the volume on the music playing, her own music for those
who would recognize it. (Fame1 as well, musician) And once more the computer
says "Hello, How are you?" in an English accent*
Alyssa Kostapoulos: The girl wanders down
the path, looking a bit more serious than she usually does if you can believe
it. Big brown, childlike eyes sift left and right as though she were looking for
something or someone. She has a bulky green messenger bag slung over one
shoulder, weighing her down subtly.
Carol Walker: *She now stops wheeling, something
striking her as interesting about this girl - though who's to say what exactly
caught Carol's eye? In any event, her eyes go from Jamie, to the computer, to
Jamie, to the computer, as though she's njot sure whether to respond or not to
the computer*
Jamie Summersen: *She looks up at Carol
and nods with a silent smile. She points to the scarring on her throat, as if
from a long ago surgery.*
Carol Walker: *Ahhh. The professional in Carol
understands completely.* Hello there. Not to sound weird or anything, but you
look familiar.
Christian Gallagher: He glances around
briefly, noticing Alyssa and recognizing her. He gives her a warm smile and nods
to her, before moving to take a seat on a nearby bench, depositing the backpack
on the pavement in front of him.
Alyssa Kostapoulos: She reaches a hand in
her bag to pull out a piece of dried meat, looking behind benches and near
shrubs. "Heeeeeeeeere, pooch. Heeeeeeeere poochy pooch."
Jamie Summersen: *She nods again and types
the message before the computer speaks up again.* I thought the same thing but
could not place where.
Jamie Summersen: *She looks back
hearing someone calling for a dog, trying to see if the dog is close by or out
of sight*
Carol Walker: Do you go to any of the cafes around
midtown? You might've seen me there in the past few weeks. It'd have had to be
recently though, because I've just moved here. *smirks*
Alyssa Kostapoulos: There doesn't seem to be
a dog nearby. This doesn't discourage Alyssa. She waves the dried meat around
and continues to call for a dog.
Christian Gallagher: He looks over at Alyssa,
head tilting a little bit. "Lose your dog?"
Jamie Summersen: *She nods and the
computer speaks for her again* I did spend a couple days mostly in that area
recently. Do you maybe know Spenser?
Alyssa Kostapoulos: She blinks up toward
Christain, a tiny smile forming on the man. "Oh. No. I do not have a dog."
Jamie Summersen: *She gets a puzzled look
on her face looking back at Alyssa again. Calling for a dog when you don't have
Carol Walker: I've met him a few times, yes. He's a
friend of yours? *Happens to look the same way that Jamie did, towards Alyssa
and the other guy, but then looks back at Jamie as she recognizes neither of
Carol Walker: I've met him a few times, yes. He's
a friend of yours? *Happens to look the same way that Jamie did, towards Alyssa
and the other guy, but then looks back at Jamie as she recognizes neither of
Jamie Summersen: *She nods and smiles.* I
met him through my boyfriend and we've actually just started really talking more
Carol Walker: *nods* Does your boyfriend frequent
the same cafes then?
Christian Gallagher: "Ahh." He nods a little
bit. "Just looking for strays then?"
Alyssa Kostapoulos: She shakes her head no.
"I would not hunt strays in the park. Especially this one. I am looking for a
boy. And that boy has a dog."
Christian Gallagher: He blinks at that. "Oh.
So...you think the dog might be here, and he'll lead you to the boy. I see..."
Alyssa Kostapoulos: "Well.. I have nothing
on my person to draw out boys. Some boys might come at the scent of dried meat..
but certainly not all of them." She says with a growing smile, putting the piece
of meat back in her bag. "But I've been through the park four times now.. and I
do not think he's here."
Christian Gallagher: He smiles a little to
that. "Well, what makes you think he'd be here? Is this where you've seen him
Alyssa Kostapoulos: She nods. "I've only
seen him once.. and it was here. But it was a few months ago."
Jamie Summersen: *She looks back at Alyssa
and Christian again. She can't help but listen to their odd conversation. She
nods a little. Types and the computer speaks.* He used to, though lately he's
been rather busy.
Carol Walker: *She looks back at Christian and
Alyssa, before speaking to Jamie* You know them?
Jamie Summersen: *She shakes her head*
Just an odd conversation.
Alyssa Kostapoulos:
d10: per+alert: 9,6,3,3,5,
Christian Gallagher: "Well...I come here,
from time to time. And I know a lot of people. What's his name?"
Alyssa Kostapoulos: Alyssa blatantly points
over to Carol and Jamie, calling in their direction. "You! Barbarian New York
females! Why are you staring at me?"
Jamie Summersen: *She blinks a few times
and there is no other accent that can say it quite so well as an English one.* I
beg your pardon?
Alyssa Kostapoulos: Big brown eyes widen on
the device. "Eeee! Your gadget speaks!" She ducks behind Christian.
Carol Walker: *smiles* Because you're just
fascinating. Actually, we couldn't help but overhear your conversation.
Christian Gallagher: He looks up at Jamie and
Carol, and then blinks as Alyssa gets behind him and the bench. "It's
okay...Alyssa, isn't it? It's just a computer. Simulated speech."
Jamie Summersen: Well, yes it does,
since I cannot.
Alyssa Kostapoulos: "I don't like it." She
says in a stage whisper to Christain. Peeking over the bench toward Jamie.
"That.. that's not natural."
Carol Walker: I suppose my wheelchair isn't natural
then either. *frowns deeply*
Jamie Summersen: Well neither is writing
truly. But I must communicate somehow.
Christian Gallagher: He frowns over at Jamie
and Carol. "Guys...she's just a little technophobic, I think. Easy." He looks
over at Alyssa and smiles a bit. "It's not unnatural. It's just technology.
Don't worry, it's not going to hurt you or anything..."
Alyssa Kostapoulos: She continues to stay
ducked where she is, peeking between jamie and carol. "Wheels do not frighten
me. But I will not speak to a gadget. Will not."
Carol Walker: *Carol smiles at Jamie* Maybe you
should get a pad and pen? *jokingly, then turns back to Alyssa* Sorry that you
feel that way. Why the fear of technology?
Alyssa Kostapoulos: She squints over toward
Carol. "There is a strong difference.. barbarian.. between fear and mistrust."
Carol Walker: *Bites her lip to keep from laughing -
as with her wheelchair and clothing, she can't really imagine herself as a
barbarian of any type* Well, my apoligies then. You must've been hurt somehow by
something technological.
Christian Gallagher: He looks between the
three women, quiet for the moment.
Jamie Summersen: *She shakes her head*
I did not bring a pad and a pen as I finally didn't need to.
Alyssa Kostapoulos: She narrows her eyes on
Carol, temper rising. "Do not speak as though you know me, woman. I assure you..
you do not."
Jamie Summersen: *At that she simply
raises an eyebrow in Alyssa's direction*
Carol Walker: Well....no. We just met and I'm just
trying to be friendly...*warily*
Christian Gallagher: "Alyssa...calm down.
It's all right." He shoots Carol a 'Please stop' look.
Alyssa Kostapoulos: Alyssa goes quiet,
staring between carol and jamie. After a moment, she mumbles. "It's a good thing
Marty said I was not allowed to stab anyone.."
Jamie Summersen: *Right, that's it. She
stands up.* It was nice to meet you. Good night. *And she strides rather quickly
away from the Alyssa.*
Carol Walker: Take care. *to Jamie*
Christian Gallagher: He watches Jamie go with
a raised brow. "Good evening..."
Alyssa Kostapoulos: She stands, but doesn't
move from around the bench.
Christian Gallagher: He looks back to Alyssa.
"Are you okay, Alyssa?"
Carol Walker: *Sits in her chair, quietly watching
the two, biting her lower lip*
Alyssa Kostapoulos: She looks down to
christain, then off toward the path. "I.. I think I need to go pray."
Kittie: ((Thanks for scene stuffs. *Snugs
and poofs*))
Christian Gallagher: "All right..." His brow
furrows a little bit, but he nods. "If that's what you need to do, then by all
means. Far be it from me to stand between someone and their religion..."
Alyssa Kostapoulos: She pouts, looking down
to the path. "I miss being able to pray outside."
Carol Walker: *sighs and looks at Christian*
Anyway...so I'm Carol.
Christian Gallagher: He nods to Carol with a
bit of a smile. "I'm Christian. Nice to meet you, Carol." He glances back to
Alyssa. "Well, why not pray outside, then?"
Carol Walker: Nice to meet you too. *Watches Alyssa*
Alyssa Kostapoulos: "Because it offends the
Christians. And makes people look at me funny. I have to be normal if I want to
go outside."
Christian Gallagher: "Ahh...okay. I can
understand that." He nods a little bit. "Religious discrimination sucks. I'm
sorry you have to deal with that."
Alyssa Kostapoulos: She nods, with the same
pout. "The books lied to me. I was told that Americans were free from all that.
But it's a sham."
Carol Walker: Alright well...you both have a good
night. *She wheels away, blending in with the crowd, shaking her head a bit and
muttering about crazy people in the big apple*
Carol Walker: ((thanks for the scene. Night all!))
Christian Gallagher: "We try to be. I think
we're better then most places are, to be fair. But..." He shrugs. "People are
still people, and they fear what they don't understand."
Christian Gallagher: ((Night!))
Alyssa Kostapoulos: She gives a tiny
huff. "That doesn't make it right."
Christian Gallagher: "No, it doesn't." He
shakes his head. "Trust me, I know. I wish it were different."
Alyssa Kostapoulos: She gives a quiet sigh
and backs away. "It was nice seeing you again, man. Be careful. The barbaric
enforcement officials are very mean in this park."
Christian Gallagher: "I will. You be careful
too, Alyssa. Good night."
Alyssa Kostapoulos: She nods and wanders
Christian Gallagher: He watches her go, a
little smile on his face. People in this city. He sighs and sits there for a
while, before eventually making his way out. ((Thanks for the scene))